Dexterous Hand Movements and Their Recovery After Central Nervous System Injury (original) (raw)

Contribution of propriospinal neurons to recovery of hand dexterity after corticospinal tract lesions in monkeys

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017

The direct cortico-motoneuronal connection is believed to be essential for the control of dexterous hand movements, such as precision grip in primates. It was reported, however, that even after lesion of the corticospinal tract (CST) at the C4-C5 segment, precision grip largely recovered within 1-3 mo, suggesting that the recovery depends on transmission through intercalated neurons rostral to the lesion, such as the propriospinal neurons (PNs) in the midcervical segments. To obtain direct evidence for the contribution of PNs to recovery after CST lesion, we applied a pathway-selective and reversible blocking method using double viral vectors to the PNs in six monkeys after CST lesions at C4-C5. In four monkeys that showed nearly full or partial recovery, transient blockade of PN transmission after recovery caused partial impairment of precision grip. In the other two monkeys, CST lesions were made under continuous blockade of PN transmission that outlasted the entire period of post...

Hand Motor Recovery Following Extensive Frontoparietal Cortical Injury Is Accompanied by Upregulated Corticoreticular Projections in Monkey

The Journal of Neuroscience, 2018

We tested the hypothesis that arm/hand motor recovery after injury of the lateral sensorimotor cortex is associated with upregulation of the corticoreticular projection (CRP) from the supplementary motor cortex (M2) to the gigantocellular reticular nucleus of the medulla (Gi). Three groups of rhesus monkeys of both genders were studied: five controls, four cases with lesions of the arm/hand area of the primary motor cortex (M1) and the lateral premotor cortex (LPMC; F2 lesion group), and five cases with lesions of the arm/hand area of M1, LPMC, S1, and anterior parietal cortex (F2P2 lesion group). CRP strength was assessed using high-resolution anterograde tracers injected into the arm/hand area of M2 and stereology to estimate of the number of synaptic boutons in the Gi. M2 projected bilaterally to the Gi, primarily targeting the medial Gi subsector and, to a lesser extent, lateral, dorsal, and ventral subsectors. Total CRP bouton numbers were similar in controls and F2 lesion cases but F2P2 lesion cases had twice as many boutons as the other two groups (p ϭ 0.0002). Recovery of reaching and fine hand/digit function was strongly correlated with estimated numbers of CRP boutons in the F2P2 lesion cases. Because we previously showed that F2P2 lesion cases experience decreased strength of the M2 corticospinal projection (CSP), whereas F2 lesion monkeys experienced increased strength of the M2 CSP, these results suggest one mechanism underlying arm/hand motor recovery after F2P2 injury is upregulation of the M2 CRP. This M2-CRP response may influence an important reticulospinal tract contribution to upper-limb motor recovery following frontoparietal injury.

Plasticity of subcortical pathways promote recovery of skilled hand function in rats after corticospinal and rubrospinal tract injuries

Experimental Neurology, 2015

The corticospinal and rubrospinal tracts are the predominant tracts for controlling skilled hand function. Injuries to these tracts impair grasping but not gross motor functions such as overground locomotion. The aim of the present study was to determine whether or not, after damage to both the corticospinal and rubrospinal tracts, other spared subcortical motor pathway can mediate the recovery of skilled hand function. Adult rats received a bilateral injury to the corticospinal tract at the level of the medullar pyramids and a bilateral ablation of the rubrospinal axons at C4. One group of rats received, acutely after injury, two injections of chondroitinase-ABC at C7, and starting at 7 days post-injury were enrolled in daily reaching and grasping rehabilitation (CHASE group, n = 5). A second group of rats received analogous injections of ubiquitous penicillinase, and did not undergo rehabilitation (PEN group, n = 5). Compared to rats in the PEN group, CHASE rats gradually recovered the ability to reach and grasp over 42 days after injury. Overground locomotion was mildly affected after injury and both groups followed similar recovery. Since the reticulospinal tract plays a predominant role in motor control, we further investigated whether or not plasticity of this pathway could contribute to the animal's recovery. Reticulospinal axons were anterogradely traced in both groups of rats. The density of reticulospinal processes in both the normal and ectopic areas of the grey ventral matter of the caudal segments of the cervical spinal cord was greater in the CHASE than PEN group. The results indicate that after damage to spinal tracts that normally mediate the control of reaching and grasping in rats other complementary spinal tracts can acquire the role of those damaged tracts and promote task-specific recovery.

New Corticopontine Connections in the Primate Brain: Contralateral Projections From the Arm/Hand Area of the Precentral Motor Region

Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 2018

The ipsilateral corticopontine projection (iCPP) represents a massive descending axon system terminating in the pontine nuclei (PN). In the primate, this projection is well known for its dominant influence on contralateral upper limb movements through the classical cerebrocerebellar circuity system. Although a much weaker contralateral corticopontine projection (cCPP) from motor cortex to the paramedian region has been reported in the non-human primate brain, we provide the first comprehensive description of the cCPP from the lateral motor cortex using high resolution anterograde tract tracing in Macaca mulatta. We found a relatively light cCPP from the hand/arm area of the primary motor cortex (M1), comparatively moderate cCPP from ventrolateral premotor cortex (LPMCv) and a more robust and widespread cCPP from the dorsolateral premotor cortex (LPMCd) that involved all nine contralateral PN. The M1 projection primarily targeted the dorsal pontine region, the LPMCv projection targeted the medial pontine region and LPMCd targeted both regions. These results show the first stage of the primate frontomotor cerebrocerebellar projection is bilateral, and may affect both ipsilateral and contralateral limbs. Clinically, the cCPP originating in the non-injured hemisphere may influence the recovery process of the more affected upper extremity following subtotal unilateral damage to the lateral cortical region. The cCPP may also contribute to the mild impairment of the upper limb contralateral to a unilateral cerebellar injury.

Complete Compensation in Skilled Reaching Success with Associated Impairments in Limb Synergies, after Dorsal Column Lesion in the Rat

The Journal of Neuroscience, 1999

Each of the dorsal columns of the rat spinal cord conveys primary sensory information, by way of the medullary dorsal column nucleus, to the ventrobasal thalamus on the contralateral side; thus the dorsal columns are an important source of neural input to the sensorimotor cortex. Damage to the dorsal columns causes impairments in synergistic proximal or wholebody movements in cats and distal limb impairments in primates, particularly in multiarticulated finger movements and tactile foviation while handling objects, but the behavioral effects of afferent fiber lesions in the dorsal columns of rodents have not been described. Female Long-Evans rats were trained to reach with a forelimb for food pellets and subsequently received lesions of the dorsomedial spinal cord at the C2 level, ipsilateral to their preferred limb. Reaching success completely recovered within a few days of dorsal column lesion. Nevertheless , a detailed analysis of high-speed video recordings revealed that rotatory limb movements (aiming, pronation, supination, etc.) were irreversibly impaired. Compensation was achieved with whole-body and alternate limb movements. These results indicate the following: (1) in the absence of the dorsal columns, other sensorimotor pathways support endpoint success in reaching; (2) sensory input conveyed by the dorsal columns is important for both proximal and distal limb movements used for skilled reaching; and (3) detailed behavioral analyses in addition to endpoint measures are necessary to completely describe the effects of dorsal column lesions.

Sensorimotor cortex injury effects on recovery of contralesional dexterous movements in Macaca mulatta

Experimental neurology, 2016

The effects of primary somatosensory cortex (S1) injury on recovery of contralateral upper limb reaching and grasping were studied by comparing the consequences of isolated lesions to the arm/hand region of primary motor cortex (M1) and lateral premotor cortex (LPMC) to lesions of these same areas plus anterior parietal cortex (S1 and rostral area PE). We used multiple linear regression to assess the effects of gray and white matter lesion volumes on deficits in reaching and fine motor performance during the first month after the lesion, and during recovery of function over 3, 6 and 12months post-injury in 13 monkeys. Subjects with frontoparietal lesions exhibited larger deficits and poorer recovery as predicted, including one subject with extensive peri-Rolandic injury developing learned nonuse after showing signs of recovery. Regression analyses showed that total white matter lesion volume was strongly associated with initial post-lesion deficits in motor performance and with reco...

The dorsolateral corticospinal tract in mice: An alternative route for corticospinal input to caudal segments following dorsal column lesions

The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2004

In rodents, the main contingent of corticospinal tract (CST) axons descends in the ventral part of the dorsal column. There is, however, a contingent of CST axons that descends in the dorsolateral column (the "dorsolateral corticospinal tract," or DLCST). Here, we define some of the features of the DLCST by tracing CST projections following injections of biotinylated dextran amine into the sensorimotor cortex, assessing the distribution of DLCST axons and terminal arborizations in intact mice and in mice in which the main contingent of CST axons in the dorsal column had been transected. Axons of the DLCST diverge from the main tract at the pyramidal decussation, gather in fascicles in the dorsolateral gray matter below the spinomedullary junction, and project in a gradual trajectory laterally toward the dorsolateral column over the first few cervical segments. DLCST axons then project along the dorsolateral column to sacral levels, giving rise to collaterals that project into the gray matter. Labeled DLCST axons were most abundant in cervical segments, where they were often collected in fascicles, and progressively decreased in number in more caudal segments. Tracing of DLCST axons in mice with selective lesions of the dorsal column revealed that DLCST axons arborize extensively throughout the dorsal and ventral horns and that the overall territory that the DLCST axons invade is similar to the territory innervated by the CST axons in the main tract. Some DLCST axon arbors with varicosities are seen near large neurons in the ventral horn (presumed motoneurons). Substantial numbers of DLCST axons project across the midline to the gray matter on the contralateral side. Thus, the DLCST provides an alternate route for CST input to caudal segments, which is of particular relevance for studies of CST distribution and function following partial spinal cord injuries.

Evidence for Direct Connections between the Hand Region of the Supplementary Motor Area and Cervical Motoneurons in the Macaque Monkey


In primates the corticospinal neurons of the hand representation of the primary motor cortex (Ml) give rise to direct contacts with the cervical motoneurons that control distal forelimb muscles. We investigated, at the lightmicroscopy level, whether corticospinal cells present in the hand area of the supplementary motor area (SMA) also establish direct connections with cervical motoneurons, particularly those innervating hand and finger muscles. The hand representation of the M1 (two monkeys) or SMA (two monkeys) was located using intracortical microstimulation and injected with the anterograde tracer biotinylated dextran amine to label corticospinal terminals. Forearm muscles acting on the wrist and hand as well as hand muscles acting on the thumb and index finger, thus including those activated by intracortical stimulation, were injected with the retrograde tracer cholera-toxin B subunit, in order to label the motoneurons. A consistent zone of overlap between the two markers was found in the cervical cord. Close appositions between corticospinal axonal terminals and the somata or dendrites of motoneurons were found after injection in the M1, confirming previous observations. The new finding is the observation of similar close appositions after injection in the SMA, suggesting its control of hand movements in parallel with the M1.

Changes in ipsilesional hand motor function differ after unilateral injury to frontal versus frontoparietal cortices in Macaca mulatta

Experimental Brain Research, 2019

We tested the hypothesis that injury to frontoparietal sensorimotor areas causes greater initial impairments in performance and poorer recovery of ipsilesional dexterous hand/finger movements than lesions limited to frontal motor areas in rhesus monkeys. Reaching and grasping/manipulation of small targets with the ipsilesional hand were assessed for 6-12 months post-injury using two motor tests. Initial post-lesion motor skill and long-term recovery of motor skill were compared in two groups of monkeys: (1) F2 group-five cases with lesions of arm areas of primary motor cortex (M1) and lateral premotor cortex (LPMC) and (2) F2P2 group-five cases with F2 lesions + lesions of arm areas of primary somatosensory cortex and the anterior portion of area 5. Initial post-lesion reach and manipulation skills were similar to or better than pre-lesion skills in most F2 lesion cases in a difficult fine motor task but worse than pre-lesion skill in most F2P2 lesion cases in all tasks. Subsequently, reaching and manipulation skills improved over the post-lesion period to higher than pre-lesion skills in both groups, but improvements were greater in the F2 lesion group, perhaps due to additional task practice and greater ipsilesional limb use for daily activities. Poorer and slower post-lesion improvement of ipsilesional upper limb motor skill in the F2P2 cases may be due to impaired somatosensory processing. The persistent ipsilesional upper limb motor deficits frequently observed in humans after stroke are probably caused by greater subcortical white and gray matter damage than in the localized surgical injuries studied here.

Reorganization of Motor Cortex after Controlled Cortical Impact in Rats and Implications for Functional Recovery

Journal of Neurotrauma, 2010

We report the results of controlled cortical impact (CCI) centered on the caudal forelimb area (CFA) of rat motor cortex to determine the feasibility of examining cortical plasticity in a spared cortical motor area (rostral forelimb area, RFA). We compared the effects of three CCI parameter sets (groups CCI-1, CCI-2, and CCI-3) that differed in impactor surface shape, size, and location, on behavioral recovery and RFA structural and functional integrity. Forelimb deficits in the limb contralateral to the injury were evident in all three CCI groups assessed by skilled reach and footfault tasks that persisted throughout the 35-day post-CCI assessment period. Nissl-stained coronal sections revealed that the RFA was structurally intact. Intracortical microstimulation experiments conducted at 7 weeks post-CCI demonstrated that RFA was functionally viable. However, the size of the forelimb representation decreased significantly in CCI-1 compared to the control group. Subdivided into component movement categories, there was a significant group effect for proximal forelimb movements. The RFA area reduction and reorganization are discussed in relation to possible diaschisis, and to compensatory functional behavior, respectively. Also, an inverse correlation between the anterior extent of the lesion and the size of the RFA was identified and is discussed in relation to corticocortical connectivity. The results suggest that CCI can be applied to rat CFA while sparing RFA. This CCI model can contribute to our understanding of neural plasticity in premotor cortex as a substrate for functional motor recovery.