Le tourisme dans les environnements littoraux et insulaires : permanences, limites et perspectives (original) (raw)

Le tourisme dans les îles et littoraux tropicaux : ressources et enjeux de développement

Cette étude souligne l’importance des enjeux touristiques pour les îles tropicales. La singularité des espaces est trop souvent négligée en raison de la vigueur des représentations fantasmées de l’île tropicale qui est perçue tel un lieu paradisiaque, un lieu d’accomplissement de désirs illimités où s’écoule une vie facile, avec ses rivages ensoleillés, entre récifs coralliens et plages de sable blanc bordées de cocotiers. Ces richesses immatérielles reposent sur des ressources bien réelles, abondantes et vulnérables, à l’image des emblématiques récifs coralliens.Certes les destinations insulaires tropicales ne connaissent pas les niveaux de fréquentation des grandes régions du monde mais leurs flux doivent être reconsidérés au regard des caractéristiques de ces territoires (faible superficie, charge de population, rareté de la terre, limites des ressources) qui nécessitent la définition d’indications spécifiques. Mais l’avènement d’un tourisme de masse dans ces ultimes frontières, ces « Pleasure Periphery » nécessite de s’interroger sur la viabilité des stratégies de développement mises en oeuvre autour du tourisme. This study highlights the importance of tourism issues for the tropical islands. The singularity of the spaces is too often overlooked because of the strength of fantasized representations of the tropical island which is seen as a paradise, a place of accomplishment desires unlimited with an easy life, with its sunny shores, between coral reefs and white sandy beaches lined with coconut trees. These intangible wealth are based on real resources, abundant and vulnerable,like the emblematic image of coral reefs. Although the tropical island destinations are not supported the weight of the major touristic regions of the world but their flows should be reconsidered in the light of the characteristics of these territories (small size, load population, shortage of land, limits of resources) that require defining specific indicators. But the advent of mass tourism in these last frontier, these "Pleasure Periphery" needs to question the sustainability of tourism development strategies.

Le tourisme dans les îles : contextualiser le projet territorial

Tourism in islands: to contextualize the territorial project The power of attraction of the islands is well established, between the power of intangible resources fed by representations built over time and specific natural and cultural resources of these territories borders. Tourism then appears as an undeniable opportunity. However, the singular territorial context that the island must be considered to weigh the issues of tourism development and opening to the world. In this context it is necessary to develop efficient indicators to measure the sustainability of the tourism project as well as the development of the tourism sector which is only one step (and not an end in itself) in the opening process the island.

L’éco-tourisme, un « modèle » de tourisme alternatif pour les territoires insulaires touristiques français ? Discussion à partir d’expériences croisées Corse-Martinique

Eco-tourism a "model" of alternative tourism for island territories french tourist? viewpoints from Corsica and Martinique experiences From a comparative study of original that puts into perspective the experiences made in Corsica and Martinique islands, this paper questions the scope of eco-tourism as an alternative to mass tourism to the French islands. Both destinations are first presented briefly review the type of developed tourism and its socio-spatial causes discussed for each of the islands, there is a societal expectation pregnant for another type of tourism. It is then shown that the position of the government in terms of alternative tourism, which remains the order of discourse, encourages local actors to pursue their own projects. However, in terms of local development, the impact of these local initiatives, scattered and disjointed, are in fact very low. These observations lead to the presentation of a conceptual model for ecotourism island territories, which seeks both to clarify the definition of ecotourism is to open the discussion on recommendations for moving towards sustainability.

Le tourisme dans les petites économies insulaires Analyse des fondamentaux de la spécialisation touristique comme source soutenable de croissance

Tourism has become a social, cultural and economic phenomenon. However, the impact of tourism on a long-term economy growth remains ambiguous, especially for small island economies (SIE). This thesis seeks to identify the fundamentals of tourism specialization as a sustainable source of growth for a SIE. On the one hand, it has led us to redefine the main components of tourism as a social and economic activity and to clarify how tourism contributes to the economic growth. On the other hand, this thesis reveals the ambiguity of the relationship between tourism and growth. It provides new explanations for a more virtuous tourism growth model and more adapted to the global tourism market. The results of the introduction of tourism into a Romer's model of endogenous growth and those of a threshold regression model applied to a sample of SEI call into question the hypothesis of linearity between tourist specialization and economic growth. The thesis demonstrates the end of a model of intensive tourist development. It concludes that tourism is a sustainable source of growth for an SIE, when intelligence and agility constitute the leitmotif of a sustainable, multi-stakeholder tourism strategy.

L’archipel de Malte : l’insularité touristique en question

L'archipel de Malte connaît depuis de nombreuses années une activité touristique de premier ordre pour son économie. L'attrait de l'archipel pour les touristes se décline en fonction de plusieurs variables articulées autour des activités balnéaires, culturelles, éducatives et de loisirs. La qualité et la diversité de l'hôtellerie ainsi qu'une excellente accessibilité aérienne concourent à situer Malte en bonne place, en terme relatif, dans la hiérarchie insulaire du bassin méditerranéen. D'autant, que Malte présente plusieurs spécificités liées à des conditions territoriales, politiques et institutionnelles singulières au sein des îles de la Méditerranée.