Therapeutic profile of lettuce: Leafy vegetable for moderate consumption (A review (original) (raw)

Lettuce: a promising leafy vegetable with functional properties

Defence Life Science Journal, 2017

Lactuca sativa (lettuce) belongs to Asteraceae family important leafy vegetable known for its medicinal properties. The lettuce is a food that should not lack in our meals, we should keep in mind that its low fat and carbohydrate contents and its high contents of water, it provides caloric power of only 13 Kcal /100gm are very appropriate for weight loss diets. It is rich in minerals, especially potassium that is very necessary to maintain appropriate levels of liquids in the body, together with calcium and phosphorus makes it especially for the correct well being of the bones. It contains selenium, an antioxidant that has a medicinal property in prevention of certain type of cancers, colon, prostrate and lungs. It contains many necessary amino acids for the formation of the proteins, alanine, and necessary for the construction of muscular and nervous tissues, glycine for the correct operation of immunological system. The most of therapeutic properties of this plant is due to sesqui...

Phytochemicals, Nutrition, Metabolism, Bioavailability, and Health Benefits in Lettuce—A Comprehensive Review


Lettuce is one of the most famous leafy vegetables worldwide with lots of applications from food to other specific uses. There are different types in the lettuce group for consumers to choose from. Additionally, lettuce is an excellent source of bioactive compounds such as polyphenols, carotenoids, and chlorophyll with related health benefits. At the same time, nutrient composition and antioxidant compounds are different between lettuce varieties, especially for green and red lettuce types. The benefit of lettuce consumption depends on its composition, particularly antioxidants, which can function as nutrients. The health benefits rely on their biochemical effect when reaching the bloodstream. Some components can be released from the food matrix and altered in the digestive system. Indeed, the bioaccessibility of lettuce is measuring the quantity of these compounds released from the food matrix during digestion, which is important for health-promoting features. Extraction of bioacti...

Screening of Bioactivity in Extracts from Different Varieties of Lettuce


Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) belongs to Asteraceae family and is a widely grown and a popularly consumed vegetable worldwide cause leafy vegetables are common items in a well-balanced diet. Lettuce is low in calories, fat and sodium. It is a good source of fiber, iron, folate, vitamin C and various bioactive compounds. Lettuce is consumed in salad mixes and, as its consumption is increasing, is becoming one of most 'healthy' food. Moreover, since lettuce is generally eaten raw, more nutrients and bioactive compounds are retained compared to other vegetables that are cooked or processed, avoiding in this way the degradation of the thermolabile phytochemicals with potential nutraceutical interest. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering, anti-diabetic, and antioxidant activities attributed to the bioactive compounds in lettuce. The healthy properties are attributed to a large supply of antioxidant compounds mainly polyphenols. As they act...

Antioxidant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of in vitro and field-grown Iceberg lettuce extracts

Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research, 2019

Context: Iceberg lettuce is a nutrient rich edible crop containing vitamin B6, thiamin and folate. The increasing demand of natural products is moving the focus towards in vitro plant sources as factories for producing important secondary metabolites. Aims: To evaluate the activities of in vitro propagated callus culture and field-grown of Iceberg lettuce, which can act as an alternate source of bioactive secondary metabolites. Methods: The extracts were made with methanol, n-hexane, ethyl acetate and water for field-grown as well as in vitro cultured Iceberg lettuce plants and evaluated for their medicinal potential both in vitro and in vivo in rats. Results: Total flavonoid and phenolic contents of plant extracts showed strong positive correlation with their antioxidant activities. The highest contents of flavonoids and phenolics were present in the methanolic extract of field-grown leaves. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of examined samples in rats were observed as field-grown leaves extracts > callus extracts > regenerated shoots extracts. However, all of these activities in the extracts of callus culture were comparable to that of field-grown plant extracts. Conclusions: This study showed that field-grown plants are comparably rich source of secondary metabolites, which showed multiple pharmacological activities in a significant way.

Stem Lettuce and Its Metabolites: Does the Variety Make Any Difference?

Foods, 2020

The objective of the present study was to characterize chemical composition of hitherto unexamined aerial parts of Lactuca sativa var. angustana cv. Grüner Stern. In contrast to leafy and head varieties of the lettuces, asparagus lettuce grown in Europe is much less studied. Fractionation of a methanolic extract from leaves of L. sativa cv. Grüner Stern, supported with HPLC/DAD and 1H NMR analysis, led to the isolation and/or identification of numerous terpenoid and phenolic compounds, including five apocarotenoids—(-)-loliolide, (+)-dehydrovomifoliol, blumenol A, (6S,9S)-vomifoliol, and corchoionoside C; three sesquiterpene lactones; two lignans—((+)-syringaresinol and its 4-O-β-glucoside); five caffeic acid derivatives; and three flavonoids. Some of the compounds, to the best of our knowledge, have never been isolated from L. sativa before. Moreover, monolignols, phenolic acids and a tryptophan-derived alkaloid were found in the analyzed plant material. Stems, leaves and shoot tip...

Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity and fast UHPLC-DAD-IT-TOF profiling of polyphenolic compounds extracted from green lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.; var. Maravilla de Verano)

Food chemistry, 2015

Fresh cut vegetables represent a widely consumed food worldwide. Among these, lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is one of the most popular on the market. The growing interest for this "healthy" food is related to the content of bioactive compounds, especially polyphenols, that show many beneficial effects. In this study, we report the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potential of polyphenols extracted from lettuce (var. Maravilla de Verano), in J774A.1 macrophages stimulated with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Lettuce extract significantly decreased reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide release, inducible nitric oxide synthase and cycloxygenase-2 expression. A detailed quali/quantitative profiling of the polyphenolic content was carried out, obtaining fast separation (10 min), good retention time and peak area repeatability, (RSD% 0.80 and 8.68, respectively) as well as linearity (R(2)⩾ 0.999) and mass accuracy (⩽ 5 ppm). Our results show the importance in the diet ...

Phytochemical Analysis, Antioxidant Activity and Ftir Spectroscopic Analysis of Red Leaf Lettuce and Green Leaf Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa L.)

Indian Drugs

This study was conducted to analyze the phytochemical compounds, the profile of infrared spectrophotometric, total phenolic contents (TPC) and antioxidant activity of ethanol extract of red leaf lettuce (RL) and green leaf lettuce (GL). RL and GL were extracted with 70 % ethanol using the maceration method for 3 days and re-maceration for 1 day. The secondary metabolites in ethanol extracts were evaluated by phytochemical analysis and profile spectra infrared. Estimation of TPC was conducted by the FolinCiocalteu methods. The antioxidant activity assay was conducted by ABTS and DPPH methods. The determination of TPC showed that the ethanol extract of RL was higher than the ethanol extract of GL. RL has stronger antioxidant activity than GL. The presence of hydroxyl group in the phenolics directly correlates with the antioxidant activity, so consumers could use them as natural antioxidants or to functionalize foods. This understanding is important for improving the safety and quality...