Digital Culture and Individuals: (Analysis of the influence of digital culture on individuals) (original) (raw)

Cultural Trends in a Digital Society

The paper deals with features of the emerging Digital society, which is considered a new form of culture. A number of symptoms of the Digital society are presented and discussed, for example such as: blurring of distinctions between reality and virtuality; between people, machines and nature; reversal from scarcity to abundance of information; shifting from primacy of entities to primacy of interactions. Today such symptoms define a specific character of the culture of Digital society and allow predicting the main tendencies of the Digital culture. It is demonstrated that the above symptoms belong to three different cultural spheres: spiritual, social and technological. The tendencies corresponding to the mentioned cultural spheres seem to be: a) Social Media as a new way of forming social consciousness; b) Personal Identity Online as a new way of forming personality, and c) Data Intensive Science as a new methodological paradigm of science. The presented theoretical research is one...

Ambareva, H. (2014). Does Internet culture create new values?

Ambareva, H. (2014). Does Internet culture create new values? In T. Shopova (ed.) “Digital Culture and Society” (p.78-86)/Дигитална култура и общество (сборник доклади)(стр. 78-86). Изд.: Югозападен университет "НеофитРилски". ISBN: 978-954-680-938-4. The thesis of the paper is that computers and the Internet create a cultural environment which influences people's attitudes and values. The paper presents the distinctive features of the view of life and values that make the surfing on the Internet generations different. The study focuses on three groups of Internet and computer users who are representative carriers of the Internet culture – hackers, gamers, and social networks users, and traces out and summarizes the characteristic features of their attitudes and values. The report summarizes hackers' values like open source, creativity, networking; it presents gamers' values of learning, achievement, intrinsic rewards; it also studies the social networks users' values of community, publicity, and activity. The conclusions from the analysis are: 1) there are value differences among Internet generations and pre-Internet generations, caused by the active involvement of the former in the Internet environment; 2) Due to the fact that the usage of the Internet in Bulgaria is well expressed among the young people and is weak among the population over 55 years of age, the Internet culture can be considered a " youth " culture. And 3) it could be expected that the differences caused by the Internet/information age can be easily perceived to express differences usually existing among younger and senior generations, but not as differences related to the real change of the environment.

Culture and Society in the Digital Age

Information , 2021

This paper aims to examine a theoretical framework of digital society and the ramifications of the digital revolution. The paper proposes that more attention has to be paid to cultural studies as a means for the understanding of digital society. The approach is based on the idea that the digital revolution’s essence is fully manifested in the cultural changes that take place in society. Cultural changes are discussed in connection with the digital society’s transformations, such as blurring the distinction between reality and virtuality and among people, nature, and artifacts, and the reversal from informational scarcity to abundance. The presented study develops a general model of culture. This model describes the spiritual, social, and technological facets of culture. Such new phenomena as individualization, transparisation, and so-called cognification (intellectualization of the surrounding environment) are suggested as the prominent trends characterizing the above cultural facets.

digital culture, new media and the transformation of collective memory

Along with the advent of digital technologies, modern and "semimodern" societies met a new phase of temporality. Speed, mobility and globality epitomise the fundamental characteristics of this process. New media, as a form of communication that consist of "digitality, interactivity and hypertextuality", enable the genesis of a new memory culture in which audiences act as memory "prosumers". Yet it is dubious whether this new era will lead to a "memory boom" or a "digital amnesia" when one takes into account the material restrictions of digital platforms, like their lifespan. This article aims to discuss the possibilities/impossibilities of the digital communication and understand its contributions to the construction of collective memory. keywords: digital culture, new media, collective memory, digital amnesia, social media goldsmiths, university of london, center for cultural studies İleti-ş-im 21 • Aralık 2014 Résumé Culture digitale, nouveaux médias et la transformation de la mémoire collective Avec l'apparition des technologies digitales, les sociétés modernes et semi modernes ont commencé à reconnaître une nouvelle forme de temporalité dont les caractéristiques principales sont la mobilité et la globalisation. Les nouveaux médias qui permettent la digitalité, l'interaction et l'hyper textualité ont conduit à une nouvelle culture de mémoire dans laquelle le spectateur pourrait exister à la fois comme producteur et comsommateur (prosumer). Pourtant, en considérant la limite des téchnologies digitales, cela ne paraît pas possible d'affirmer que ce procès causera "une explosion de mémoire" ou "une amnésie digitale". Le but de cet article est de discuter des possibilités et impossibilités de la communication digitale dans la construction de la mémoire collective. mots-clés : culture digitale, nouveaux médias, mémoire collective, amnésie digitale, médias sociau Özet Dijital Kültür, Yeni Medya ve Toplumsal Hafızanın Dönüşümü Dijital teknolojilerin ortaya çıkışı ile birlikte, modern ve yarı-modern toplumlar, hız, akışkanlık ve küreselliğin temel karakteristikler olarak sayılabileceği, yeni bir zamansallık biçimi ile tanıştı. Dijitallik, interaktivite ve hipermetinsellik sağlayabilen yeni medya, izleyicinin aynı anda hem üretici hem tüketici (prosumer) olarak varolabildiği yeni bir hafıza kültürünün doğuşunu sağladı. Ancak dijital teknolojinin kısıtlılıkları düşünüldüğünde, bu sürecin bir "hafıza patlaması"na ya da "dijital amnezi"ye dönüşeceğini söyleyebilmek mümkün görünmemektedir. Bu makalenin amacı toplumsal hafızanın inşasında, dijital iletişimin imkân ve imkânsızlıklarını tartışmaktır. anahtar kelimeler: dijital kültür, yeni medya, kolektif bellek, dijital amnezi, sosyal medya

The Influence of Cyberculture on Lifestyle: A Case of New Media Users

Prithvi academic journal, 2023

Computers and the Internet have brought significant changes in our daily activities. They bring people together throughout the world, influencing the lifestyle of people, and creating a new culture of sharing information. This culture is known as cyberculture. The objective of this study is to identify the impact of using computers and the Internet on people's everyday life. Innovation in technology and new media has transformed the world into the digital age equipped with new tools and skills. The use of the internet has made us the first generation of artificial intelligence (AI) overcoming the limitation of time and distance. This study explores the changes brought about by information technologies on the lifestyle of the people of Pokhara Metropolis and the challenges they have faced. In this study, a quantitative research design has been adopted, using a descriptive-analytical method for the analysis of data collected from 52 respondents. The overall results indicated that participants have mixed views about influences as they have faced both opportunities and challenges in their lives while using media on daily basis. This study helps us understand the role of cyberculture in the process of fostering a sense of change in everyday life. It further helps the government to formulate digital policies and implement them among people.

Living in a digital culture: the good, the bad and the balance between the two


Dr Claire BaileyRoss is a PostDoctoral Research Associate in digital humanities in the Department of English Studies, Durham University. Today the pervasive presence of digital technology is an integral part of our everyday life. The rapid expansion of accessible and affordable media technology, combined with near universal access to the internet is fundamentally altering the way society works. More rapidly than ever, digital technology is changing the way we access information and how we interact with one another. The accelerating velocity of digital transformations has immense implications for how we live, work and interact. As the digital world opens possibilities for radically new ways of learning, working and communicating, and while also generating cultural anxieties, it is timely to reflect and consider some of the key developments and challenges arising from living in a digital culture.

Culture + Cyber: Exploring the Relationship


Distinguished social psychologist Geert Hofstede observed, “This dominance of technology over culture is an illusion. The software of the machines may be globalized, but the software of the minds that use them is not.” The role of culture in the thought process is prevalent, yet unstated, that many cultural beliefs and biases are accepted as truths. Cultural beliefs and biases are incorporated into the thought process where they reveal themselves in patterns of thought. Once the thought patterns are established they may be observed in the digital trail that results from online interactions. Once captured online, the behaviors can be reviewed and examined in multiple ways so that researchers can gain new insights.