Essential role of Elovl4 in very long chain fatty acid synthesis, skin per- meability barrier function, and neonatal survival (original) (raw)

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Loss of functional ELOVL4 depletes very long-chain fatty acids (>=C28) and the unique  -O-acylceramides in skin leading to neonatal death Cover Page

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Impaired Epidermal Permeability Barrier in Mice Lacking Elovl1, the Gene Responsible for Very-Long-Chain Fatty Acid Production Cover Page

Retinal pathology and skin barrier defect in mice carrying a Stargardt disease-3 mutation in elongase of very long chain fatty acids-4

Molecular vision, 2007

Autosomal dominant Stargardt disease-3 (STGD3) is caused by mutations in elongase of very long chain fatty acids-4 (ELOVL4). The goal of this study was to generate and characterize heterozygous and homozygous knockin-mice that carry a human STGD3 pathogenic mutation in the mouse Elovl4 gene. Recombinant Stgd3-knockin mice were generated using a DNA construct which introduced a pathogenic five-base pair deletion and two point mutations in exon 6 of the Elovl4 gene. Stgd3-mouse genotypes were confirmed by Southern blot analysis and expression of wild-type (wt) and mutated Elovl4 mRNAs assayed by nuclease protection assay. The retinal phenotype of heterozygous Stgd3 mice was characterized by morphological studies, elecroretinographic (ERG) analysis and assay of lipofuscin accumulation. Homozygous Stgd3 mice were examined for both retinal and gross morphology. They were also analyzed for skin morphology and skin barrier function, and for epidermal lipid content using high performance li...

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Retinal pathology and skin barrier defect in mice carrying a Stargardt disease-3 mutation in elongase of very long chain fatty acids-4 Cover Page

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Role for ELOVL3 and Fatty Acid Chain Length in Development of Hair and Skin Function Cover Page

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Role of Stargardt-3 macular dystrophy protein (ELOVL4) in the biosynthesis of very long chain fatty acids Cover Page

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Essential Role of ELOVL4 Protein in Very Long Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis and Retinal Function Cover Page

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Role of ELOVL4 and very long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in mouse models of Stargardt type 3 retinal degeneration Cover Page

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Elovl4 haploinsufficiency does not induce early onset retinal degeneration in mice Cover Page

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Endoplasmic reticulum microenvironment and conserved histidines govern ELOVL4 fatty acid elongase activity Cover Page

Fatty acid transport protein 4 is required for incorporation of saturated ultralong-chain fatty acids into epidermal ceramides and monoacylglycerols

Scientific Reports

Fatty acid transport protein 4 (FATP4) is an acyl-CoA synthetase that is required for normal permeability barrier in mammalian skin. FATP4 (SLC27A4) mutations cause ichthyosis prematurity syndrome, a nonlethal disorder. In contrast,Fatp4−/−mice die neonatally from a defective barrier. Here we used electron microscopy and lipidomics to characterize defects inFatp4−/−mice. Mutants showed lamellar body, corneocyte lipid envelope, and cornified envelope abnormalities. Lipidomics identified two lipids previously speculated to be present in mouse epidermis, sphingosine β-hydroxyceramide and monoacylglycerol; mutants displayed decreased proportions of these and the two ceramide classes that carry ultralong-chain, amide-linked fatty acids (FAs) thought to be critical for barrier function, unbound ω-O-acylceramide and bound ω-hydroxyceramide, the latter constituting the major component of the corneocyte lipid envelope. Other abnormalities included elevated amounts of sphingosine α-hydroxycer...

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Fatty acid transport protein 4 is required for incorporation of saturated ultralong-chain fatty acids into epidermal ceramides and monoacylglycerols Cover Page