Os títulos, as emoções e a utopia (original) (raw)

Headlines, emotions and utopia


This study elaborates on the influence of newspaper headlines in the constitution of the social imaginary. It also shows the type of cognitive/emotional calculus that readers make by processing them. To this end, it considers the contribution that Journalism makes to the adaptive needs of the public. By examining a sample of 100 titles published in Folha de S.Paulo this study also identifies the 'reflex and mirror images' inferred by audiences from what is subliminally given in the headlines. It also shows the rationales applied in decoding this material and it tests the reception of 11 selected titles among 28 respondents. This study reveals that Journalism has a central role in consolidating the values of the public.

The Journalist between the Profession and the Newspaper's Interests: Values and Routines in the Production of Folha De S. Paulo’s Editorials

Brazilian Journalism Research, 2018

Notwithstanding journalistic editorials may evidence conflicts and negotiations involving public and private interests, their production process is little investigated in Brazil. The article examines the values and routines typical to the work of Folha de S. Paulo's editorialists to find out how they construct newspaper's positions. By applying Content Analysis to three in-depth interviews, we propose four thematic axes regarding the features of journalistic editorials: Political and marketing roles; their target audience; production routines; and editorial values of the newspaper. The results indicate that editorialists exercise limited autonomy, striving to fit the positions historically defended by the publication. Such a condition is seen as natural by the interviewees, with no record of tensions between their individual opinions and newspaper's positions.


Notwithstanding journalistic editorials may evidence conflicts and negotiations involving public and private interests, their production process is little investigated in Brazil. The article examines the values and routines typical to the work of Folha de S. Paulo's editorialists to find out how they construct newspaper's positions. By applying Content Analysis to three in-depth interviews, we propose four thematic axes regarding the features of journalistic editorials: Political and marketing roles; their target audience; production routines; and editorial values of the newspaper. The results indicate that editorialists exercise limited autonomy, striving to fit the positions historically defended by the publication. Such a condition is seen as natural by the interviewees, with no record of tensions between their individual opinions and newspaper's positions.

OPORTO NEWSPAPERS AND THE CITY READERS. The construction of editorial and audiences identities

Revista Internacional de Historiadores de la Comunicación, Nº1, Vol.1, año 2013, PP. 74-91

Abstract: The three Oporto daily newspapers O Comércio do Porto, O Primeiro de Janeiro and Jornal de Notícias were founded during the XIX century and steadily grew in prestige and respect amongst the national Portuguese press. These papers began as local and ideological projects supported by political parties and a powerful commercial Oporto newspapers and the city readers. The construction of editorial and audiences identities association but gradually evolved to more comprehensive newspapers with a wider range of lectors. Each particular profile was built through editorial policies which led to strategies of audience identification, underlined by the charisma of their owners and directors. The aim of this study is to identify the engagement processes with readers in their early days and the methodology will rely on sources such as newspapers contents and some other specialized publications. The key moments of evolution in Comércio, Janeiro and Notícias will be tracked by the adaptation to the modernization challenges according to reports, newspapers and some senior journalists’ testimonies. Keywords: Oporto daily newspapers, editorial profile, audience identification, Oporto’s traditions and values, engagement process

Introduction and methodology The three Oporto daily newspapers


The three Oporto daily newspapers O Comércio do Porto, O Primeiro de Janeiro and Jornal de Notícias were founded during the XIX century and steadily grew in prestige and respect amongst the national Portuguese press. These papers began as local and ideological projects supported by political parties and a powerful commercial DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12795/RiHC.2013.i01.04 ISSN: 2255-5129 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3023-6412 Oporto newspapers and the city readers. The construction of editorial and audiences identities Revista internacional de Historia de la Comunicación, No1, Vol.1, año 2013, PP. 74-91 75 association but gradually evolved to more comprehensive newspapers with a wider range of lectors. Each particular profile was built through editorial policies which led to strategies of audience identification, underlined by the charisma of their owners and directors. The aim of this study is to identify the engagement processes with readers in their early days and the methodology...

Diário de Notícias, a successful portuguese journalism project in an adverse environment


UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020Portuguese journalism of the 19th century suffered the influence of the political parties or wealthy elites and newspapers were read by this narrow audience and circulation was poor due to low reading rates. In 1864, Diário de Notícias represented a turning point in the press evolution process. It had an easy style, and an informational purpose. It was ‘a newspaper of all and for all - for rich and for poor, for both sexes and all conditions, classes and parties.’ It meant a change in terms of news coverage enhanced by a popular writing style. This study aims to show how Notícias represents a turning point in the ideological journalism model and also its relation to popular international newspapers, as an analysis framework. The methodology will rely on original documentation and newspapers and will focus on Eduardo Coelho and his role in Diário de Notícias’s history.publishersversionpublishe

Literary narrative in the daily print media: Zero Hora and Gazeta do Sul

Brazilian journalism research, 2014

This paper aims to investigate the presence of specific categories in journalistic narratives in daily newspapers – feature story and interpretative news- and their use of elements from the literary narrative. This movement presents itself as a strategy from which the devices reiterate their identity links, making possible their operations, producing new meanings and provoking differences that generate further differences. The results of the empirical research undertaken over 30 days – from September 1 st to September 30 th , 2010 - based on two of the main daily newspapers in Rio Grande do Sul: Zero Hora, from Porto Alegre, and Gazeta do Sul, from Santa Cruz do Sul, suggest that a process of increasing complexity in journalism is at play, as revealed by the lack of journalistic categories and genres, hitherto viewed as indicators of deeper layers of meaning than textual reificators,

Journalism and framing: a socio-cognitive approach

Journalism and Framing : a socio-cognitive approach , 2010

We will try to develop a theoretical framework that will allow us to critically explainsome features of journalism language, using the concepts of tipification, frame, and ideology.Throughout some examples of Portuguese news focused on the representation of migrants, we will try to make a small demonstration of how ideology, frame and tipifications arearticulated in order to make sense of social world.In the final part of this essay, we’ll try to discuss journalism reform movements – such ascivic journalism – that supports changes in journalism practice in order to engage it withdemocratic deliberation and citizen’s participation. Our argument is that any approach thatsupports the civic role of journalism in democratic deliberation must take into consideration therole performed by journalistic language in the social construction of reality. So, it must considernot only the agenda setting, but also the way as journalistic discourse represents issues, eventsand social identities.Finally, we will try to show that it is necessary to launch a programme of research in journalism studies, drawing on the contribution of Critical Discourse Analysis and socio-cognitive (phenomenological) approaches

Whose is the agenda? Contents, practices and values in Portuguese regional newspapers

Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies 01/2014; 3(1):97-117. DOI: 10.1386/ajms.3.1.97_1

This article shows results from the project “Citizens’ agenda: journalism and civic participation in Portuguese media”, involving research on a sample of regional newspapers geographically distributed throughout the country. Through content analysis of sources, topics and framing, we sketch the general picture painted by the regional press. Drawing on inquiries to journalists and directors we also aim to understand which professional practices and values are prominent in regional press, paying special attention to questions linking journalism to democratic systems. Results indicate that recent trends of professionalization and commercialization prompted Portuguese local press towards the liberal model, which means growing autonomy from the state and politics, but also includes disengagement from civic pursuits of “general interest”.