Genes establishing dorsoventral pattern formation in the zebrafish embryo: the ventral specifying genes (original) (raw)
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Dino and Mercedes, Two Genes Regulating Dorsal Development in the Zebrafish Embryo
Development, 1996
We describe two genes, dino and mercedes, which are required for the organization of the zebrafish body plan. In dino mutant embryos, the tail is enlarged at the expense of the head and the anterior region of the trunk. The altered expression patterns of various marker genes reveal that, with the exception of the dorsal most marginal zone, all regions of the early dino mutant embryo acquire more ventral fates. These alterations are already apparent before the onset of gastrulation. mercedes mutant embryos show a similar but weaker phenotype, suggesting a role in the same patterning processes. The phenotypes suggests that dino and mercedes are required for the establishment of dorsal fates in both the marginal and the animal zone of the early gastrula embryo. Their function in the patterning of the ventrolateral mesoderm and the induction of the neuroectoderm is similar to the function of the Spemann organizer in the amphibian embryo.
Mutations affecting development of the midline and general body shape during zebrafish embryogenesis
Development (Cambridge, England), 1996
Tissues of the dorsal midline of vertebrate embryos, such as notochord and floor plate, have been implicated in inductive interactions that pattern the neural tube and somites. In our screen for embryonic visible mutations in the zebrafish we found 113 mutations in more than 27 genes with altered body shape, often with additional defects in CNS development. We concentrated on a subgroup of mutations in ten genes (the midline-group) that cause defective development of the floor plate. By using floor plate markers, such as the signaling molecule sonic hedgehog, we show that the schmalspur (sur) gene is needed for early floor plate development, similar to one-eyed-pinhead (oep) and the previously described cyclops (cyc) gene. In contrast to oep and cyc, sur embryos show deletions of ventral CNS tissue restricted to the mid- and hindbrain, whereas the forebrain appears largely unaffected. In the underlying mesendodermal tissue of the head, sur is needed only for development of the poste...
Genes & Development, 1996
According to a model based on embryological studies in amphibia, dorsoventral patterning is regulated by the antagonizing function of ventralizing bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and dorsalizing signals generated by Spemann's organizer. Large-scale mutant screens in the zebrafish, Danio rerio, have led to the isolation of two classes of recessive lethal mutations affecting early dorsoventral pattern formation. dino mutant embryos are ventralized, whereas swirl mutants are dorsalized. We show that at early gastrula stages, dino and swirl mutants display an expanded or reduced Bmp4 expression, respectively. The dino and swirl mutant phenotypes both can be phenocopied and rescued by the modulation of BMP signaling in wild-type and mutant embryos. By suppressing BMP signaling in dino mutants, adult fertile dino -/- fish were generated. These findings, together with results from the analysis of dino-swirl double mutants, indicate that dino fulfills its dorsalizing activity via a s...
Development, 1997
The zebrafish locus one-eyed pinhead (oep) is essential for the formation of anterior axial mesoderm, endoderm and ventral neuroectoderm. At the beginning of gastrulation anterior axial mesoderm cells form the prechordal plate and express goosecoid (gsc) in wild-type embryos. In oep mutants the prechordal plate does not form and gsc expression is not maintained. Exposure to lithium, a dorsalizing agent, leads to the ectopic induction and maintenance of gsc expression in wild-type embryos. Lithium treatment of oep mutants still leads to ectopic gsc induction but not maintenance, suggesting that oep acts downstream of inducers of dorsal mesoderm. In genetic mosaics, wild-type cells are capable of forming anterior axial mesoderm in oep embryos, suggesting that oep is required in prospective anterior axial mesoderm cells before gastrulation. The oep gene is also essential for endoderm formation and the early development of ventral neuroectoderm, including the floor plate. The loss of endoderm is already manifest during gastrulation by the absence of axial-expressing cells in the hypoblast of oep mutants. These findings suggest that oep is also required in lateral and ventral regions of the gastrula margin. The sonic hedgehog (shh).gene is expressed in the notochord of oep animals. Therefore, the impaired floor plate development in oep mutants is not caused by the absence of the floor plate inducer shh. This suggests that oep is required downstream or in parallel to shh signaling. The ventral region of the forebrain is also absent in oep mutants, leading to severe cyclopia. In contrast, anterior-posterior brain patterning appears largely unaffected, suggesting that underlying prechordal plate is not required for anterior-posterior pattern formation but might be involved in dorsoventral brain patterning. To test if oep has a wider, partially redundant role, we constructed double mutants with two other zebrafish loci essential for patterning during gastrulation. Double mutants with floating head, the zebrafish Xnot homologue, display enhanced floor plate and adaxial muscle phenotypes. Double mutants with no tail (ntl), the zebrafish homologue of the mouse Brachyury locus, display severe defects in midline and mesoderm formation including absence of most of the somitic mesoderm. These results reveal a redundant function of oep and ntl in mesoderm formation. Our data suggest that both oep and ntl act in the blastoderm margin to specify mesendodermal cell fates.
Expression of the anti-dorsalizing morphogenetic protein gene in the zebrafish embryo
Development Genes and Evolution, 2001
The BMP3 related anti-dorsalizing morphogenetic protein (ADMP) has been proposed to function in the organizer of chick and Xenopus embryos. We report here the cloning and expression pattern of a zebrafish admp gene. The gene is expressed in involuting cells of the embryonic shield, but not in the noninvoluting forerunner cells. During gastrulation, admp transcripts are detected in the posterior prechordal plate, in the notochord primordium and in cells of the dorsal blastoderm margin. Expression is also detectable in the neuroectoderm overlying the posterior prechordal plate. Expression persists in the tail bud until the end of somitogenesis while expression in other areas disappears during early somitogenesis stages.
Development (Cambridge, England), 1996
We have identified several genes that are required for various morphogenetic processes during gastrulation and tail formation. Two genes are required in the anterior region of the body axis: one eyed pinhead (oep) and dirty nose (dns).oep mutant embryos are defective in prechordal plate formation and the specification of anterior and ventral structures of the central nervous system. In dns mutants, cells of the prechordal plate, such as the prospective hatching gland cells, fail to specify. Two genes are required for convergence and extension movements. In mutant trilobite embryos, extension movements on the dorsal side of the embryo are affected, whereas in the formerly described spadetail mutants, for which two new alleles have been isolated, convergent movements of ventrolateral cells to the dorsal side are blocked. Two genes are required for the development of the posterior end of the body axis. In pipetail mutants, the tailbud fails to move ventrally on the yolk sac after germ ...
Genes involved in forebrain development in the zebrafish, Danio rerio
Development, 1996
We identified four zebrafish mutants with defects in forebrain induction and patterning during embryogenesis. The four mutants define three genes: masterblind (mbl), silberblick (slb), and knollnase (kas). In mbl embryos, the anterior forebrain acquires posterior forebrain characteristics: anterior structures such as the eyes, olfactory placodes and the telencephalon are missing, whereas the epiphysis located in the posterior forebrain is expanded. In slb embryos, the extension of the embryonic axis is initially delayed and eventually followed by a partial fusion of the eyes. Finally, in kas embryos, separation of the telencephalic primordia is incomplete and dorsal midline cells fail to form a differentiated roof plate. Analysis of the mutant phenotypes indicates that we have identified genes essential for the specification of the anterior forebrain (mbl), positioning of the eyes (slb) and differentiation of the roof plate (kas). In an appendix to this study we list mutants showing...
Mutations affecting the development of the embryonic zebrafish brain
Development (Cambridge, England), 1996
In a large scale mutagenesis screen for embryonic mutants in zebrafish, we have identified 63 mutations in 24 loci affecting the morphogenesis of the zebrafish brain. The expression of marker genes and the integrity of the axonal scaffold have been studied to investigate abnormalities in regionalization, neurogenesis and axonogenesis in the brain. Mutants can be broadly classified into two groups, one affecting regionalization along the anterior-posterior or dorsal-ventral axis, and the other affecting general features of brain morphology. The first group includes one locus that is required to generate the anlage of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary region at the beginning of somitogenesis. Four loci were identified that affect dorsal-ventral patterning of the brain, including the previously described cyclops locus. Mutant embryos of this class show a reduction of ventral neuroectodermal structures and variable fusion of the eyes. The second group includes a large class of mutations a...
Genetic Interactions in Zebrafish Midline Development
Developmental Biology, 1997
Mutational analyses have shown that the genes no tail (ntl, Brachyury homolog), floating head (flh, a Not homeobox gene), and cyclops (cyc) play direct and essential roles in the development of midline structures in the zebrafish. In both ntl and flh mutants a notochord does not develop, and in cyc mutants the floor plate is nearly entirely missing. We made double mutants to learn how these genes might interact. Midline development is disrupted to a greater extent in cyc;flh double mutants than in either cyc or flh single mutants; their effects appear additive. Both the notochord and floor plate are completely lacking, and other phenotypic disturbances suggest that midline signaling functions are severely reduced. On the other hand, trunk midline defects in flh;ntl double mutants are not additive, but are most often similar to those in ntl single mutants. This finding reveals that loss of ntl function can suppress phenotypic defects due to mutation at flh, and we interpret it to mean that the wild-type allele of ntl (ntl / ) functions upstream to flh in a regulatory hierarchy. Loss of function of ntl also strongly suppresses the floor plate deficiency in cyc mutants, for we found trunk floor plate to be present in cyc;ntl double mutants. From these findings we propose that ntl / plays an early role in cell fate choice at the dorsal midline, mediated by the Ntl protein acting to antagonize floor plate development as well as to promote notochord development. ᭧ 1997 Academic Press