Bademağacı Erken Neolitik İnsanları (original) (raw)

2021 Kolankaya-Bostancı & Fidan: Bilecik Bahçelievler Neolitik Çağ Yontmataş Topluluğuna Ait İlk Değerlendirmeler, Anadolu Araştırmaları 24

This paper details the preliminary results of the chipped stone artifacts from the Bahçelievler settlement, uncovered during the 2019 and 2020 excavation seasons, which were directed by the Bilecik Archaeology Museum. The first evaluations of the lithic assemblage from Bahçelievler, one of the earliest sites in Northwest Anatolia, which was settled during the 7th millennium BC, show that local flint was used in the settlement to a greater extent than obsidian that was imported from Central Anatolia. At Bahçelievler, where the knapping was mostly carried out in courtyards, the lithic chipped stone assemblage is based on the production of blades and bladelets. Among the main tool types recovered from the buildings, sickle blades and bladelets are common, which indicates that agriculture had an important place in the life and economy of the settlement. This preliminary study of the Bahçelievler Neolithic chipped stone assemblage reveals the presence of bulletshaped cores and transverse arrowheads and the use of a pressure technique, suggesting that the communities living in Northwest Anatolia, especially Menteşe and Barcın Höyük, used similar technologies in the 7th Millennium BC.

Yenibademli höyük: Kuzeydoğu Ege Denizi'nden bir Erken Tunç Çağı yerleşmesi

Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi dergisi, 2002

Yenibademli Höyük, Çanakkale Boğazının batısında Gökçeada (Imbros) ilçesinde bir Erken Tunç Çağı yerleşmesidir. Savunma suru ile güvenliği sağlanmış bu yerleşmede, konutlar Ege'nin karakteristik özelliği olan uzun evlerden oluşmaktadır. Yerleşmecilerin besin ekonomisinin tarıma ve hayvancılığa dayandığı, açığa çıkarılan tahıl ürünlerinden ve hayvan kemiklerinden anlaşılmaktadır. Gelişmiş taş endüstrisinin izlendiği Yenibademli'de, seramik sanatı Troia I kültürünün etkisi altındadır. Dini inançları ortaya koyan ve değişik tipleri betimleyen insan figürinleri hem yerel sanat anlayışını, hem de komşu kültürlerin tesirlerim yansıtmaktadır. Madenciliğin yaygınlaşmadığı bu kentte ele geçirilen bazı kap ve küçük buluntu örnekleri, M.Ö. 3. binde Gökçeada'nın Ege kültür ağında izole olmadığına işaret etmektedir.

Ovaören Erken Tunç Çaği İnsanlari: Antropoloji̇k Bi̇r İnceleme

Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2016

Özet: Çalışmanın konusunu oluşturan insan iskeletleri, Nevşehir/ Ovaören 2012 kazı sezonunda Topakhöyük'te yapılan kazı çalışmaları sonunda ele geçirilmiş ve Erken Tunç Çağı'na tarihlendirilmiştir. Ovaören Erken Tunç Çağı iskeletleri antropolojik açıdan incelenmiştir. Toplumun, antropolojik yöntemler kullanılarak yaş ve cinsiyet belirleme çalışmaları yapılmış, paleodemografik yapısı ortaya konulmuştur. Bu çalışmada elde edilen patolojik bulgular ışığında Ovaören insanlarının genel sağlık durumu ile bilgilere ulaşılmıştır. Bireyler morfolojik açıdan incelenmiş boy uzunluğu ve kafatası endis değerileri hesaplanmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra toplum varyasyonlar (epi-genetik karakterler) açısından da değerlendirilmiştir. Anadolu'da Tunç Çağı dönemlerine ait az sayıda iskelet materyal ele geçmektedir. Sonuç olarak; arkeoloji ve antropoloji için önemli, dönemi yansıtan verilere ulaşılmıştır.

Suluca Karahöyük Erken Tunç Çağı Andironları

Anadolu Arkeolojisiyle Harmanlanmış Bir Ömür Mehmet Karaosmanoğlu’na Armağan, 2021

Suluca Karahöyük is a large (220 x 250 x 20 m) mound located in the center of Cappadocia. The excavations were conducted for 12 years (1967-1978) of which only two seasons and some brief reports (1969-1976) were published, and information regarding most of the find groups was not presented. These find groups also include andirons. The two types of andirons constitute the subject of this study which we learned from the inventory records, to be found in layer V of the settlement. One of them is anthropomorphic (Type 1), and the other is theriomorphic (Type 2). These types have been seen in different form characteristics in Anatolia and surrounding cultural regions over a long period of time. Their cultural context and function is the most specific problem of this article. Since the excavation data is limited, this context of the works has been made by analogical comparison method and the comments of the authors have been discussed. Andirons are defined as portable hearth components and have been used in and out of the houses, as well as in rural areas, and during migration/travel as they have the practicality of handling and relocation. It is assumed that andirons with simple or complex decorations (especially horseshoe-shaped ones, here Type 1) to actually have a cultic element. Particularly those whose body part contains the description of a "face" were influential in this interpretation; the fact that some of them were exposed in the shrine rooms (or structures) support these suggestions. On the other hand, the fact that these types of andirons also being found in different places such as kitchens, warehouses and weaving rooms has overlapped the views. Although we do not have the knowledge of the structure and context in which andirons were discovered in Suluca Karahöyük, there are other artifacts defined as cultic objects in layer V of the settlement. Considering this uncertainty and general discussions, we can imagine that the andirons here served daily use and also carried a symbolic meaning that reflects the belief understanding of the society.Andirons (Type 1), which has a horseshoe form, offers the opportunity to compare it with the field of Early Transcaucasian Culture (Kura-Araxes); the morphology of this form has changed considerably and continued its existence after the Early Bronze Age (EBA). The closest analogues of Suluca Karahöyük's form with two finger-printed eye sockets were found in Central Anatolia, dating to EBA II-III and Transition to Middle Bronze Age phases of the settlements, and compose a good reference for dating. Andirons (Type 2), which have a theriomorphic appearance in terms of their form, dispersed from Mesopotamia to the Aegean as from the Ubaid Period. We can say that it should be dating to the same period, since it was found in the same layer with the other andiron and due to the many comparative contexts from the same period.

Erken XIX. Yüzyılda Bir Doğaçlama Şekli Olarak Prelüdleme Geleneği

Preludes composed for the keyboard and their "improvisatory character" has been a unique issue throughout the keyboard history. Preludes whose origin dates back to the improvisatory pieces of the lute players of the XVth century, have had many different faces up until the 21st century. The variety of preludes have revealed different characteristics according to the time and place they have been arised from. In this article, the ultimate focus point has been on the relatively free form of the nineteenth century prelude. This free form does not reveal an ultimately free style of improvisation but is fairly important for it represents how composers of the era make use of the preludes as improvisatory pieces for pianists to improve. Though improvisatory approach in the Western Classical Music is also an important aspect of the cadenza playing in the concerto tradition, with the impact of preluding, the idea of improvisatory character once again comes along.