The digital/virtual and technological developments that emerged in the 21st century have led to significant multidimensional changes in the lives of individuals and societies. This process has also manifested itself as a necessary result of transferring and articulating daily life to the virtual universe in a multidimensional way. In other words, virtual life’s multidimensional siege and hegemony constructs itself as an unshakable reality in individual and social life. In other words, virtual life’s multidimensional siege and hegemony create itself an unshakable reality in personal and social life. This virtual reality seems to have diversified and enriched over time, especially with the content and fiction of the Metaverse. Reality (AR: Augmented Reality) is a digital platform that allows its users to create virtual worlds with an impressive and attractive three-dimensional interface and avatars. Metaverse, in which almost every area of daily life is hypothetically fictionalized through avatars, is, in a sense a parallel universe virtualization focused on game/entertainment and therefore pleasure, image and consumption. In this context, what are Metaverse’s religious and social manifestations, where many daily activities or activities are carried out? Engages in a critical discussion of its problems. Qualitative methods and documentation techniques were preferred in the study. 30 | db Metaverse reflects or visualizes content based on the relationship between religion and society is very important for the discipline of the sociology of religion. Examining the religion-society relationship in the conception of the metaverse from the perspective of the Sociology of Religion now expresses a necessity rather than a necessity. It can be said that understanding and analyzing the point reached by the rapidly changing/transforming religion and social relations today through the socio-religious content and orientations of the Metaverse will meet a need in the sociology of religion. In this respect, the sociology of religion science needs to focus and concentrate on research and analysis of the Metaverse. It is almost impossible to consider religion or society completely independent of digital technologies such as Metaverse. On the other hand, when we look at the sociology of religion literature, the inadequacy of the studies carried out in the Metaverse stands out in the first place. On the other hand, diversifying the subjects and courses of the sociology of religion within this framework is a necessary dimension of today’s virtual religion and social relations. Thus, it will be easier to understand and make sense of the Metaverse, which has become a subject worthy of research and evaluation by directly entering the field of the sociology of religion. At this point, it is essential to carry out qualified studies that will contribute to the sociology of religion literature to trace the changes that may arise regarding the Metaverse in the context of religion and society. Metaverse is examined, and it is seen that some criticisms have been opened in general. At this point, there is the fictional and perceptual construction of avatar communities and the reproduction of digital religion with different designs. The main determining factor in these productions is the individual’s imagination within the digital content framework. In this context, it is recommended to produce the digital fiction and perception of an avatar design that expresses and positions the individual and determines his social status and image in the Metaverse. In this respect, Metaverse draws attention with its different manifestations of “as if” on a perceptual and fictional basis. Unlike the real social order, almost everything is f ictionalized as “as if”. Metaverse, as an element of relatively capitalist culture, imposes a digital consciousness that suppresses society’s religious, moral or human aspects. On the other hand, this consciousness rises only under the guidance of fictional and utopian elements. In this respect, Metaverse tends to corrupt, exploit and exploit by transforming the natural and natural world of man. In this sense, Metaverse corresponds to the understanding of the individual and society, prioritizing a soulless, disembodied, uniform, secular, consumer, and hedonist approach. In this respect, Metaverse presents signs that become meaningless and uncertain in religious and social dimensions. In this context, it is observed that new understandings of society and religion are produced. A three-dimensional segment of digital society and religion productions that is closer to reality at the perceptual level is revealed. At this point, we can discuss a design that can be read as “avatar society” and “avatar religion and piety”. In this sense, there are intricate social structures, types of relationships, and religious manifestations that are shaped by the individual's desire and imagination but enabled by content based on digital data. The social and religious manifestations of the Metaverse can be expressed as a tangle of public and unpredictable power relations and interactions that prioritize realizing individual wishes and dreams. This, on the other hand, contains an aspect that is open to dangers, risks, anomalies, deviations, uncertainties, dilemmas, and multidimensional interpretations from social and religious perspectives. When we look at the religious manifestations of the Metaverse, it can be said that it has content and tendencies that open the door to religious abuse. At this point, it is understood that the absence of religious authority and lack of religious control is one of the main reasons for this. In particular, the dominance of the avatar-oriented religion approach rather than the authoritarian-oriented religion in the traditional religion is striking. This shows the ambiguity and meaninglessness of how religion will be located in the Metaverse, and the lack of (e) the content of any structure or system that can correspond to religious experience and spirituality. At this point, we do not have a religious indicator other than making a place of worship or wandering around with digital fiction. At this point, there is not enough data on how to make sense of human beings’ transcendent or religious dimensions, even through the avatar. The absence of authority to explain the religious manifestations and extras in the metaverse leads to profound ambiguity in the religious sense. It is seen that the meaning of religious behavior, attitude, symbol, and language in Metaverse is limited to digital content. This is an attempt to prevent the diversity that may occur from religious perspectives and experiences. In addition, this situation only allows it to go up to the limit determined by digital elements. This can cause religious and moral deviations and breaks in the Metaverse. Thus, it becomes possible for people to have problems regarding religious experience and interpretation due to the lack of religious authority and guidance. The fictional and perceptual qualities of Metaverse, in a sense, are strengthened by three-dimensional avatars equipped with anthropomorphic features. It means that robotic/mechanical human beings, discovered with the saving of movement (equipments) since time and space, are imbued with divine qualities in subjects such as creation, survival, death, and the hereafter. In this sense, the human being is drawn to a field of thought that can be expressed with the motto “man is self-sufficient” or “man is the measure of everything” as a striking element in the avatar figures equipped in anthropomorphic style. In light of these analyses, the following questions may come to mind: Is a system setup contemplated in the Metaverse that can respond to religious, moral, or spiritual social needs? Or, according to the current fiction, is this need or dimension of society neglected? Or is the transcendent/religious dimension of the individual or organization completely left to human monopoly (initiative)? If the intended setup of the Metaverse is like this, wouldn't this serve the deification of man? Or at least not lay the groundwork for it? Thus, based on the transhumanist perspective, the aim of sanctifying the human being and wearing the armor of immortality can emerge. In augmented virtual reality, it is another matter of debate whether the limitation of human beings to purely digital/mechanical/robotic worlds or situations and the extent to which they want to fit into these are compatible with human nature and real life. As a result, the importance of a more detailed and different view of the religious and social manifestations of the Metaverse emerges. In this context, the idea that research based on religious and social perspectives on Metaverse should gain momentum. It seems essential to realize alternative studies for environments or applications with digital content, which can be an alternative to the fictional and perceptual world of Metaverse, which are more understandable in the religious and social dimension, sustainable, educational qualities are at the forefront, taking into account the transcendent and spiritual dimension of human beings.