Toponim Wilayah Kota Pekanbaru: Etnisitas, Penggunaan Bahasa, Dan Campur Kode (original) (raw)
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The Naming System for Villages and Borough in Cirebon Regency: A Study of Toponyms in Indonesia
This study aimes to describe "The Naming System for Villages and Borough in Cirebon Regency: A Study of Toponyms" with used descriptive-ethnographic methods Spradley (2013) and Sudaryanto (2015). Data sources are derived from some village names/borough in Cirebon District, in the form of (a) written sources (literature study) and (b) oral sources. The direction of the discussion is (1) Tracking of toponymous areas and the origin of the source/language; (2) Description of morphological constructions; and (3) Construction of toponym philosophical meanings/representations in the names of villages/borough in Cirebon District. The results of the study in the discussion are based on: (1) Source Name: Direction of winds, Water and maritime elements, Figure, Flora, and others; (2) Origin of language, namely (Javanese Cirebon, Sundanese language, Sundanese language + Javanese Cirebon, JC-Indonesian, Indonesian, Kawi language, Sanskerta, Chinese language, Javanese + Sundanese language, and Arabic; (3) Toponyms in the names of villages in Cirebon District represent meanings and philosophies related to: (a) The Relationship between man and the Creator (God Almighty), (b) Human-Human; (c) Human-Nature; and (d) Human-the Unseen
The Toponymy of Village Names in Gorontalo, Indonesia
Theory and Practice in Language Studies
Geographically, Bone Bolango Regency is divided into 18 districts administration areas consisting of 5 sub-districts and 160 villages. Without a doubt, a significant number of regions resulting from the division are currently unaware of the origin of the naming of regions and boundaries. Therefore, it is necessary to study the existence of these places in terms of the aspect of naming the region (toponymy) and the area where the division of the region occurs. Tapa District is one of the districts in Bone Bolango Regency. This qualitative research combines two approaches, namely anthropolinguistic and geographic approaches. The purpose of this study is to identify the toponymy of the village based on (1) embodiment aspects (water, topographical, and natural environment backgrounds), (2) social aspects, and (3) cultural aspects. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews and literature studies with data sources obtained from village officials, community leaders, traditional l...
This study aims to describe types of meanings and identify the semantic relations of place names, as well as explains the migration in Minangkabau on the West Coast of Sumatra. A qualitative research was used where sources of data were taken from interview, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and documents. The interview and FGD were conducted to society figures, community leaders and government officials. The documents include the names of 22 sub-districts in 11 districts from four provinces, written sources, and other relics related to the names. The findings show that the place names provide knowledge about the relations of the meaning and socio-cultural values. The relation among the meanings of the place names includes synonymy and antonym that reflects the migration of Minangkabau in West Coast of Sumatra. The results also indicated that toponymy studies are very important because the naming of places has not received attention among the communities and has not been a study of inter...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017), 2017
This research aims to reveal the origin and meaning of toponyms are contained on The East Region of Cirebon. The methods used in this study is ethnographic methods with descriptive qualitative approach and ethnolinguistic analysis technique. The object of this research is the name of villages in The East Region of Cirebon consisting of 191 villages from 18 sub-districts are located in the east of Cirebon Regency, West Java. Sources of data about names of villages in The East Region of Cirebon are obtained from literature studies and field observations. In this study found the physical environmental aspect on toponyms in The East Region of Cirebon means water, flora, landform, and land use. Meanwhile, socio-cultural aspects are characterized by words mean on historical events, expectations, perceptions, and community activities. Naming derived from Javanese (57%), Sundanese (33%), Sundanese and Javanese (8%), and others language (2%). Meanwhile, 42% of village toponim in the region means physical environment and 58% means socio-cultural aspects.
Ecolinguistics can explore language patterns in general which influence how humans think about and treat this world. To give a new insight in the domain of ecolinguistics, this paper presents an ecolinguistics study in place-naming aspect in Gianyar Sub-district. This research which applied descriptive approach is aimed at investigating the relationship between people, language, place and names in Gianyar Sub-district. The emphasis of this research is not only on the structural analysis but also on the multitude of cultural and ecological parameters which are significant considerations in conducting ecolinguistics analysis of toponyms. Generally, toponyms of certain places are based on the prominent characteristic of the places, both physical and non-physical. Furthermore, it is also based on the myth believed by the society of the places. Gianyar Sub-district was chosen because this region has places with unique names. They are not merely unique but there are meanings behind them. The exploration result of place-naming in Gianyar Sub-district revealed that the relationship between language and the environment can be traced with the entities around certain places. In addition, it is confirmed that historical value, socio-cultural value, and the local wisdom of the society are essential parts in place-naming of the entities. The discussion becomes important because the place-naming involves the characteristics of certain places. Furthermore, this research can serve as an effort to preserve the local wisdom, especially Bali in this information age.
A Morphosemantic Study of Toponym with Prefix ‘CI’ in Sundanese Ethnic – Indonesia
Journey (Journal of English Language and Pedagogy)
The study highlights the morphosemantic analysis (morphological classification and semantic category) of toponym with prefix ‘ci’ in Sundanese ethnic of West Java-Indonesia. The results of analysis are used as substantive sources to describe the former local wisdom values reflected on the social and cultural paradigm, such as norms, ethics, people’s mental capacity, and local traditions. The study also attempts to examine the contemporary evidence of values in the community to ensure its sustainability. The research methodology uses a descriptive qualitative by collecting the data with field observation, depth-interview, and documents. It contributes to the debates of rethinking the agenda of political toponymy stated by Reuben Rose-Redwood. The findings indicate that the morphological classification of Cikalong toponym includes a derivative form referring to a poly-morphemic word. The denotative meaning of toponym includes a complex category that reflects the complex ways of thin...
Regional Toponymy in Cirebon Regency: An Ethnolinguistic Study
Cirebon is one of the most interesting regions in Indonesia and has three center of kingdoms which are widely recognized in the history of Cirebon, namely Kasepuhan, Kanoman, and Kecerbonan Palace (Ramlan, 2008: 11). Cirebon is also a center for the development of various aspects of life, such as economy, politic, culture, history, as well as religion with various ethnics and religious backgrounds. One of the indicators of community sociocultural development in Cirebon is the practice of naming a place (toponym). Toponym is a form of linkage between language, culture, and mindset of its people. The concept of regional toponym reflects the sociocultural and historical paradigm of its owner community. This study aims to: (1) explain the underlying aspects of toponym; (2) describe the morphological form in toponym; and (3) reveal the philosophy/values of local wisdom from the toponym system in the district and city of Cirebon. The method used is descriptive-qualitative and ethnography ...
Paradigma Jurnal Kajian Budaya, 2021
From 2017 to 2019, a number of street names were changed in Yogyakarta, Bandung and Surabaya City by each Provincial Government for the purpose of celebrating the reconciliation between the Sundanese (West Java) and the Javanese (Central Java, East Java, and Yogyakarta) after years of dispute due to the infamous Bubat Tragedy which occurred in the 14th century. Some existing street names in Yogyakarta and Surabaya were changed to those associated with Sundanese history, such as Jalan Padjadjaran and Jalan Siliwangi, while some existing street names in Bandung were changed to those associated with Javanese history, such as Jalan Majapahit and Jalan Hayam Wuruk. The author explores this phenomenon using the concept of critical toponymies and examines the connections between naming, place-making, and power underlying such policy. This study found that, although the changes were made with good intentions, in some cases this was actually opposed by several factions within the local community because those changes could obliterate the historical significance and collective memory represented by the previous names. From theoretical perspective, this paper also discussed the successful and unsuccessful changes of street names, as well as their relevance to the current context. In other words, our findings can be taken into consideration in future policy-making process. [Dari 2017 hingga 2019, telah dilakukan penggantian sejumlah nama jalan di Kota Yogyakarta, Bandung, dan Surabaya oleh pemerintah provinsi dengan tujuan untuk merayakan tuntasnya konflik yang timbul antara orang Sunda dan orang Jawa setelah peristiwa Perang Bubat pada abad ke-14. Sejumlah nama jalan di Yogyakarta dan Surabaya diubah menjadi Jalan Padjadjaran dan Jalan Siliwangi yang berciri Sunda, sedangkan nama sejumlah nama jalan di Bandung diubah menjadi Jalan Majapahit dan Jalan Hayam Wuruk yang berciri Jawa. Selanjutnya, penulis menganalisis fenomena itu menggunakan konsep critical toponymies (toponimi kritis) dan mengkaji hubungan antara ikhtiar penamaan (naming), penciptaan tempat (place making), dan unsur kuasa (power) yang melatarinya. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, meskipun penggantian nama itu dilakukan dengan itikad baik, pada sebagian kasus, kebijakan ini justru ditentang oleh sebagian masyarakat karena pengubahan dapat menghilangkan nilai sejarah dan memori kolektif yang terkandung di dalamnya. Dari segi teoretis, makalah ini juga mendiskusikan keberhasilan dan ketidakberhasilan pengubahan nama jalan serta kaitannya dengan konteks aktual sehingga dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan di dalam proses pembuatan kebijakan di masa depan.]
West Coastal Toponyms of Sumatra Island: A Corpus Linguistics Study
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
Several pieces of research on the toponym of place names in Indonesia have been carried out but focus on place names on the island of Java. The limited documentation of place names makes the study of toponymy in Sumatra a must. This article aims to map the thematization of place naming on the West Coast of Sumatra Island. The research was conducted in a qualitative descriptive manner with a corpus linguistic approach. Data was collected by means of documentation, interviews, and focus group discussions. Data were analyzed by following work procedures by Miles and Huberman (2013), involving data condensation, data display, verification drawing, and Sudaryat's toponymy categorization (2009). The results showed that the toponym of place names on the West Coast of Sumatra Island reflects the relationship between humans and their natural environment. This relationship is manifested through the thematization of place names, namely: embodiment, social, and culture. The embodiment aspec...
Toponymy of Indonesian Islands: Historical and linguistic perspectives
Environment-behaviour proceedings journal, 2023
This study investigates the toponymy of the Indonesian Islands. The researchers collect data by tracing documents containing islands' names from colonial to modern times. The data are taken from written sources containing the names of the Indonesian islands. The study applies a historical and linguistic approach. The research results indicate that the naming of Indonesian islands mainly involved Portuguese, Dutch, the Indonesian government, and local people. The naming of the islands is closely related to the perspective and behaviour of the parties involved in naming the islands. Besides, the naming of Indonesian islands also contained political, social, economic, and cultural motives.