Plant communities and their changes in the surroundings of the Dobczyce Reservoir (Southern Poland) (original) (raw)
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Changes in Vascular Flora of the Rzeszow Reservoir after 20 Years (SE Poland)
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2015
Transformations of flora and vegetation result from natural processes taking place in the landscape as well as various types of human impact leading to synanthropization of the vegetation [1-3]. The changes are gradually accelerated and their scope and scale are increasing. This results from the growing human pressure on natural communities and their environment [4-6]. All the transformations of plant communities involve also other components of ecosystems. This leads to fundamental changes in functioning of the ecosystems [7, 8]. The intensity and types of human impact affect the scope and rate of changes, which are reflected in the decline of species typical of natural vegetation and the creation of new anthropogenic communities [2, 3, 9, 10]. At early stages of synanthropization, floristic diversity usually increases [2, 8, 11, 12], whereas intensification of human impact usually leads to a decline in diversity [13-16]. River valleys are one of the best models for research on species diversity [5, 17, 18], the process of synanthropization [1, 17, 19, 20], the dynamics of flora [21], as well as transformations of the vegetation associated with river val
Phytosociological Data in Assessment of Anthropogenic Changes in Vegetation of Rzeszów Reservoir
Sustainability, 2021
Phytosociological research on aquatic and marsh vegetation was conducted in Rzeszów Reservoir (SE Poland): 134 relevés according to the Braun-Blanquet method were collected there in 2016 and compared to 91 relevés published in 1994 (225 relevés in total). Changes in vegetation type, diversity measures, species composition, and Ellenberg Indicator Values (EIVs) for light, moisture, reaction, and nitrogen were analysed. Over the 22 years (1994–2016), the greatest changes were noted in communities of the classes Lemnetea and Potametea and the alliance Salicion albae. The long-term observations demonstrated the disappearance of 14 phytocoenoses and the occurrence of 12 new ones. An expansion of marsh communities (Typhetum latifoliae, Typhetum angustifoliae, Glycerietum maximae, Leersietum oryzoidis) was noted, causing a decline of several species and vegetation types. According to canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), four environmental variables (light, moisture, nitrogen, and pH) w...
Effects of flood on the functioning of the Dobczyce reservoir ecosystem
Hydrobiologia, 2000
The effects of two summer floods, in 1997 and 2001 on phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish in the Dobczyce reservoir are presented. Shifts in phytoplankton distribution (from hypolimnion into the whole water column) and species composition (domination of diatoms after the flood) were observed. High water flow eliminated large species of cladocerans and copepods (the most effective filtrators) and favoured development of rotifers. Both, the total zooplankton biomass and chlorophyll a concentration after the flood dropped considerably. In the case of fish, the observed changes in their distribution and decrease in concentration were attributed to their behaviour. During the flood, fish were avoiding open water also during the night, but two weeks following the flood they returned to their usual migratory behaviour. The Dobczyce reservoir ecosystem showed great regeneration abilities to recover after the flood.
STUDY AREA, MATERIAL AND METHODS The study was carried out in the Wielkopolska Region, within the General Chłapowski Landscape Park. The Wyskoć Watercourse is the most important watercourse collecting water from fi elds and meadows within this area and together with the smaller watercourses that are its tributaries, constitutes the drainage system. The studies on the fl ora were carried out between and in two sections of the ditch. The fi rst section was m long and was situated near the village Rogaczewo. The second was m long and was situated in the neighbourhood of the village Zbęchy (Fig.). The section in Rogaczewo (A) is adjoined along the north bank by mowed meadows from the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, which had been drained before the fi rst investigated period. On the southern shore, besides meadows (half of its length), there were cultivated fi elds (/) and aff orestation (/). The second section of the watercourse was located close to the village and the Lake Zbęchy, among peat meadows with dominating plant communities from the alliance Magnocaricion and with considerable share of communities from the class Scheuchzerio-Caricetea nigrae.
Hydrobiological status of the Wielki Bytyń reserve area, Poland
The examined lake, Wielki Bytyń, has an area of 877 ha and the max depth 41 m. The lake was of a typical mesotrophic character, which was reflected in the structure of macrophyte assemblages and plankton communities. The floristic examination of the examined water body revealed the presence of 73 macrophyte species, among which 8 were protected. 36 aquatic plant communities were identified, including 17 protected ones. A characteristic feature of this lake was the occurrence of stonewort meadows, which were up to 800 m wide, from the lake shore. An analysis of zooplankton community structure revealed great discrepancies between particular lake basins. Rotifers accounted for 69% of the taxonomic structure (31 species) and crustaceans for 31% (14 species). Even though the lake was classified as a mesotrophic lake and it possessed a great number of zooplankton mesotrophic species, the occurrence of eutrophic species was also recorded in certain basins, which may be a sign of deteriorat...
Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters, 2009
Phytosociological and habitat studies were conducted on the water and swamp vegetation of astatic water bodies within northeastern Poland. The phytocoenoses were selected on the basis of dominance of species forming the particular communities. The analysis of 147 releve´s showed the existence of 10 vegetation types: Lemnetum minoris, Spirodeletum polyrrhizae, Riccietum fluitantis, Elodeetum canadensis, Polygonetum natantis, Typhetum latifoliae, Caricetum elatae, Calletum palustris, Potentilletum palustris, Menyanthetum trifoliatae. Among the properties of water analysed water depth, SO 2À 4 , pH, total and carbonate hardness, PO 4 3À , Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ and Na + were found to be most important in differentiating the habitats of the vegetation types studied. Substrate properties, which best differentiated the habitats of the associations studied were NO 3 À , Na + , water content, pH and total N. In spite of the wide variability of habitat conditions occurring in astatic water bodies, particular phytocoenoses distinguished on the basis of dominance of one species were associated with specific habitats. The particular phytocoenoses or groups of phytocoenoses could be good indicators of various habitat conditions that occur within astatic water bodies or changes taking place in these habitats.
The study presents a listing of aquatic plants in the south-western part of the Silesian Upland and an estimation of the degree of threat to individual species, taking into account their present frequency of occurrence and dynamic tendencies in the study area. Among 73 analysed species, 10 are considered to be probably extinct in the study area, 33 are listed as rare or endangered (with a small or decreasing number of localities), while 30 are not threatened. 23 plant species are under legal protection, while 12 of them are listed in the ÑPolish Red Data Book of Plantsî. The highest concentration of localities of aquatic plants was observed in the eastern part of the study area, in the vicinity of the town of Øory. Among the apparently extinct species, the majority are dicotyledonous plants, while monocotyledonous plants predominate in other two groups, which allows to draw the conclusion that they seem to be better adapted to anthropogenic transformations of the environment
Macrophytes of the Grliste reservoir (Serbia): Fifteen years after its establishment
Archives of Biological Sciences, 2009
A large number of macrophytes, often in dense populations, have developed on the Grliste Reservoir, Serbia over a period of 15 years. Fast development of vegetation is a consequence of anthropogenic impact in lake management. The methodology used in this research covered 100% of the water body, including all areas with or without aquatic plants. The results indicate that plant communities are still in the early phase of development. This leaves space for future development of competitor macrophyte species (Najas marina, Eleocharis palustris, Typha latifolia, Typha angustifolia, Phragmites australis, etc.) capable of endangering stability of the lake, which will tend toward eutrophication.
Long-term changes of macrophyte vegetation in lakes of the Dovinė river catchment area
Changes of submerged vegetation over the last 50 years in lakes Dusia, Simnas, Žuvintas and Amalvas, related with re-arrangement of the Dovinė river basin and alteration of the hydrological regime are discussed. The study is based on reference information and data of recent field investigations. Most significant changes of submerged vegetation were revealed in the shallow Lake Žuvintas. Twenty species of submerged plants became extinct (8 Charophyta, 10 Potamogeton, 2 Bryophyta) in the period from 1961 to 2004. The group of extinct plants includes sparse in the lake and rare in Lithuania species (Tolypella prolifera, Nitella syncarpa, N. mucronata, Fontinalis hypnoides). Formerly abundant and dominant species, such as Chara globularis, C. strigosa, C. hispida, Nitellopsis obtusa, significantly decreased. The increase of the number of charophytes and their abundance in 1997 has indicated that reduction of inflow of nutrients from the basin can significantly improve the state of submerged vegetation in the lake. Significant changes took place only in the deepest (8–10 m) zone of the deep Lake Dusia (mean depth 15.7 m). Vegetation of this zone after damming did not recover and communities formed by filamentous algae and mosses became extinct. The zone of vegetation distribution reduced from 9 to 6 m depth limit. It is possible that in the last 50 years charophytes became extinct in Lake Simnas, whereas in Lake Amalvas pondweeds and possibly charophytes disappeared.