Pengaruh Sosialisasi Terhadap Tingkat Partisipasi Pemilih Dalam Menggunakan Hak Pilihnya Pada Pemilu Di Kabupaten Toba Samosir (original) (raw)
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Journal of Governance, 2018
This study analyzes about the proces of accomodating the electors registration for those Who do not have citizenship/ID document. This is based on the Political rights and universal suffrage to each citizen is a format of democratic and integrated election without any discrimination. The problem arise, how is effective the presence of domicile certificate in protecting the citizen suffrage by analizing it using qualitative approach of case study. The result shows that 1,36% or 1.285 People of 94.454 total of their voter list are novice voter, apathetic voters to their ID documents and voters who lack of trust that previously lost the election rights. However the polemic has emerged. Hence, for the election data accuracy, regulation on adjustment and synchronised data between voter dasa are needed obviously it is also infortant to maintain regularly and updating the previous voter data base, to ensure evailability of latest data of voter.
Kaganga, 2022
The purpose of the study was to find out the effectiveness of the socialization carried out by the Regional General Election Commission (KPUD) of Bulungan Regency for the beginner voter group in the implementation of the Regional Head Election during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach using primary and secondary data types. Methods of collecting data by means of interviews and secondary data documentation. The results showed the effectiveness of the socialization in the form of: Procedures and selection of objectives, utilization of resources, budget, facilities, infrastructure, integration and achievement of objectives, all of which had been carried out well by the Bulungan Regency KPUD during the covid-19 pandemic. The conclusion of the research is that the KPUD in disseminating the general election to young voters has been quite effective, both procedurally, technically and innovatively.
Sosialisasi Pemilu 2019 Untuk Pemilih Pemula Kota Depok
Jurnal Komunitas : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
The year 2019 was the year of the people's party in Indonesia, where every Indonesian citizen got their right to deliver their aspiration through the general election which would be held on April 17, 2019. This general election would be held simultaneously to elect the president and vice president and also the council members. Slightly different from the previous general election which had separated agenda between the president and vice president and the council members. The role of General Election Commission (KPU) in the general election was as an organizer that very important in succeeding the general election. As the organizer, KPU also had a big role in encouraging people to actively participate in casting their votes. One of the ways carried out by KPU Depok in order to encourage the voters of the Depok city to cast their votes was by conducting socialization. In the 2019 general election, one of the targets of the socialization conducted by KPU Depok was the first-time vo...
Pengaruh Kegiatan Sosialisasi Kpu Terhadap Sikap Mahasiswa Pada Kegiatan Pemilu
JIKE : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Efek, 2018
The research is entitled “The Influence of General Election Commision toward Student Attitude on Election Activity”. Research method applies quantitative with path analysis. Research aims to know how big the influence of socialization activity source factor toward student attitude on election activity, to know how big the influence of message factor, and to know how big the influence of subject receiver factor toward student attitude on election activity. The result research shows that each variable has sifnificant influence toward student attitude on election activity. Source factor variable has significant influence toward student attitude as much as 78,9 %, socialization message factor variable has significant influence toward student attitude as much as 85,5%, subject receiver factor has sifnificant influence toward student attitude as much as 81,1%. Message variable becomes the most influence variable toward student attitude on election activity. It can be concluded that messag...
Pendidikan Politik: Upaya Peningkatan Partisipasi Pemilih Pemula Dalam Menggunakan Hak Pilihnya
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat guna memberikan informasi, memotivasi, dan menumbuhkan kesadaran pemilih pemula. Melalui kegiatan ini diharapkan pemilih pemula dapat meningkatkan partisipasinya dalam proses politik. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2019 dengan melibatkan peserta dari kalangan pemilih pemula di Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Metode yang diterapkan terdiri atas, (1) pre-test untuk mengukur pemahaman awal peserta, (2) pemberian materi, diskusi, dan role playing; serta (3) pelaksanaan post-test untuk mengukur perubahan pengetahuan peserta setalah diberikan informasi. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan ini berguna sebagai upaya untuk menumbuhkan sikap partisipatif pemilih pemula. Melalui kegiatan ini pemilih pemula didorong untuk menjadi agen perubahan di lingkungannya sehingga kesadaran terkait hak politik, proses demokrasi, dan partisipasi masyarakat dapat ditingkatkan.
Skripsi, 2023
This study aims to describe and explain the behavior of community voters in Tana Toraja Regency in choosing the agreed preferences in choosing the 2018 Governor candidate for Governor of South Sulawesi. In 2018 South Sulawesi Governor Election, the people of Tana Toraja Regency made their choice in the pair Nurdin Abdullah - Andi Sudirman Sulaiman so that the pair excelled in Toraja and won the 2018 South Sulawesi Governor Election. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. The data collection is done through interviews and documentation. The data obtained is then discussed in a theoretical framework for the meaning of voter behavior. The results of this study indicate that there are 2 (two) factors why the people of Tana Toraja Regency chose Nurdin Abdullah in the 2018 South Sulawesi Governor Election. First, the candidate factor, namely the image owned by Nurdin Abdullah and his party. The success of Nurdin Abdullah's hard work in leading Bantaeng became the most highlighted by the community, not forgetting the achievements of Nurdin Abdullah. Then the people of Tana Toraja supported the party that carried it because it was a quality party and free from corruption. PKS and PDIP, which are the parties that carry the pair Nurdin Abdullah – Andi Sudirman Sulaiman, have quality cadres and are free from corruption. This is what strengthens their support for Nurdin Abdullah. Second, factors from Nurdin Abdullah's work program that are relevant to the conditions and needs of the people of Tana Toraja. Nurdin Abdullah was able to bring a superior work program that was right according to the conditions and needs of the Tana Toraja people, namely the development of equitable infrastructure in remote areas, as well as the development of quality tourist destinations including in the ecotourism sector. Keywords: Voter Behavior, Tana Toraja Regency
Efektivitas Sosialisasi Politik Pemilihan Umum Legislatif Tahun 2014 oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum
Based on data from the Election Commission, the number of public participation in the elections of 2004 was 84%, while at the elections of 2009 the number of participation decreased to 71%. The declining participation shows increasing number of participants who did not vote or abstain. This phenomenon needs to be taken seriously by the Election Commission to conduct intensive socialization. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of political socialization in the 2014 legislative elections by the Election Commission. The research method used was a qualitative method, the research data consists of primary and secondary data. Primary data is done through observation and interview techniques. Results and Discussion revealed that political socialization is very important. KPU socialization process, not just invite people to come to the polling stations (TPS), but also urge people to maintain order and the smooth running of the 2014 election. Commission was targeting 75% of community participation, and based on the results of the final calculation, the data shows the number of public participation is 75.11%. The conclusion of this study is the Commission has successfully reached its target in suppressing the number of abstain, and this shows that the Commission has effectively conduct political socialization.
Sosialisasi Ayo Memilih (Suara Anda Menentukan Masa Depan Daerah
Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945 sudah mengatur bentuk demokrasi sebaik mungkin pada Pasal 1 ayat (2) yang menjelaskan bahwa kedaulatan berada di tangan rakyat yang kemudian tentang pemilihan umum diatur dalam Pasal 22E. Hal ini juga diperjelas oleh JJ. Rousseau dalam bukunya Du Contract Social/Perjanjian Sosial yang menyatakan bahwa teori pembentukan negara berdasarkan adanya suatu kesepakatan rakyat (Setyo Nugroho, 2013: 248-230). Oleh dari itu rakyat bebas untuk memilih pemimpin dan wakilnya sendiri tanpa ada tekanan dari kelompok tertentu. Pemilihan Umum di tengah-tengah Covid-19 menjadi persoalan tersendiri yang sedang membutuhkan ruang khusus oleh karena itu dibutuhkan ruang untuk sosialisasi sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi masa pandemi. Adanya sosialisasi terkait pemilihan dimasa pandemi akan menyadarkan masyarakat akan panduan protokol kesehatan terutama saat pemilihan umum dilaksanakan, dengan begitu masyarakat dapat memberikan hak suaranya dan tetap terhindar dari Covid-19.
Jurnal Studi Sosial dan Politik, 2018
This study explains the efforts of the South Sumatra Provincial Election Commission in increasing the political participation of the people of South Sumatra in the 2018 Simultaneous Local Election and 2019 Concurrent Elections. Democracy is determined by the voice of the people, and is closely related to legitimacy "the fewer choose the lower legitimacy, the more they choose high legitimacy. "Legitimacy is very important because of the initial legitimacy of everything in the process of implementing power from the leader. The problem in this study is how the South Sumatra Provincial Election Commission's efforts in increasing community political participation in the 2018 simultaneous regional elections and 2019 simultaneous elections, and public response to the efforts made by the South Sumatra Provincial Election Commission. This study aims to describe the efforts of the KPU of South Sumatra Province and find out the public response to the efforts of the KPU of South S...