Peran Pesantren Tarekat Roudhoh Al-Hikam dalam Mengembangkan Tradisi Intelektual Islam dan Moderasi Beragama di Indonesia (original) (raw)
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Pesantren Sebagai Pusat Spritualisme Islam: Pesantren Dan Tarekat
Martin Van Bruinesesn pada tahun 2001 dalam salah satu artikelnya menyatakatan bahwa sampai dua, tiga dasawarsa yang lalu, sebagian besar pengamat masyarakat muslim meramalkan bahwa tarekat dan ritual yang lazim dikaitkan dengan tarekat seperti dzikir, ratib, ziarah kubur, khaul, baiat, hormat dan taat kepada syekh akan sedikit demi sedikit punah dalam masyarakat modern. Ritual-ritual tersebut sering dikaitkan dengan kehidupan desa atau lingkungan kota yang paling tradisional, sedangkan lingkungan kota modern dianggap cenderung ke paham Islam modernis atau pemurnian. Pada masa kini, masyarakat sedang mengalami proses modernasi dan urbanisasi, yaitu perkembangan kota-kota besar dan perpindahan dari daerah pedesaan ke kota. Oleh karena itu masuk akal kalau kehidupan agama juga berubah sesuai dengan perubahan ekonomi dan social, yaitu perubahan dari islam tradisional yang sarat pengaruh tasawuf kepada Islam pemurnian, atau sekularisasi dan radikal 1 . Kini Sembilan belas tahun sudah pendapat tersebut diungkapkan, akan tetapi menurut hemat penulis justru perkembangan tarekat menunjukan signifikasinya, terlebih lagi ketika Habib Lutfi mengadakan beberapa kali muktamar tarekat tingkat dunia. Justru tarekat malah lebih berkembang dari masyarakat pedesaan merambah ke masyarakat perkotaan. Kenapa hal demikian bisa terjadi..? karena tarekat yang merupakan sumber spritualisme Islam masih terjaga baik melalui pesantren. Selama masih ada pesantren ritual tarekat akan tetap terjaga, dan pesantren akan selalu menjadi pusat spiritualisme Islam.
Merajut Moderasi Beragama dari Tradisi Pesantren
Pondok pesantren selama ini menjadi salah satu arus balik pemikiran dalam merajut nilainilai moderasi dalam beragama, sehingga radikalisme agama mampu terhindarkan. Penelitan ini dilaksanakan di Pesanteren Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Pondok Karya Pembangunan (LPI-PKP) Manado, fokus masalah yang menjadi pembahasan adalah bagaimana gambaran pemikiran dan praktik moderasi beragama di pondok pesantren PKP yang menjadi sasaran penelitian. Metode pendekatan kualitatif yang digunakan dalam penelitian dan tidak lepas dari prinsip pengumpulan dan mengelolaan data yang dilakukan secara bersamaan selama proses penelitian di laksanakan. Wawancara dilakukan dengan sejumlah informan yang dianggap mengetahui betul dengan objek permasalahan, sedangkan observasi dilakukan sebagai penelusuran untuk mengamati kondisi objektif lingkungan pesantren dan kehidupan masyarakat sekitar secara langsung. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa sistem pendidikan terpadu seperti khalaqah dan klasik adalah sistem pendi...
Peran Pesantren As’Adiyah Sengkang Dalam Membangun Moderasi Islam DI Tanah Bugis
Al-Mishbah | Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah dan Komunikasi, 2017
Strengthening moderate Islam in the Archipelago is necessary today. Tug of war between religious radicalism and religious liberalism is one of the reasons that underlies this idea. In the middle of this feud, pesantren is expected to play an important role in strengthening religious ideas which are in accordance with the culture of Archipelago that is full of mercy. In this paper, I explore the role of Pesantren of As’adiyah Sengkang in building a moderate Islam in Bugis land. This paper shows that this pesantren has built and developed a moderate Islam in South Sulawesi through two ways; first, a pesantren network and Bugis Muslim scholars as graduates of As’adiyah pesantren, who have been scattered throughout Sulawesi island; second, religious doctrines of As’adiyah which are coloured with Ahlussunnah wal jama’ah either in faith, Islamic law, Islamic mysticism or method of preaching that promotes the principles of moderation (tawassuth), tolerance (tasamuh) and equilibrium (tawa...
Budaya merokok di kalangan pesantren yang bercirikan salaf sudah dianggap menjadi hal yang wajar. PP. Al Luqmaniyyah sebagai salah satu pesantren di Yogyakarta yang bercirikan salaf mengalami proses internalisasi budaya merokok yang cukup menarik. Proses internalisasi budaya merokok di PP. Al Luqmaniyyah tidak jauh dari naungan lembaga yang membawahi atau yang menjadi rujukan. Budaya merokok tersebut tetap terjaga eksistensinya meskipun dihadapkan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang secara jelas melarangnya. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses internalisasi budaya merokok serta faktor-faktor yang mendukung masuknya budaya merokok di PP. Al Luqmaniyyah Yogyakarta. Lokasi penelitian tepatnya berada di Jl. Babaran Gg. Cemani No. 759 P/ UH V Kampung Kalangan RT 48 RW 04, Kelurahan Pandean, Kecamatan Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, dengan kode pos 55161. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian studi kasus dengan metode...
BAYT AL-HIKMAH: Institusi Awal Pengembangan Tradisi Ilmiah Islam
Abstrak: Dalam catatan sejarah, Bayt al-Hikmah merupakan institusi awal dalam pengembangan tradisi ilmiah Islam. Aktivitas yang diperankan Bayt al-Hikmah telah memotivasi umat Islam untuk memperdalam berbagai disiplin ilmu pengetahuan, baik yang berasal dari ajaran Islam maupun di luar Islam yang dapat mencerdaskan masyarakat Muslim saat itu dari keterbelakangan peradaban. Tulisan ini mengeks-plorasi alasan pendirian Bayt al-Hikmah, profil dan aktivitas institusi, para patron dan ilmuwan yang terlibat di dalamnya, dan pengaruhnya dalam pengembangan pendidikan Islam. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa pendirian Bayt al-Hikmah merupakan upaya pemerintah Bani Abbas untuk menghidupkan dan menerjemahkan karya-karya asing, terutama Yunani. Kesadaran ini mendorong bangkitnya ilmuwan-ilmuwan Muslim Abad Pertengahan yang memiliki pengaruh besar bagi perkembangan per-adaban Barat. Abstract: Bayt al-Hikmah: A Pioneering Institution in the Development of Islamic Scientific Tradition. Historically, Bayt al-Hikmah is recorded as a pioneering institution in the development of Islamic scientific tradition. The role played by Bayt al-Hikmah had motivated the Muslim society to make a thorough study on various disciplines of science both from Islamic and the other origins that brought the Muslims to the fore against the backwardness of civilization of that time. This essay explores the reason of the founding of Bayt al-Hikmah, its profile, the scientist and learned persons engaged therein, as well as the influence in the development of Islamic education. The author concludes that the establishment of Bayt al-Hikmah is an effort by the Bani Abbasid rule to translate foreign works especially from the Greek. Such consciousness threw light in the emergence Muslim scientists of the Middle age which had a significant influence on the development of Western civilization.
Tradisi Pesantren Sebagai Pusat Peradaban Muslim Nusantara
Al-A'raf : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam dan Filsafat, 2014
Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) with its typology has given effect to the civilization in Indonesia. Pesantren in Indonesia plays three important roles in Islamic civilization. First, pesantren serves as center of religious study that creates muslim scholars, so that they will develop Islamic teachings. Second, the act of openness to the modernization by considering about the act of selectivity that functions as a filter. Third, pesantren creates a link to connect among religion, culture and local wisdom.
Analisa, 2014
Since long time ago, pondok pesantren (islamic boarding school) has been considered as a moderate institution. It also gives priority to peaceful ways in dealing with conflict. Unfortunately, such known attitude is now being strongly questioned due to some vested interests found in the pesantren community. The various motives in religions, politics, economics, social, etc among the people lead pesantren to be vulnerable to conflict. Using qualitative method, this article intended to explore the mindset, characters, and attitudes of the people in pesantren in dealing with various "ikhtilaf" (disputes) that later used as means to portray peace cultures in the pesantren. The findings of the research showed that both pesantrens (Nurul Ummah and Ar-Romli) had never been in serious external conflict. Nevertheles, they had applied the principles of peace cultures well.
Pesantren; Akar Tradisi Dan Modernisasi
Islamic Boarding school is an islamic education institution which has an identical tradition in indonesian muslim societuy. This institution has emerged long before the colonialism era in Indonesia. In its long history since years to pursue the concept of modernism, islamic boarding school, sometimes ,has also been perceived negatively because of transnasionalism ideology which is adopted in recent years. In that case, this paper aimed to describe the existence of islamic boarding school in indonesian social life. By argumenting and comparing some previous studies in this case to gain an accurate result. Moreover, this paper is intended to answer some western perception about islamic boarding school in Indonesia, and finally emphasize the role of islamic boarding school as a government partner and its function in creating democracy. Keyword: Islamic Boarding School, Tradition, Modernization.
Peran Pesantren Dalam Toleransi Antar Umat Beragama
MUSHAF JOURNAL: Jurnal Ilmu Al Quran dan Hadis
Islamic boarding schools are community-based Islamic educational institutions. Islamic boarding schools or Islamic boarding schools are institutions that can be said to be a manifestation of the normal process of development of the national education system. Which aims to develop abilities, knowledge, and skills in order to build life in society. This research is a field research (field research) using qualitative methods. The collection of research data was carried out by interviewing caretakers of the Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School. Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School is one of the Tahfidzul Qur'an Islamic Boarding Schools for boys and girls who have special interest in memorizing the Koran, with a semi-traditional-modern style of boarding school. The purpose of this research is to find out the role of Darul Falah Islamic boarding school education in fostering inter-religious tolerance. Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School has an important role in fostering tolerance and h...
Manajemen Pesantren sebagai Khazanah Tonggak Keberhasilan Pendidikan Islam
MANAGERIA: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 2017
Management is one of the most important aspects of managing an institution / agency especially in educational institutions, so expect especially Islamic education institutions and boarding schools because it can not be separated when talking about Islamic education definitely a benchmark of all it is a boarding school education, history has proven that the embryo of formal education is education schools starting from the household, surau, mosques and public places, The new Islam began to grow rapidly after education was started in utakan even serve as doktrinisasi process. Inspirational relentless, berkaryapun always sure, Batsul masa'il, sorogan, mukhadloroh as the hallmark of learning as well as the evaluation process, so as to give birth to a reliable generations who are ready to solve all the problems that occur at this time. Thus the usefulness aspects of Islamic education outcomes can be felt from the ma-society down to the top, this is evidenced by the works of the schola...