Models of Teacher Education and Shifts in Politics: a note on Brazil (original) (raw)
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The History of Education in Brazil: The Formation of the Field and Theoretical Influences
This article is concerned with the History of Education in Brazil in two key areas: the disciplinary field and the research field. As a discipline, the History of Education has formed a part of the school curriculum since the beginning of the 20 th century. As a research field, it gained impetus in the 60s with the setting up of postgraduate courses and became one of the most consolidated areas of Brazilian education. In the light of this, there is a discussion about academic organisation and an attempt is being made to show how the field is characterised by theoretical renewal and is facing two key challenges: cultural exchanges involving the use of English and a recognition of the value of the History of Education as a discipline in the light of the fact that less space is being devoted to it in teacher-training curricula. *** Este artículo se refiere al ambito de la formación en la Historia del Educacion en Brasil en dos áreas clave: el campo disciplinar y el campo de la investigación. Como disciplina, la Historia de la Educación ha formado parte de los programas escolares desde el comienzo del siglo XX. Como campo de investigación, ganó impulso en la década de 1960 con la creación de cursos de postgrado y se convirtió en una de las áreas más consolidadas de la educación brasileña. A la luz de esto, hay una discusión sobre la organización académica y se está haciendo un intento de mostrar cómo el campo se caracteriza por la renovación teórica y se enfrenta a dos retos fundamentales: los intercambios culturales que implican el uso del Inglés y un reconocimiento del valor de la Historia de la Educación como disciplina, a la luz del hecho de que actualmente menos espacio está dedicado a ella en los programas de formación de maestros.
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DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2018
This article introduces fourteen public primary teachers who had taught from 1870 to 1885 in Cotia, a countryside municipality in the surroundings of São Paulo. The aim was to examine their teaching practice as well their engagement in other sectors of society. It focuses on a male and a female teachers who were responsible for the first masculine and feminine schools for over than 25 years. They formed a couple in their private life and taught in the same schoolhouse. The main sources were reports from teachers, government and inspectors, newspapers, enrollment books, demographic data, baptismal and marriage certificates, and letters. The article is divided into three sections. In the first one, we present Cotia and its culture conceived as caipira. Next, we explore the trajectory of the teaching couple. Finally, we highlight some information about the ten other male teachers and two female ones. K e y w o r d s : history of education, primary teachers, Empire of Brazil, public school. R e s u m o : Este artigo apresenta 14 docentes públicos que lecionaram entre os anos de 1870 e 1885 em Cotia, município caipira do entorno de São Paulo. Detalha suas áreas de atuação na docência e em outros setores da sociedade, com destaque a um professor e uma professora que ficaram responsáveis pelas Primeiras Cadeiras de primeiras letras por mais de 25 anos, formaram um casal na vida privada e lecionaram na mesma casa. As principais fontes utilizadas foram relatórios de professores, de governo e de inspetores, jornais, livros de matrícula, dados demográficos, certidões de batismo e casamento e ofícios diversos. Está dividido em três partes. Na primeira discorre sobre Cotia e a cultura caipira. A seguir, debruça-se sobre o casal docente. Por fim, apresenta os demais dez professores e duas professoras que, no período estudado, assumiram cadeiras no município. P a l a v r a s-c h a v e : história da educação, professor de primeiras letras, Brasil Império, escola pública. R e s u m e n : Este artículo presenta catorce docentes públicos que enseñaron entre los años 1870 y 1885 en Cotia, municipio "caipira" (rural) del entorno de São Paulo-Brasil. Examina sus áreas de actuación en la docencia y en otros sectores de la sociedad, con destaque a un maestro y una maestra responsables por las primeras Escuelas de primeras letras por más de 25 años, formaron una pareja en la vida privada y enseñaron en la misma casa. Las principales fuentes utilizadas fueron informes de maestros, de gobierno y de inspectores, periódicos, libros de matrícula, datos demográficos, certificados de bautismo y matrimonio y diversos oficios. Está dividido en tres partes. En la primera discurre sobre Cotia y la cultura "caipira" (rural). A continuación, se centra en la pareja docente. Por último, presenta a los demás, diez maestros y dos maestras, que en el período estudiado asumieron Escuelas en el municipio. P a l a b r a s c l a v e : Historia de la Educación; profesor de primeras letras; Brasil Imperio; escuela pública. INTRODUCTION Male and female teachers of Primary public schools in Cotia (SP, 1870-1885): Teachers' trajectories and strategies of teaching as craft p. 2 de 27 Rev. Bras. Hist. Educ., 18, e034 2018 This article intends to contribute to the understanding of the singularities of the history of education when approaching the performance of male and female teachers of primary public schools in Cotia, a country town in the surroundings of São Paulo, in the late nineteenth century. The main sources used were periodicals (especially publications in newspapers, such as orders of provincial government sectors, anonymous notes and chronicles), government reports, Public Instruction reports (from inspectors and teachers), enrollment books, demographic data, baptism and marriage certificates, and various offices. As a methodology, we follow the threads of the name, as proposed by Ginzburg and Poni (1991). The dossier allowed the tracing of 14 teachers in Cotia in the last decades of the nineteenth century and allowed to identify the other public positions and functions that they occupied concurrently or not with the teaching practice and to verify that the male teachers transited in areas such as public safety, justice and the arts. The analysis highlights the trajectories of João José Coelho and Maria Joanna do Sacramento. Respectively male teacher and female teacher of the First two public chairs created in the Village, who remained in the teaching profession for more than 25 years, formed a couple in private life and taught in the same house from 1873 to1885. To understand the relationship between private life and teaching practice, we used the category teacherhomes of Munhoz and Vidal (2014). About the other teachers, we make brief considerations. The information is more sparse in function of the spatial (Village of Cotia) and temporal clipping of the research (1870-1885), which privileged the teaching experience of the couple. Before presenting these characters, however, we discussed the country town of Cotia, in order to compose the scenario in which they lived and, at the same time, to explain what we understand by caipira 'culture. VILLAGE OF COTIA AND THE 'CAIPIRA' CULTURE OF SÃO PAULO The municipality of Cotia 1 in the nineteenth century was characterized by rurality, with a predominance of small farmers and agricultural production focused on subsistence, the domestic market and, to a lesser extent, supplying the capital. In the words of Antonio Candido (2001a), it was like a particular rustic culture that denominated of caipira. According to the author, rustic culture (and society) expresses the "[…] universe of the traditional cultures of the man of the field; which resulted from the adjustment of the Portuguese colonizer to the New World […]", which implies "[…] a constant incorporation and reinterpretation of traces, which are changing along the rural-urban continuum" (p. 26); and 'caipira culture (and society)' includes this characteristic of rustic culture, restricting itself to the particular universe of São Paulo 2 (Candido, 2001a, p. 28) 2. Geographer Pasquale Petrone (1995) called caipira belt the area around the capital of São Paulo, formed especially since the second half of the nineteenth century. It is constituted by villages initiated in the colonial time, being the caipiras formed, to a large extent, by 1 In the period from 1870 to 1885, Cotia comprised the territories of the current municipalities of Cotia,
History of Education, 2017
This article focuses on the circulation of a single artefact, the Museu Escolar Brasileiro (Brazilian School Museum) and its use in education through the pedagogical method of object lessons. Concentrating on the activities of particular individuals and enterprises (Menezes Vieira, Oliveira Lopes and Maison Deyrolle), within three geographical spaces (Brazil, Portugal and France), this article seeks to explore the relationship between the national and the international in educational proposals and initiatives that emerged at the end of the nineteenth century. The approach adopted also allows connections between the history of education and the history of science during this period to be pursued. At the end of the nineteenth century, Maison Deyrolle was one of the most important publishers in France. Specialising in the natural sciences, Deyrolle was the first supplier of pedagogical material to the French government. One of its products was the 'School Museum'. This consisted of wall charts with colourful images designed to stimulate intuitive learning. With the intention of conquering the Brazilian educational market, Maison Deyrolle invited Joaquim José Menezes Vieira, a well-known Brazilian physician and educator, to translate the charts into Portuguese. He accepted the task and did the work. But in the process the charts were slightly modified and notions of hygiene, such as how to clean and cook different sorts of animal meat, and how to avoid diseases, were introduced. The Museu Escolar Brasileiro (Brazilian School Museum) could be found in Brazilian schools, but it was also present in Portuguese schools, revealing a circuit that connected France, Brazil and Portugal in the late nineteenth century. As such, it gives us the opportunity to explore the possibilities of a transnational history of education. As Eckhardt Fuchs points out, transnational history can be roughly characterised as a 'history that crosses boundaries'. 1 In the process it redefines territories and territorial regimes, focusing on non-state actors, placing national histories within international contexts and presenting transnational relations, entanglements and dependencies. 2 Nevertheless, the 1 Eckhardt fuchs, 'History of Education beyond the nation? trends in Historical and Educational scholarship' , in Connecting Histories of Education: Transnational and Cross-Cultural Exchanges in (Post) Colonial Education, ed. Barnita Bagchi, Eckhardt fuchs and Kate rousmaniere (new york/oxford: Berghahn Books, 2014), 15. 2 ibid., 15.
About the French primary school teacher’s history
Revista Lusófona de Educação
In the last quarter of the twentieth century, the "universitarization" of the French primary teachers ("instituteurs") training triggered a profound change in their professional identity, which has been widely described and analysed by the literature. Insofar as, from a sociological point of view, the notion of professionalization process calls for comparisons between an earlier state and a present state of a profession in terms of actual status and symbolic recognition between the profession itself and the neighbour and / or rival professions, one can first emphasize the gains of professionalization obtained in a few decades by the "instituteurs". However, each process positively evaluated resulting in more or less favourable results, it is possible to identify elements in the direction of a certain deprofessionalization understood from the same sociological perspective. Indeed, during the last two decades, the managerial turn and the rise of accountability have strongly affected the professional autonomy of teachers. Some interviews we have driven show this tendency to a form of deprofessionalization.