Relationships between School Climate and Values: The Mediating Role of Attitudes towards Authority in Adolescents (original) (raw)


Value education is important in education system. The value based education has become must in the changing society. Value based education inculcate compassion and integrity in a student is must for nurturing responsible citizens of tomorrow. In recent years, interest among researchers in the study of values and their relation to the school climate is gaining importance. It was intended through the present investigation to study the value orientation among secondary school students of District Nawanshahr in relation to their school climate. Based on a survey, the sample constituted to the 200 secondary school students. The data was analysed using statistical technique Analysis of variance (one-way) and Scheffe's Post Hoc. The result indicated that there is no significant difference in the Theoretical values (VA), Aesthetic values (VC), Political values (VY) and Religious values (VZ) of secondary school students in relation to their school climate. But Economic values (VB) and Social values (VX) of secondary school students in relation to their school climate differ significantly.

The Relationship between School Climate, School Valuing, and Academic Achievement among Middle School Students


For adolescents, middle school can be a turbulent and stormy experience. During this stage, young people go through significant developmental changes, seek autonomy from their parents, and desire a sense of belonging with others outside of their families. For this reason, the school environment plays an important role in shaping young people?s interests - including the value they place in their academics. School climate is defined by the quality and character of the school environment, including students? sense of safety, interpersonal relationships, experiences in their classes, and the overall aesthetic and quality of resources in the school. While there is an extensive body of research on school climate, including the relationship between school climate and academic achievement, less is known about the pathways through which school climate may influence academic achievement. To address that gap, the current study seeks to investigate the relationship between school climate dimens...

A Study of Values among Adolescents in relation to their School Environment Amarjeet Kaur

Introduction: Indian government has made education for every child (below 14 years) compulsory and each one is entitled to get free primary education. Yet, primary education remains a basic worry. There are various reasons behind it, one of which is illiteracy. Illiteracy amongst rural women hampers their access to information, which is very vital for their overall wellbeing as well as for their children e.g. health awareness, importance of education for their children.

The Effect of Authoritative School Climate on Students’ Academic Achievement

International Business Education Journal, 2017

This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of authoritative school climate, particularly the disciplinary structure and student support, on student academic achievement. The study adopted a quantitative approach and a sample survey method. 200 students were selected from two secondary schools in Zone 5 Kinta Utara, Ipoh using a systematic sampling method. Multiple linear regressions were used to test the proposed hypotheses. The results show that the student supports have a significant and positive effect on the student's academic achievement, but not disciplinary structure. Accordingly, to boost student achievement, the school administrators should adopt authoritative school climate, specifically by embedding the student support culture among all school teachers and support staffs. Despite the results provide insights on the significance of the authoritative school climate to increase student achievement, this study is subjected to some limitations, which require improvement and replication in the future studies.

A Variable Predicting School Climate: The Personality Traits of School Principals

Başkent University Journal of Education, 2019

This correlational article examined the relationship between school climate and personality traits of the school principals according to teachers' perceptions. The sample of the research consisted of 171 teachers and convenience sampling method was used in the research. The School Climate Scale and the Adjective Based Personality Scale were used as data collection tools in the study. In the study, it was found that there was a significant relationship between school climate and school principal's personality trait s. In addition, it was also found that neurotic personality trait predicted the supportive school climate negatively, and openness to experience personality trait predicted the directive school climate positively. In the context of the results, it is suggested that the personality traits of school principals should be taken into consideration in order to create a positive school climate. Öz Bu ilişkisel makalede okul iklimi ile okul müdürlerinin kişilik özellikleri arasındaki ilişki, öğretmen algılarına göre incel enmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklemi 171 öğretmen oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada veri toplama aracı olarak Okul İklim Ölçeği ve Sıfatlara Dayalı Kişilik Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada okul iklimi ile okul müdürünün kişilik özellikleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiş, bununla birlikte, nevrotik kişilik özelliğinin, destekleyici okul iklimini olumsuz yönde yordadığı ve deneyime açık kişilik özelliğinin ise yönlendirici okul iklimini olumlu yönde etkilediği saptanmıştır. Araştırmanın sonuç bölümünde ise olumlu bir okul ikliminin oluşturulabilmesi için okul müdürlerinin kişilik özelliklerinin dikkate alınması gerektiği görüşü öne sürülmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Büyük Beşli, kişilik özellikleri, okul iklimi, okul müdürleri. Introduction The understanding of socio-psychological environment in organizations, and analyzing the school climate's effect on the attitude and behavior of the employees both have had a significant and relevant place in the literature of organization and management for a long time

A Study of 9th Grade Students’ Perception Regarding School Climate

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2019

The Present Study was focused on study of perception of school climate among students of 9th grade. This study helped to understand the feelings of students’ regarding the school environment where they spend five to six hours per day. School climate is the quality and attributes of a school. It includes school’s rules and regulation, norms, behavior, support system, expectations etc. Everything that is a part of school environment, which eventually plays an important role in shaping the overall personality of children, falls under the category of school climate. The subject of the research concerns the perception of school climate among 9th grade students of North – West zone in Delhi. This study was conducted on 120 students (60 each from both schools). Students’ perception regarding school climate was studied using ‘The School Climate Scale’ developed by Dr. Shivender Pratap Singh & Dr. Ali Imam. This climate scale consists of 18 statements of on five point scale namely strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree and strongly disagree ranging from 5 points to 1 point respectively. The responded respond on the various aspects of climate in school such as freedom, cooperation, motivation, enjoyment of schooling, discipline, health and hygiene, fee structure, equal opportunities, support of faculty and administration. The findings of the study indicates that majority of students have fairly good and satisfactory level of perception regarding the climate of school. In addition it was found that teacher’s and faculty support, discipline, opportunities provide a positive impact on students. In addition to this it was found that 9th grade Government and Private school students have different perceptions about the school climate. On the other hand, on the basis of mean values, it was observed that private school students have significantly better perception towards school climate in comparison to their government school counterparts.

An extention of the school moral atmosphere construct, and its association with aggressive behaviours in secondary school

European Journal of Psychology of Education, 2006

The first aim of this research is to introduce and to validate the new concept of School Normative Context, that revisits the concept of School Moral Atmosphere studied by Brugman and his colleagues through the SMAQ (1999) and validated also in the Italian context (Mancini & Fruggeri, 2005). The School Normative Context entails two new aspects: The first one concerns the interactive dimension of each specific school context and the second one concerns the perception of responsibility (internal vs, external) in the implementation of the norm. The second aim is to study the relation among adolescents perception of School Normative Context, adolescents’ orientation towards social rules and their aggressive behaviours against classmates at school. 268 students (mean age 17,01) attending three Italian high schools of three different educational levels (Lyceum, technical and professional) participated in this research. They filled a questionnaire composed of three parts: School Normative Context Questionnaire (SNC), Normative Orientation Scale (NOS) and Aggression Scale (Orpinas, Frankowski, 2001). School Normative Context has shown an acceptable degree of conceptual and predictive validity. The research has shown that the School Normative Context has an influence on the aggressive behaviours against classmates. Furthermore, it is a mediating factor between the adolescents’ orientation towards social norms and their aggressive behaviours at school. Le premier objectif de cette recherche est d’introduire et de valider le concept de Contexte Normatif Scolaire (CNS). Ce nouveau concept, développé à partir de la notion d’Atmosphère Morale Scolaire proposée et étudiée par Brugman et collaborateurs (1999), se distingue cependant de cette dernière à deux égards: l’étude du CNS s’appuie, d’une part, sur l’analyse des dimensions interactives relatives à chaque contexte scolaire considéré et, d’autre part, sur la perception de responsabilité s’agissant de l’application des règles sociales. Le deuxième objectif concerne l’étude des liens entre la perception du CNS de la part des adolescents, leur orientation à l’égard des règles sociales et leurs comportements agressifs envers leurs camarades de classes. La recherche a été conduite par le biais d’un questionnaire soumis à 268 élèves (âge moyen: 17,01 ans) provenant de trois écoles supérieures italiennes (un Lycée, une école technique et une école professionnelee). Le questionnaire comprend trois parties différentes. La première est finalisée à l’étude du CNS, la seconde vise à l’évaluation de l’orientation normaltive (NOS) et la troisième permet d’évaluer les comportements agressifs (Orpinas & Frankowski, 2001). Le Contexte Normatif Scolaire a montré un niveau acceptable de validité aussi bien conceptuelle que prédictive. Les résultats ont montré que le Contexte Normatif Scolaire influence les comportements agressifs envers les camarades d’école et qu’il intervient comme facteur de médiation entre l’orientation des adolescents à l’égard des règles sociales et leurs compotements agressifs à l’école.

The students' values acquired at school

Junior Scientific Researcher, 2019

The trends of introducing and securing quality in education have imposed the need for emphasizing the values that the students acquire at school. We have decided to look this subject closely because students have always been the most obvious indicator for the teacher's success, the parents' success and the school's achievement as a whole. That is why we have started the research about the values which direct the students towards proper functioning and development of their personality. The future of our society depends on the student's values, acquired during their schooling. The lessons values in the educational process should be adequately adopted and nurtured. The children have a tremendous power of observing and their feelings are deeply rooted. They always observe their parents and teachers, who are a source of inspiration. Moreover, young people represent a great value to our society, and it is needed a lot of attention and encouragement for further met cognition. Therefore, the most important thing for students is to begin the process of acquiring values from an early age, which would be a solid foundation for their further development and living. Introduction The concept of value can be defined as knowledges and beliefs accepted for a community or its common good. Values are expressed in the form of attitudes considered desirable and right in the everyday life. Studying and acquiring values originally begins in the family, and then continues in the educational institutions. The core values of the students, which are acquired in the first place, are appropriate values taken over from their parents, and later on the ones that the educational system offers in schools. If there is a lack of consistency between the values students learned in school and the family, then conflicts occur, and these situations cause personality disorders (Yaşaroğlu, 2016).

When It Rains While the Sun is Shining: School Climate as an Echo of the (Future) Social Climate


Considering that a society is a 'particular grouping of humanity with shared customs, laws etc.', school meets all these criteria and, given that, it may be called a society within a society, a miniature society that exists within a larger society. Schools provide a social context for a broader and more complex social world. Hence, school is more than a context for academic learning, it is also a place where children learn to build positive social relationships, gain independence and develop emotionally, behaviourally, and cognitively. School attendance involves navigating peer interaction, solving social problems, developing the socioemotional and relational skills essential to build and maintain relationships. What happens in the social life of children is central to the sense of comfort and safety in school and to participation in school tasks and their school results. The school climate involves the quality and consistency of interpersonal relationships, the sense of belonging to the school community and the perceived safety that the School conveys and seems to be reflected in the socio-emotional adjustment and mental health of children and young people. In addition, school and behavioural outcomes also appear to be associated with the school climate. There has been a significant and rising interest in improving the school climate in recent years. This is due to the following three factors. First, there is a growing number of empirical researches that support the notion that context is important. Second, there is an increasing perception that a better school climate supports the effective prevention of violence in general. Third, there is an upward interest in the promotion of transversal skills such as moral values, socio-emotional skills, mental health promotion efforts, and the promotion of citizenship through community engagement. This growing interest in research on the school climate has also been seen at the political level. This is considered an essential aspect in the development of programs to promote socio-emotional skills and to prevent behaviour problems. It is intended that school climate and safety can be non-academic indicators for classifying schools. The present study aims to analyse the school leaders' perceptions about the school climate. It is intended to describe their conceptualizations about the subject, as well as their reflections on the utility and implications of the concept. Through content analysis it will be possible to reflect on the trends, challenges and implications of this concept, presenting the implications for practice and for research.