Strategic restructuring (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences
The paper examined the role of corporate restructuring in improving organizational performance by reviewing various literature in the domain of strategic management, where key authors, relevant theories, and studies were identified and reviewed, and a premium was placed on books and articles in peer-reviewed academic journals published between 2017 and 2023. Consequently, 30 authors were examined to isolate the corporate restructuring strategies beneficial to improving organizational performance. Analysis showed that these strategies can take various forms, and many empirical studies were underpinned by the dynamic capabilities theory, the resource-based theory, or the strategy-structure contingency theory, and the relationships were significant. Thus, corporate restructuring was adjudged to have the potential to enhance organizational performance. Scholars in the field of strategic management should therefore pay attention to the long-term consequences of restructuring.
Corporate restructuring: Reconfiguring the firm
Strategic Management Journal, 1993
Corporate restructuring is an area of great interest to researchers in corporate strategy, finance and organizational studies. In this chapter, we briefly review prior research on corporate restructuring, and then introduce the articles in the special issue. In the papers in the issue there are indications that restructuring can be performance-enhancing for the firm, but it can also have significant unintended consequences. The papers in this issue apply a broad range of research methods and theoretical perspectives to corporate restructuring, its initiating forces, and its consequences.
ABSTRACT The study focussed on the review of literature on effect of restructuring on business transformation to attain effectiveness and efficiency. The objective of the study was critically to examine the efforts undertaken by the executives of the world class organizations as benchmark in business transformation. It further establishes reasons why efforts to achieve corporate renewal by some of the organizations have failed or not sustainable. The study will provide constructive information that helps the managers to precisely and concisely guide them in their quest to restructure. This will ensure resources are channelled to the right course. This will fill the gaps of earlier studies which provide sectarian data by providing comprehensive approach.
The Challenges Of Defining And Implementing Corporate Restructuring Programs
Economic Themes, 2014
The main objective of this paper is to present problems which get in the way of the implementation of planned structural changes brought about by restructuring. This is a very complex matter and a problem which currently troubles Serbia, considering the large number of enterprises which need to be restructured. As opposed to the practice of most developed countries, and even some transitional countries, with intense restructuring processes, these processes have been rather slow in Serbia. However, restructuring is becoming inevitable for a significant number of domestic enterprises. In some enterprises, restructuring needs to be implemented through the bankruptcy and liquidation procedure since there really are no grounds that support their assistance in the form of subsidies, which will indefinitely prolong their unprofitable operations without any chance for success in the market. Still, enterprises with a chance for success in the market can go a long way with the help of aggressive restructuring. With this in mind, the paper outlines some directions for development of corporate restructuring implementation plans.
Challenges in Researching Corporate Restructuring*
Journal of Management Studies, 1993
This article reviews research on corporate restructuring by examining representative studies of acquisitions, divestitures and management buyouts. Theoretical arguments used in prior research on these aspects of restructuring are presented and the empirical evidence is reviewed. Three challenges in researching corporate restructuring are identified: trading off theoretical abstraction for institutional detail, defining strategically meaningful research questions, and the pursuit of partial models versus development of a comprehensive theory of restructuring. The conclusion is that theoretical and methodological pluralism are essential for advancement of research on this topic. The article concludes with a call for more research involving institutional detail and linking modes of restructuring to performance.
Business Restructuring as a Method of Strengtening Company’s Financial Position
Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 2021
Restructuring is relevant for companies that have free capital and need to expand for development purposes, as well as for companies that have relatively large problems with financial results and the relevant indicators indicate the necessary changes. Motives of the restructuring may be different, the authors put forward the following reasons: operation operational synergy, financial synergy, diversification, economic motives. Restructuring is one of the key methods for company’s financial position strengthening. Motives of restructuring are various, but the objective is company's value increase and the strengthening of financial position. The authors investigate the essence of the company's financial strategy, studied restructuring as a modern approach of company development in the crisis period, as well as the company's valuation and financial analysis methods, which were used for restructuring.
Strategies for responsible restructuring
Executive Overview As organizations struggle to enhance their competitive positions, employment downsizing continues as a preferred part of a restructuring strategy. Its objective is to reduce operating costs as a way of increasing earnings and stock prices. A study of S&P 500 firms from 1982–2000, however, casts serious doubt on the long-term payoff of this approach. The purpose of this article is to suggest several alternative approaches to restructuring. In contrast to employment downsizing, a strategy that regards people as costs to be cut, a responsible restructuring strategy focuses on people as assets to be developed. This focus recognizes that people are the source of innovation and renewal, especially in knowledge-based organizations, and that the development of new markets, customers, and revenue streams depends on the wise use of a firm's human assets. The article presents company examples and research-based findings that illustrate mistakes to avoid and affirmative steps to take when restructuring responsibly.
Editorial - Enterprise Restructuring and Sources of Competitive Advantage in Transforming Economies
Journal of East European Management Studies, 2001
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