"Comparative Analysis of RC Multi-Storey Building Framed Structure With and Without Considering P-Delta Effect" (original) (raw)

In this exploration work correspond of four structure models with G 13 storey height and analysis is done with and without considering the P-Delta effect with Staad Pro Software. In this work the following parameters are used like Size of Column = 500 mm X 650 mm Beam = 500 X 600 mm, Height of each bottom = 3.5 m, Consistence of Arbor = 180 mm, Support-Fixed Support, arbor dead cargo4.5 KN/ mm2, masonry cargo13.34 KN/ m, for alcazar4.60 KN/ m, bottom finish1.0 KN/ m2, Live cargo on typical bottoms = 3.0 kN/ m2, Live cargo seismic computation = 0.75 kN/ m2 and other parameter similar as Seismic Zone-III and V, Type of soil-Medium Soil, Analysis Done With and Without Consideration of P-Delta Effect for Each Models, Damping = 5(as per table-3 clause6.4.2), Zone factor for zone III, and V, Z = 0.16 and0.36, significance Factor I = 1.5(Important structure as per Table-6), Response Reduction Factor R = 5 for Special RC Moment defying Frame(Table-7), Sa/ g = Average acceleration measure(depend on Natural abecedarian period). In this exploration work the 4 model of different fabled with consider two seismic zone, medium soil condition with and without considering P-Delta effect that's total 16 models are anatomized by the software and relative analysis is done in the term of Maximum storey relegation, maximum bending moments, maximum shear force and maximum axial force.