"Facultăţile cognitive ale sufletului potrivit Sfântului Isaac Sirul" (original) (raw)

În acest articol sunt prezentate rezultatele referitoare la nivelurile de manifestare a inteligenței emoționale la cadrele didactice și orientările valorice, sunt determinate relațiile statistice dintre factorii studiați.

Among the early institutions of theological education in Bessarabia, after the opening of premiere Chisinau Theological Seminary, second was the Orthodox Ecclesiastical School for Boys, founded as the result of reform of this Theological Seminary. Until the 1960s this school was the unique institution of this kind in the Romanian province. The author highlights that the term of study at the Orthodox Ecclesiastical School for Boys constituted four years. Relevant are his observations on the study process. According to it the school graduates had the right to enroll in the first class of the Theological Seminary. Are observed the main objects included in the school program - curriculum of the ecclesiastical school for boys in Chisinau and Edinet. The last one was founded after the decision of the Diocesan Congresses of years 1867 and 1869.

In articol sunt prezentate delimitările conceptuale cu referire la adaptarea social-psihologică a personalității. Lite­ra­tura de specialitate reflectă in mod diferit viziunile autorilor despre acest concept, deoarece cuprinde componente variate. Adaptarea constituie obiectul de cercetare pentru mai multe științe, fiind studiat de-a lungul timpului in special din punct de vedere social și psihologic. Actualmente, este necesară studierea amplă a adaptării social-psihologice a personalității, deoarece are repercusiuni directe atât asupra stării generale de bine, cât și asupra relațiilor interpersonale echilibrate cu ceilalţi din jur. THE SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ADAPTATION: CONCEPTUAL DELIMITATIONS In this article the conceptual delimitations with reference to the social and psychological adaptation of the personality are presented. Specialty literature reflects differently the authors' visions of this concept, as it contains various compo­nents. Adaptation is an object of researc...

In addition to those Romanian writers who succeeded in gaining recognition both in a foreign country and in their country of birth, many others have unfairly remained unknown to the Romanian readers. Ilinca Zarifopol-Johnston is a writer, translator and editor of two early Romanian texts of the philosophical essayist E. M. Cioran, On the Heights of Despair and Tears and Saints, and a professor in the Department of Comparative Literature at Indiana University, Bloomington. She is the younger daughter of the Romanian writer Dinu Zarifopol, who himself did not receive popular or critical recognition for his work in Romania. The current article, which provides some general information about Ilinca Zarifopol-Johnston’s life and academic work, is an attempt to arouse the reader’s interest in this Romanian author’s literary works, especially in her book entitled Searching for Cioran.