배우자 상속권 강화를 위한 입법론 ― 상속에서의 약자 보호를 위한 관견(管見)― (original) (raw)

3차원 경계요소법과 전선 유한요소 해석의 연성을 통한 전선 유탄성 해석

Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea, 2012

This paper considers a fully coupled 3D BEM-FEM analysis for the ship structural hydroelasticity problem in waves. Fluid flows and structural responses are analyzed by using a 3D Rankine panel method and a 3D finite element method, respectively. The two methods are fully coupled in the time domain using a fixed-point iteration scheme, and a relaxation scheme is applied for improve convergence. In order to validate the developed method, numerical tests are carried out for a barge model. The computed natural frequency, motion responses, and time histories of stress are compared with the results of the beam-based hydroelasticity program, WISH-FLEX, which was thoroughly validated in previous studies. This study extends to a real-ship application, particularly the springing analysis for a 6500 TEU containership. Based on this study, it is found that the present method provides reliable solutions to the ship hydroelasticity problems.

모-자녀 기질 적합성과 자녀의 문제행동간의 관련성 연구

The Journal of Korean Oriental Pediatrics, 2013

Objectives The purpose of this study was to identify the importance of goodness of fit in mother-child temperamental interaction (MCTI) and the child problem behaviors. Methods The behavior problem of 180 child outpatients from traditional Korean medical clinic was measured with Korean version of Child Behavior Checklists, and the temperament of child and their mother was measured with Junior Temperament and Character Inventory and Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised-Short. The MCTI was calculated as the difference of the temperament score between mother and child. The correlation and linear regression analysis was performed to examine the effects of temperament on Child Behavior Checklists. Results The MCTI on Harm-Avoidance was the significant factor for explaining the internalizing problem (B=-.154, t=-10.130, p<.001), externalizing problem (B=-.045, t=-3.340, p=.001) and total problem (B=-.298, t=-7.574, p<.001). We also confirmed that the temperament of mother and child significantly correlated with the child behavior problems as provided previously. Conclusions These results showed that the temperament interaction between mother and child is an important factor for predicting problem behaviors in child clinical sample. The goodness of fit in MCTI and problem behavior should be considered as pivotal element in traditional Korean pediatrics.

사상체질별 수면 소증(素證)에 대한 체계적 고찰연구

Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, 2015

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to review previous clinical studies on underlying mechanisms of sleep-related type-specific pathophysiological symptoms among the Sasang types. Methods and Procedure: We reviewed seven research databases from December 2003 to August 2015 with the keywords Sasang typology, constitution and sleep. The Sasang type-specific sleep-related symptoms were analyzed based on seven categories, including subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, use of sleep medications and daytime dysfunction. Results: Total of twelve studies were included in the analysis. The Tae-Yang type showed low subjective sleep quality, long sleep latency and frequent awakening, and the So-Yang type showed long sleep latency. The Tae-Eum type presented high subjective sleep quality, short sleep duration, frequent snore, toss and turn during the sleep, and insomnia and low frequency of dream. The So-Eum type showed long sleep latency in male and high frequency of dream. The Eum type combining Tae-Eum and So-Eum types had higher subjective sleep quality, longer sleep duration and higher frequency of dream than the Yang type combining Tae-Yang and So-Yang types. Conclusions: This study reviewed type-specific sleep-related characteristics and discussed possible pathophysiological mechanisms involved. Differences in sleep characteristics among the Sasang types might stem from type-specific temperaments and require further study.

의미범주 지식의 다양성과 보편성:동물 범주 유창성 과제를 활용하여

Discourse and Cognition, 2014

This study discusses semantic knowledge and subcategorization of animals for Koreans based on a semantic verbal fluency task. Compared to many previous studies which focused on the number of animals in response or the switches between clusters, we aim to identify diversity and universality of semantic knowledge about animals and to propose subcategories of animals. Instead of using pre-existing semantic categories proposed by previous studies, we argue for Korean specific semantic knowledge and categories of animals based on healthy Korean adults' semantic knowledge. We evaluated 275 cognitively healthy volunteers, aged 45 to 86 years. An educational average level ± standard deviation for the whole sample is 9.89 ± 4.2 years. As a result of the fluency task, the participants mentioned 193 different types of animals with the number of 4,047. They named an animal with the following order of preferences: 'a tiger, a dog, a cow, a pig, a chicken, a lion, an elephant, a horse, a duck, a rabbit, a giraffe, etc.' The top ranked animals among 193 types in naming can be regarded as a "typical" animal among Korean people. With respect to category-based induction, typicality can be a case of a more universal tendency. In order to examine subcategories of animals, we extracted a bigram from the response list. We derived dice distances to measure similarity between two co-occurring items and provided a perceptual map based on multidimensional scaling with statistical methods using R.

Professionalization without Bar Association:An Analysis of the Professionalization of Lawyers in Colonial Korea under Japan’s Rule (1920-30s)

한국사회, 2018

This study argues that the professionalization of lawyers under Japan’s colonial rule occurred despite the absence of the bar association. Existing literature has accounted for professionalization in regard of monopoly strategies and mobilization processes by professional associations, noting varied power balances between the state and the profession that resulted in diverse professionalization processes. However, the literature fails to explicate the case of colonial Korea where the bar associations existed separated between Koreans and Japanese practitioners, in addition to the oppressive colonial government that exercised extensive control over examination, registration, and disciplinary actions. Analysis on newspapers, magazines, and the official gazette shows that it was the colonial government that the bar associations did little in producing knowledge in law, mobilizing political actions, and controlling qualification. Such weakness of the bar associations contrasts to individual lawyers who gained social recognition and economic rewards and became established professionals during the colonial rule. I propose that the contrast feature the professionalization of lawyers in colonial Korea and that the process be regarded as a colonial model distinguishing from both the Continental and the US-Anglo models.

피해자다움을 왜곡한 안희정 1심 무죄 판결의 부당성

Women's Studies Review, 2018

법원은 안희정의 김지은에 대한 간음 등 모든 피의사실에 대해 1심에서 무죄를 판결하였다. 판결의 재판부는 이를 위해 와 의 두 논변을 제시한다. 이 논문에서는 논변을 다루고자 한다. 재판부는 피해자가 피해자다움을 보이지 않았다는 이유를 대고 이에 따라