Некоторые Вопросы Торевтики Триалетской Культуры / Some Problems of the Toreutics of Trialeti Culture (original) (raw)

Книга посвящена материалам мезолитических памятников Озерецкого торфяника в Тверском Поволжье, раскопанных автором в 1990-1995 гг. Надежная стратиграфия, хорошая сохранность органических материалов, представительные археологические коллекции, серии радиоуглеродных дат, данные палинологического анализа, остеологические и палеоботанические определения делают исследованные памятники опорными для изучения среднего и позднего мезолита Верхнего Поволжья. В книге подробно представлены материалы раскопанных стоянок на фоне природных изменений в раннем голоцене в Тверском Поволжье. Рассматривается культурное своеобразие каменного и костяного инвентаря стоянок Озерецкого торфяника. Предлагается реконструкция хозяйства и особенностей адаптации населения, оставившего эти памятники. Книга может представлять интерес для археологов, историков, этнологов, студентов исторических факультетов и всех, интересующихся древнейшей историей Верхнего Поволжья.

VOPROSI TURKOLOGII, 2012 Turkology Research Journal 'VOPROSI TURKOLOGII', Issue No. 3 Articles of authors: Mudrak, Dobrodomov. Gordlevsky and others.

Turkology research journal "VOPROSI TURKOLOGII'. Issue No. 1 Articles of Dybo, Kyzlasov, Mudrak, Garkavets, Melioransky

This paper gives short review of research of demonological legends in Serbian folkloristic studies, and offers a summary of the contemporary field work, with special emphasis on the problems of studying demonology as the specific part of traditional culture. Analysis of material carried on a complete transcript has consequences that are reflected on the definition of the genre. Demonological legend is seen as a part of a wider syncretic mythological text, as a speech genre with fluid boundaries. The author also formulates the concept ,,negotiations about the truth”, and discuss the problems of presenting and interpreting contemporary material, including the question of ,,individual/subjective” demonology.

Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РГНФ 15-21-03002 по теме «Диалог цивилизаций народов Центральной и Внутренней Азии; история, культура и парадигмы существования». Аннотация. В данной статье охарактеризованы отношения к возрасту и этапов жизненного цикла в традиционной культуре тувинцев. Актуальностью темы исследования является то, что на основе полевых материалов проведен сравнительный анализ традиций и обычаев тувинцев Республики Тыва и Монголии. Автор обосновывает в статье обряды и обычаи, связанные с беременностью женщины, рождением ребенка и имянаречение. Ключевые слова: обычай, обряд, возраст, времяисчисление у народов Центральной Азии, обряды, связанные с беременностью женщины, обряды детства, обряды юношеского возраста. Abstract. This article described the relationship to age and stages of the life cycle in the traditional culture of the Tuvans. The actuality of the research is based on field research, a comparative analysis of the traditions and customs of people of the Republic of Tuva and Mongolia. The author of the article substantiates the rites and customs associated with a woman's pregnancy, birth and naming ceremonies.

The article is based on the materials of the Troitskaya site and devoted to the problem of the final stage of the Kokorevo archeological culture in the Middle Yenisei basin, Archaeological research of the Troitskaya site located in the northern part of Krasnoyarsk reservoir, allowed to substantiate the Early Holocene age as the upper chronological border of the Kokorevo culture. The Troitskaya site locates in the northern part of Krasnoyarsk reservoir on the right bank 90 km south to the Krasnoyarsk Dam. The 190 site was discovered by N.F. Lisitsin (the Pashkin Kluch) in 1990. The stratigraphic section (the depth is 5.7 m) and the exploring excavation (9 m2) that helped to reveal the edge of the site were made in the cliff. The cultural layer was explored within the upper pale-yellow colored sandy clay loam (at a depth of 0.5–0.8 m). During the cleaning of the cultural layer there were found at least 861 stone artifacts, 285 bones fossils. There is a bone from the cultural layer that was dated to 9851±109 years ago (NSK/UGAMS), which completely corresponds to the stratigraphic position of the other artifacts. The number of the collected stone inventory items is 7083, including at least 300 tools and cores. Identical inventory of the site (microcores, burins, end-scrapers, chisel-like tools and specific items with a wide sharp edge) confirms that the archaeological materials of the cultural layer from the coastal shallow refers to the same archaeological complex. The authors believe, the prevalence of blade industry, methods of primary flaking, large cores made on the Yenisei pebbles, proportionate wedge-shaped cores, tool sets, etc. point out that the Troitskaya site belongs to the Kokorevo culture. At the same time, the Troitskaya site has some distinctive features: 1. A minimal number of points and endscrapers on blades; 2. A significant number of pieces, chisel-like tools and drillings; 3. Microcores prevail over large tools, which proves a gradual increase of the composite tool technology influence. It is supposed that these features characterize the specific development of the Kokorevo culture during the Early Holocene period. Based on excavations on the site Buza II, the authors conclude that the Kokorevo culture exists in the period of Early Holocene, and evidently is the basis for the Yenisei Epipaleolithic.

Маршак Б. И. История восточной торевтики III–XIII вв. и проблемы культурной преемственности / Под ред. В. П. Никонорова; вступит. статья Ф. Гренэ. СПб., 2017 [Marshak B. I. History of Oriental Toreutics of the 3rd — 13th Centuries and Problems of Cultural Continuity / Ed. by V. P. Nikonorov; an Introductory Article by F. Grenet. St. Petersburg, 2017]. This book by the outstanding Russian archaeologist and art historian, Boris I. Marshak (1922–2006), has no analogies in both Russiand and foreign historiography. It examines in detail the development of toreutic art in the Near and Middle East and in the adjacent territories as well over a thousand-year period — from Late Antique to the High Middle Ages. The examination has been done through the use of a completely new methodology of attributing works of art made from precious metals, which was elaborated by the author. Owing to this methodology it has proved to be possible to determine places of production and comparative and absolute chronology for more than 150 silver and golden vessels decorated with various ornaments and representations. It should be borne in mind that in accordance with the aims of his research B. I. Marshak has thoroughly and comprehensively studied not only works of toreutic art of eastern provenance, bot also those produced by masters from Eastern and Western Europe, and this fact greatly expands the historical and cultural significance of his work. This publication is intended for professional historians, archeologists and art historians, as well as for all those who are interested in oriental antiquities, including connoisseurs and collectors of ancient works of art.

Ata Tarzibashi is considered the greatest scholar of the Iraqi Turkmens. Ata-bek, who was born in Kirkuk, was a lawyer by profession, but devoted most of his life to scientific research. For many years he studied the language, history, ethnography, folklore and literature of the Turkmens living in Iraq, published his scientific works in Iraq and other countries. In the scientific activity of Ata Tarzibashi, a special place is occupied by studies related to literature. A deep knowledge of Arabic and Turkish languages allowed the scientist to thoroughly study the Iraqi-Turkmen literature. He is the author of dozens of articles and several books on literary history, literary theory and criticism. Ata Tarzibashi was the first to study and research the relationship between written and oral literature, the features of classical Iraqi-Turkmen poetry, the significance of modern poetry, its types and genres. He managed to create a school in the field of scientific research of Iraqi-Turkmen literature. He wrote 13 volumes of the anthology

This article analyzes the characteristics of the objects, studied on Trypillia A settlements Lenkivci and Luka Vrublivetska, which are typical for this culture as a whole. On the basis of this analysis it was suggested not to interpret them as pit-houses, but as religious objects that arose as a result of the sacred practices of the inhabitants of the villages. Luka Vrublivetska site is regarded as a landscape sanctuary, but not as a settlement.

Аннотация. В настоящее время по проблеме происхождения праславян и локализации их прародины существуют несколько концепций. Согласно одной из них, праславяне как этническая и языковая общность выделились из среды поздних индоевропейцев Подунавья и инкорпорировались в древнеевропейскую общность на севере Центральной Европы в виде лужицкой культуры, смешавшись там с постшнуровыми культурами комаровского тшинецкого культурного круга, и вытеснив тшинецкую на территорию Среднего Поднепровья в XII-XI вв. до н. э. Вторая волна переселения праславян в союзе с готами шла с Вислы в Поднепровье во II в. до н.э. Использована методика соотнесения данных археологии и лингвистики. Вывод статьи заключается в том, что согласно новым исследованиям прародина славян локализуется на Среднем Днепре.