Statistical and dynamical analysis of internal waves on the continental shelf of the Middle Atlantic Bight from space shuttle photographs (original) (raw)
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Internal Solitons in the Oceans
Nonlinear internal waves in the ocean are discussed (a) from the standpoint of soliton theory and (b) from the viewpoint of experimental measurements. First, theoretical models for internal solitary waves in the ocean are briefly described. Various nonlinear analytical solutions are treated, commencing with the well-known Boussinesq and Korteweg-de Vries equations. Then certain generalizations are considered, including effects of cubic nonlinearity, Earth's rotation, cylindrical divergence, dissipation, shear flows, and others. Recent theoretical models for strongly nonlinear internal waves are outlined. Second, examples of experimental evidence for the existence of solitons in the upper ocean are presented; the data include radar and optical images and in situ measurements of waveforms, propagation speeds, and dispersion characteristics. Third, and finally, action of internal solitons on sound wave propagation is discussed. This review paper is intended for researchers from diverse backgrounds, including acousticians, who may not be familiar in detail with soliton theory. Thus, it includes an outline of the basics of soliton theory. At the same time, recent theoretical and observational results are described which can also make this review useful for mainstream oceanographers and theoreticians.
Observations of highly nonlinear internal solitons over the continental shelf
Geophysical Research Letters, 1998
We compute solitary wave solutions of a Hamiltonian model for large-amplitude long internal waves in a two-layer stratification. Computations are performed for values of the density and depth ratios close to oceanic conditions, and comparisons are made with solutions of both weakly and fully nonlinear models. It is shown that characteristic features of highly nonlinear solitary waves such as broadening are reproduced well by the present model. To cite this article:
Remote imaging of internal solitons in the coastal ocean
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2001
During a combined in situ and airborne remote sensing exercise off Oceanside, CA, a Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) observed alongshore lineations, which were associated with an internal soliton packet accompanying a tidally generated internal solitary wave (solibore). The soliton packets were most evident in the images at green wavelengths, which penetrate the deepest into the water column, and only weakly evident at optical wavelengths with shallower penetration. We believe that this is the first observation of internal soliton packets determined from remotely sensed upwelled radiance. We hypothesize that the lineations were produced by changes in the upwelling radiance from the interior of the water column, not by changes in surface reflectance. Using a simulation, it is demonstrated that such lineations can be produced by vertical modulation of the inherent optical properties (IOPs) during the passage of the internal soliton packet. Since surface manifestations are not always present, this opens the potential for broadly based inventories of internal solitons in coastal waters.
Intense short-period internal waves in the ocean
Journal of Marine Research, 2005
Trains of quasi-periodic high-frequency internal waves (IWs) of large amplitude are common in the upper thermocline of the ocean. Sources for these waves may be different ones but it is not always possible to experimentally establish them for certain. We analyzed results of many IW experiments carried out in different representative regions of the World Ocean, including continental margins in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, in the northwestern Pacific at Kamchatka, the Seyshelles-Mascarene bottom rise, and some regions of the open ocean where the intense short-period IWs occur. Comparative analysis of the intense IWs observed in the Mid-Atlantic Bight and at Kamchatka revealed similarity and difference in the IW field in these regions differing by their bottom topography. Most of the observed trains in the Mid-Atlantic Bight propagate shoreward from the shelf break in the form of soliton packets or solibores and do not occur seaward from the shelf. The soliton trains in the northwestern Pacific at Kamchatka are common not only at the shelf edge but also in deep water where they propagate in various directions that seem to be related to the supercritical steepness and complicated form of the continental slope. Observation of generation and evolution of the IW trains at the Seyshelles-Mascarene bottom rise where huge internal solitons have been encountered has shown that the undular bore generated at the lee side of the bottom rise gradually evolves in a train of solitons with the trailing linear waves. Large solitons are generated also in deep water as a result of ray propagation of the internal tide emanated from the rise as happens in the Bay of Biscay. Certain consequences of the IW interaction with the background current leading to intensification of the high-frequency waves were observed in several regions of the open ocean. Revealed dependency of the intense wave propagation direction on the current direction, and closeness of the wave frequency to the frequency at which the waveguide steeply tapers may be regarded as clear evidences for the important role which currents play in the IW intensification.
Internal Solitons in the Northeastern South China Sea Part I: Sources and Deep Water Propagation
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2004
A moored array of current, temperature, conductivity, and pressure sensors was deployed across the Chinese continental shelf and slope in support of the Asian Seas International Acoustics Experiment. The goal of the observations was to quantify the water column variability in order to understand the along-and across-shore low-frequency acoustic propagation in shallow water. The moorings were deployed from April 21-May 19, 2001 and sampled at 1-5 min intervals to capture the full range of temporal variability without aliasing the internal wave field. The dominant oceanographic signal by far was in fact the highly nonlinear internal waves (or solitons) which were generated near the Batan Islands in the Luzon Strait and propagated 485 km across deep water to the observation region. Dubbed trans-basin waves, to distinguish them from other, smaller nonlinear waves generated locally near the shelf break, these waves had amplitudes ranging from 29 to greater than 140 m and were among the largest such waves ever observed in the world's oceans. The waves arrived at the most offshore mooring in two clusters lasting 7-8 days each separated by five days when no waves were observed. Within each cluster, two types of waves arrived which have been named type-a and type-b. The type-a waves had greater amplitude than the type-b waves and arrived with remarkable regularity at the same time each day, 24 h apart. The type-b waves were weaker than the type-a waves, arrived an hour later each day, and generally consisted of a single soliton growing out of the center of the wave packet. Comparison with modeled barotropic tides from the generation region revealed that: 1) The two clusters were generated around the time of the spring tides in the Luzon strait; and 2) The type-a waves were generated on the strong side of the diurnal inequality while the type-b waves were generated on the weaker beat. The position of the Kuroshio intrusion into the Luzon Strait may modulate the strength of the waves being produced. As the waves shoaled, the huge lead solitons first split into two solitons then merged together into a broad region of thermocline depression at depths less than 120 m. Elevation waves sprang up behind them as they continued to propagate onshore. The elevation waves also grew out of regions where the locally-generated internal tide forced the main thermocline down near the bottom. The "critical Manuscript
Internal solitons in the ocean
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1995
Chair's IntroductionS:25 Invited Papers 8:30 laAO1. Internal waves and tides in shallow water. Albert J. Plueddemann and James F. Lynch (Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst.,
New findings in studying internal solitons in the sea and the associated acoustic effects
A review of new data obtained by the team of acoustical oceanography of the Andreyev Acoustics Institute over three last years is presented. The objectives of the studies were internal waves in the sea and the associated acoustic effects. The studies were performed in the Black Sea and the Sea of Japan in summertime. The detailed measurements with the use of the ADCP revealed a new mechanism of generating internal solitons under the influence of the collision of currents. In the non-tidal Black Sea, internal waves with heights of about 10 m, a record value for such an environment, were observed. The causes of that phenomenon were also found. For the shelf of the Sea of Japan, the data on the effect of the elevation waves in the near-bottom thermocline on the near-surface air-bubble layer are obtained. On an arranged fixed path at the shelf of the Black Sea, experiments with LFM-modulated signals were performed for studying sound propagation at the time when trains of intense interna...
Prototypical solitons in the south china sea
Geophys. Res. Lett, 2006
1] Surface signatures associated with non-linear internal waves are often seen in satellite images of the western South China Sea (SCS) slope and shelf. Observation in the deep sea, to the east, are rare. Here we report on the evolution of an energetic packet as it propagated through the deep central basin of the SCS, toward the western slope and shelf. The waves have amplitudes estimated at 170 m, half widths of 3 km, and phase speeds of 2.9 ± 0.1 m/s, faster than the mode-1 linear phase speed of 2.6 m/s. The shape and observed phase speed were consistent with the Korteweg-deVries (KdV) model over the 65-km path that they were tracked. The intrinsic velocity shear of the waves is small compared to pre-existing shears, and the waves exhibit weak turbulence. The KdV fit and a satellite-derived estimate of horizontal wave extent imply a westward energy flux of 4.5 GW for each crest. Citation: Klymak,
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 2013
An interaction of internal solitary waves with the shelf edge in the time periods related to the presence of a pronounced seasonal pycnocline in the Red Sea and in the Alboran Sea is analysed via satellite photos and SAR images. Laboratory data on transformation of a solitary wave of depression while passing along the transverse bottom step were obtained in a tank with a two-layer stratified fluid. The certain difference between two characteristic types of hydrophysical phenomena was revealed both in the field observations and in experiments. The hydrological conditions for these two processes were named the "deep" and the "shallow" shelf respectively. The first one provides the generation of the secondary periodic short internal waves -"runaway" edge waves -due to change in the polarity of a part of a soliton approaching the shelf normally. Another one causes a periodic shear flow in the upper quasi-homogeneous water layer with the period of incident solitary wave. The strength of the revealed mechanisms depends on the thickness of the water layer between the pycnocline and the shelf bottom as well as on the amplitude of the incident solitary wave.