Let´ S Go the University Laboratory: A Successful Collaborative Experience (original) (raw)
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Training Physics degree students in a research optics laboratory
The unification of the new European studies under the framework of the Bologna process creates a new adaptation within the field of Physics this academic year 08/09 and in the coming years until 2010. An adjustment to the programs is required in order to migrate to the new European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), changing the credit from 10 to 25
Different approaches to research and innovation in physics education at college and university
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
In this article we report a Symposium organized by GTG-Physics Education Research at University (PERU) with different proposals that includes innovative educational approaches and research on problems of teaching-learning physics at university. In the second section, two research projects are described on teaching specific curriculum topics that present special difficulties for students. In the next section the third project on a work experience in the laboratory that takes into account the characteristics of scientific work, is presented. Finally, the fourth project presents a way to investigate the types of student reasoning. In the discussion, the importance of research projects that include not only conceptual understanding but also those areas such as laboratory work or “on-line physics courses” that involve practicing skills of scientific work, is highlighted.
Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 2012
Wider knowledge update is always a big challenge for schools. In the event of changes in the curriculum, a question naturally arises: where teachers and students will get new teaching materials. It is necessary to renew textbooks and other teaching tools and to help teachers learn how to work with new knowledge. Natural science laboratory material base in secondary schools has been renewed by implementation of the project "Infrastructure of technology arts and natural sciences”. However, to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to find out whether there is sufficient infrastructure, whether new equipment conforms to expectations of the teacher, whether teachers are able to learn independently and appropriately use new laboratory equipment and modern tools. All this added together can require a systematic teacher training. The paper presents research connected with the new equipment and teaching tools received by Lithuanian secondary schools under the project "Infrast...
The search for new strategies that assist in the teaching-learning process of modern physics in basic education in the country is necessary, above all, to develop contextualized, non-fragmented and meaningful learning of what is taught in the classroom. It is in this direction that this article discusses the issue of meaningful learning and potentially significant teaching units (UEPS) focusing on the teaching of modern physics: the corpuscular nature of light, in high school. To achieve this, the discussion is based on significant and critical learning from authors such as David Ausubel and Marco Antônio Moreira. In the end, it is reflected that the application of UEPS is a teaching-learning strategy that can contribute to the application of modern physics concepts relating to technological advances and also to students' everyday situations.
Reflexões sobre a formação em educação física para atuação em saúde
Revista Eletrônica de Educação, 2019
O professor de Educação Física, tornou-se no decorrer dos anos, um profissional valorizado pela sociedade, de tal modo que, atualmente integra equipes multidisciplinares no Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS, e através de sua abordagem interdisciplinar, vem conquistando cada vez mais espaço. Com este intuito, o objetivo dessa pesquisa é analisar a formação oferecida no curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física da Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú. Para tanto, este estudo tem como metodologia a pesquisa de campo e exploratória, pois tem como foco as informações e/ou conhecimentos sobre um problema ou situação, buscando respostas para tanto, ou comprovando pressupostos, descobrindo novos fenômenos ou as relações entre eles. O cenário desta pesquisa foi a Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú, em específico, entrevistas com os docentes do curso de Educação Física da referida universidade, no ano de 2017. A partir dos achados, observou-se o perfil destes professores: homens, com idades entre...
Fifteenth Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics: ETOP 2019, 2019
In Brazil, we’ve perceived that there is resistance to the learning of Optics by students who are not from the area of physics. The traditional way of teaching optics requires a prior knowledge of calculus that is not easy to students of the natural sciences. In order to solve this problem, we have developed an experimental optics discipline for undergraduate students in nature sciences: Concepts in Experimental Optics (Conceitos de Optica Experimental, EACH-USP). This course is divided into three parts: (I) The Origin of Light, (II) The Path of Light and (III) The Light Destination. In the first part, we work with light emission spectra, continuum and ray spectra, using spectral lamps and everyday lamps. The second part presents the concepts and applications of Geometrical Optics and Wave Optics, including Geometrical Theory of Diffraction. The third part is about the absorption of light by matter with application in light detectors and photosynthesis. In the first lesson, we intro...
Since 2005, the Italian Universities have promoted initiatives for school-university cooperation in the framework of a national project (PLS) to face the problems of a substantial scientific illiteracy in young people and a worrying decreasing interest in physics emerging from OCSE-PISA data. The project PLS is financed by the Ministry for Education and Universities and coordinates 65 local university projects in mathematics, physics, chemistry and material science. The collaboration of Universities with teachers in the PLS physics section is an important goal realized in different ways. The Italian university Physics Education Research Unit (IPERU), cooperating with national research projects on physics education over the last 15 years, joined in a proposal for PLS consisting of a national pilot II level Master (post Master Degree) on innovations in teaching and learning physics and guidance for in-service teacher development in modern physics and problem solving. The Master (Master IDIFO) is realized through the cooperation of 15 IPERU, led by Udine. The Physics Education Research (PER) is present in the Master IDIFO in various dimensions: the materials used for teacher development are research products, and the activities proposed include research-based school experiments (teaching experiments). The development processes in the context of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is monitored to individualise elements for a model of in-service teacher development in modern physics.
A Formação de Educador@s e Professor@s: olhares a partir da UniverCidade de Évora , 2018
CreativeLab_Sci&Math is a didactic initiative within the department of Mathematical and Natural Sciences of the School of Education of the Polythecnic Institute of Santarém, that aims the innovation of the pedagogical practices in Higher Education, particularly in teacher education. Our didactic approach is based on following principles: use of 7E instructional model and Inquiry-Based Learning, use of innovative educational environments and curricular integration of digital technologies. Other goals of CreativeLab_Sci&Math are the dissemination of these innovative teaching practices in scientific events, development of initiation activities in programming and robotics, development of educational resources for mathematics and science and the provision of these resources to teachers on online platforms with peer review, such as Casa das Ciências®. Some activities are implemented in CreativeLab_Sci&Math with two teachers, one of each subjects, science and mathematics. This collaboration has the advantage of diverse skills in students, such as scientific, technical and technological knowledge, critical and creative thinking, reasoning and problem-solving skills, through their involvement in interdisciplinary tasks that relate content and processes of learning of the two areas.
12th Education and Training in Optics and Photonics Conference, 2013
The National University of Colombia is committed to the spreading of the UNESCO's ALOP program throughout the country by programming a series of workshops (ALOP-NPH) to be held in each of its eight campuses. This huge effort is intended to contribute at a national scale to the training of high school teachers in new pedagogic methodologies. Furthermore, the ALOP Workshop has had large impact in the recently established Master's program on pedagogy of Sciences, a degree program addressed to middle and high school teachers, which has a current enrollment of more than 400 teachers from all over the country. In this paper we also describe the contributions of the team also ALOP-Colombia to the material and electronic devices used in optical transmission modules and data division multiplexing wavelength.
12th Education and Training in Optics and Photonics Conference, 2014
The "LuNa" (La natura della Luce nella luce della Natura-The nature of Light in the light of Nature) Project is devoted to the experimental teaching of optics in the different school grades. The basic idea of the Project is that the history of optics and the debate about the nature of light are a meaningful example of how science proceeds in the development of a physical model. Moreover optical phenomena can be presented at different levels of complexity in order to be accessible to students of different age. At the core of the Project are several portable setups that support experimental and partially interactive lectures covering all the aspects of optical phenomena, from geometrical optics to single-photon interference passing through atmospheric optics, spectroscopy, holography and theory of perception. When possible, the setups are realized with simple and easy to find materials so as to be reproducible by teachers and students. Of course, for the most complicated setups (interferometers and holography) research materials are used. Each module is calibrated to fit teachers' requirements either to be included in the curricula of their classes or to be used as an expansion of the optics program.