Impact of sprinklers on the fire hazard in dormitories (original) (raw)

Physical interpretation of temperature data measured in the SBI fire test:Nordtest technical report 416: Nordtest project No. 1381-98


In the SBI fire test, there are temperature sensors in the exhaust duct allowing measurement of the temperature rise of the exhaust gases (DT measurement). In principle these sensors provide means to monitor the production rate of thermal energy. However, while traversing to the exhaust duct the heated gases lose energy to their surroundings which in a rigorous determination of the heat release rate of the specimen must be taken into account. There is also another factor hampering the conversion of the DT values to the thermal energy readings, namely the fact that the temperature readings do not directly show the temperature of the gases, but rather reflect it through a heat transfer process involving also the duct wall temperatures. These complications make the experimentally simple DT approach for rate-of-heat-release evaluation a complex task with inherently high uncertainty and proneness to systematic errors. Thus the method is not suitable for routine testing and classification purposes.

Quick Assessment of the Hot Gas Layer Temperature and Potential Fire Spread Between Combustible Items in a Confined Space

Chemical engineering transactions, 2016

Quick Assessment of the Hot Gas Layer Temperature and Potential Fire Spread between Combustible Items in a Confined Space Andrea Dusso, Stefano Grimaz, Ernesto Salzano SPRINT-Lab, Dipartimento Politecnico di Ingegneria e Architettura. Università degli Studi di Udine (IT) Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Via Terracini 28, 40131 Bologna (IT).

A simple correlation for predicting temperature in a room fire


The use of a simple formula for predicting upper compartment gas temperature in a fire is demonstrated. The formula is given in terms of energy release rate, vent geometry, and compartment lining material properties. It treats discrete fires within the room. Several examples are considered to show the versatility of the formula and its general level of accuracy.

Reduced-Scale Ventilation-Limited Enclosure Fires-Heat and Combustion Product Measurements

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recently conducted a series of reduced-scale compartment fire experiments with the purpose of generating a database of comprehensive and accurate measurements that can be utilized both for a better understanding of and improved modeling for compartment fires, especially in the ventilation-limited regime. The series of 17 experiments was conducted in a Reduced-Scale Enclosure (RSE) with dimensions 95 cm wide x 98 cm tall x 142 cm deep and a doorway 81 cm tall x 48 cm wide. This compartment was an approximately 2/5-scale model of the ISO 9705 room. Single, centered burners were used, and the fuels investigated were: natural gas, heptane, toluene, methanol, ethanol, and polystyrene. The liquid fuels were delivered in both pool burner and spray burner configurations. A few half-width doorway experiments were conducted with natural gas and heptane. Two types of wall material were included. Four to six target heat release rates up to 400 kW were explored with the goal of reaching underventilated conditions. Within the 17 experiments, 56 different combinations of fuel, heat-release rate, and doorway width were attained to produce steady state or generally steady periods for which the data were statistically analyzed. The heat release rate (HRR) was measured through oxygen-depletion calorimetry in the exhaust hood, and the fuel flows were also metered. Measurements of soot and gas species (through extraction) were made at two interior locations near the ceiling and in the exhaust hood. The gas species measured were CO, CO 2 , O 2 , and total hydrocarbons. Total hydrocarbons were measured with flameionization detectors, and hydrocarbon species were measured using gas chromatography. Gas temperatures were measured in several interior and doorway locations with both bare-bead and aspirated thermocouples. Doorway velocities were estimated with an array of bi-directional probes and pressure transducers. Heat flux gauges and surface thermocouples on the enclosure floor provided estimates of the thermal radiation environment. Results obtained from these experiments, including analysis of measurement uncertainty, are presented and discussed. Particular attention is given to distinctions between fires with different fuels, including some very high temperatures (>1200 °C), heat fluxes (>150 kW/m 2), and CO concentrations (>8 %). Insights into the composition of the measured hydrocarbons are detailed, and differences regarding half-width and full-width doorway experiments are described. * Certain commercial products are identified to adequately describe the experimental procedure. This in no way implies endorsement by NIST.

Simulação numérica e experimento de incêndio em dormitório residencial

Revista ALCONPAT, 2018

This article presents a computer-made simulation of a fire that had already been done by experiment in a room that reproduced a bedroom of a one-family residence, typically burned in the city of Recife (Pernambuco - Brazil). The experimental test of this fire has been presented by Corrêa et al. (2017), and the study presented in this article has as objective to compare the results on the development of the temperature of gases, got from the computer-made simulation with the software Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) with the values got by the experiment. We have found out that the temperature obtained through the model developed by the FDS were coherent with the ones obtained by experiment. We hope this study shall help and encourage this tool's use in studies about Buildings' Fire Prevention (BFP) in rooms and fire in residences.

Flammable gas data evaluation. Progress report


The Hanford Site is home to 177 large, underground nuclear waste storage tanks. Numerous safety and environmental concerns surround these tanks and their contents. One such concern is the propensity for the waste in these tanks to generate, retain, and periodically release flammable gases. This report documents some of the activities of the Flammable Gas Project Data Evaluation Task conducted for Westinghouse Hanford Company during fiscal year 1996. Described in this report are: 1) the results of examining the in-tank temperature measurements for insights into gas release behavior; 2) the preliminary results of examining the tank waste level measurements for insights into gas release behavior; and 3) an explanation for the observed hysteresis in the level/pressure measurements, a phenomenon observed earlier this year when highfrequency tank waste level measurements came on-line. This report, as is always the case, has benefited greatly from the comments of the peer, program and editorial reviewers: Tom Ferryman, Joe Brothers, Frank Ryan and Andrea Currie, respectively. Much of the fundamental research behind our understanding of the tank level and temperature measurements, as well as the machinery to handle these data, was supported by the Tank Surveillance group at Westinghouse Hanford Company, which at various times included Richard

Insulation and Air Infiltration Levels Using an Infrared Thermometer


The cost of heating and air conditioning a home is increasing rapidly. In North Dakota, 50 percent of home energy consumption is from heating and cooling. The best ways to reduce heating costs are to add insulation to areas in the home that are below recommended levels, and control air leaks into and out of the home. For more information on this and other topics, see: This publication may be copied for noncommercial, educational purposes in its entirety with no changes. Requests to use any portion of the document (including text, graphics or photos) should be sent to Include exactly what is requested for use and how it will be used. North Dakota State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, Vietnam Era Veterans status, sexual orientation, marital status, or public assistance status. Direct inquiries to the Chief Diversity Officer, 205 Old Main, (701) 231-7708. County Commissions, NDSU and U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating. This publication will be made available in alternative formats for people with disabilities upon request, (701) 231-7881.

An experimental study of the rate of gas temperature rise in enclosure fires

Fire Safety Journal, 2011

Sixty-one experiments are reported using PMMA fuel in a small scale compartment with interchangeable lining materials and an adjustable vent. In this article, the hot gas temperature records (sampled every 5 s) are used to investigate correlations of peak hot gas temperature with first and second order gradients during fire growth. The results of one full-scale test were found to match critical conditions suggested by the small scale tests for ensuring or avoiding flashover. The results demonstrate the potential for using growth data to predict peak hazards from an in-fire dynamic assessment. The implications and work needed for practical application are briefly discussed.