AdS5black holes with fermionic hair (original) (raw)



We study a class of exact supersymmetric solutions of type IIB Supergravity. They have an SO(4)× SU(2)×U(1) isometry and preserve generically 4 of the 32 supersymmetries of the theory. Asymptotically AdS5 × S5 solutions in this class are dual to 1/8 BPS chiral operators which preserve the same symmetries in the N = 4 SYM theory. They are parametrized by a set of four functions that satisfy certain differential equations. We analyze the solutions to these equations in a large radius asymptotic expansion: they carry charges with respect to two U(1) KK gauge fields and their mass saturates the expected BPS bound. MIRAMARE – TRIESTE November 2006

Half BPS states in AdS_5 x Y^p,q


We study a class of solutions of IIB Supergravity which are asymptotically AdS_5 x Y^p,q. They have an R x SO(4) x SU(2) x U(1) isometry and preserve half of the 8 supercharges of the background geometry. They are described by a set of second order differential equations that we have found and analysed in a previous paper, where we studied 1/8 BPS states in the maximally supersymmetric AdS_5 x S^5 background. These geometries correspond to certain chiral primary operators of the N=1 superconformal quiver theories, dual to IIB theory on AdS_5 x Y^p,q. We also show how to recover the AdS_5 x Y^p,q backgrounds by suitably doubling the number of preserved supersymmetries. We then solve the differential equations perturbatively in a large AdS_5 radius expansion, imposing asymptotic AdS_5 x Y^p,q boundary conditions. We compute the global baryonic and mesonic charges, including the R-charge. As for the computation of the mass, i.e. the conformal dimension D of the dual field theory operat...

Supersymmetric Charged Clouds In AdS_5

Arxiv preprint arXiv:1005.3552, 2010

We consider supersymmetric holographic flows that involve background gauge fields dual to chemical potentials in the boundary field theory. We use a consistent truncation of gauged N=8 supergravity in five dimensions and we give a complete analysis of the supersymmetry conditions for a large family of flows. We examine how the well-known supersymmetric flow between two fixed points is modified by the presence of the chemical potentials and this yields a new, completely smooth, solution that interpolates between two global AdS spaces of different radii and with different values of the chemical potential. We also examine some black-hole-like singular flows and a new non-supersymmetric black hole solution. We comment on the interpretation of our new solutions in terms of giant gravitons and discuss the implications of our work for finding black-hole solutions in AdS geometries.

7 1 / 8 BPS States in AdS / CFT


We study a class of exact supersymmetric solutions of type IIB Supergravity. They have an SO(4)×SU(2)×U(1) isometry and preserve generically 4 of the 32 supersymmetries of the theory. Asymptotically AdS5 × S5 solutions in this class are dual to 1/8 BPS chiral operators which preserve the same symmetries in the N = 4 SYM theory. They are parametrized by a set of four functions that satisfy certain differential equations. We analyze the solutions to these equations in a large radius asymptotic expansion: they carry charges with respect to two U(1) KK gauge fields and their mass saturates the expected BPS bound. SISSA 63/2006/EP IC/2006/116