Analysis of water distribution networks using MATLAB and Excel spreadsheet: h-based methods (original) (raw)
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Appendix 3: Water Distribution Network Analysis Program
Design of Water Supply Pipe Networks, 2008
Computer programs for water distribution network analysis having single-input and multi-input water sources are provided in this section. The explanation of the algorithm is also described line by line to help readers understand the code. The aim of this section is to help engineering students and water professionals to develop skills in writing water distribution network analysis algorithms and associated computer programs, although numerous water distribution network analysis computer programs are available now and some of them even can be downloaded free from their Web sites. EPANET developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency is one such popular program, which is widely used and can be downloaded free.
The History of Water Distribution Network Analysis: The Computer Age
Many methods have been used in the past to compute flows in networks of pipes. Such methods range from graphical methods to the use of physical analogies and finally to the use of mathematical models. This paper will attempt to catalog and review those methods that have been developed and applied since the dawn of the "computer age" in 1957 when the original Hardy Cross method was first adapted for solution using a computer in analyzing the water distribution system of the city of Palo Alto, California. Subsequent methods have included the "simultaneous node: method, the "simultaneous loop" method, the "simultaneous pipe" method, and the "simultaneous network" method. A brief review of the theoretical framework of each method will be presented along with a critique of the relative advantages and/or limitations of each method.
The linear theory method (LTM) equipped with Solver engine in Microsoft Excel was applied to analyze the water network. The linear theory method was served as a mathematical tool to convert non-linear equations derived from head lose balance in loops to linearized forms. Tables including sets of pipes, nodes, and loops were arranged in an Excel datasheet. The appropriate equations assigning to discharge continuity in nodes and head loss balance in loops were constructed. Equations were solved by applying Solver engine and pipe discharges were the unknowns. The differences between obtained pipe discharges in two consecutive iterations (ΔQ) were considered as an indicator to identify the calculation trend. Approaching the ΔQ values to zero during the iterations indicates progressing the calculation to an appropriate convergence. A simple command was provided via Visual Basic language for replacing the data during the iterations. This method solves whole network equations, simultaneously and therefore it is more efficient than Hardy-Cross method which only solves one equation at a time. Also, the linear theory method uses the simplicity and uniform nature of Darcy-Weisbach or Hazen-Williams formulas obtaining in water network systems and avoids sophisticated calculations like those applied in Newton-Raphson method.
A Review of Modeling and Application of Water Distribution Networks (WDN) Softwares
Water is an essential element required for the sustenance of life. Demand for drinking water is increasing on continual basis with corresponding increase in population. This ever increasing demand can be fulfilled by designing efficient water distribution networks based on advance computing systems include modern hydraulic modeling and designing softwares. Extensive review has been carried out for softwares used in designing water distribution networks and data management of hydraulic properties of networks. Softwares for water distribution include public domain softwares like EPANET, Branch and Loop as well as commercial softwares like Aquis, WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, etc. Water distribution system designing softwares differ from each another in various aspects include their functionality, compatibility to different computational systems; graphical user interfaces (GUIs), searching and optimizing algorithms, languages and programs used in their developments. The choice of water distribution network software is based on the availability of the data, time, financial implications, resources, applicability and overall purview of the project.
A spreadsheet tool for the analysis of flows in small-scale water piping networks
2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)
The analysis of water piping system have been presented by several authors in the past and in recent years proposing several solution algorithms. Among the notable methods are the Hardy cross method, linear approximation method, Newton Raphson method and the hybrid method to mention but a few, to solve a system of partly linear, and partly nonlinear hydraulic equations. In this paper, the authors demonstrate the use of Excel solver to verify the Hardy Cross method for the analysis of flow in water piping networks. A single-loop water network derived from real situation was used as numerical example and case study. Detailed numerical data are presented to explain the results of the studied network.
Spreadsheet-Based Pipe Networks Analysis for Teaching and Learning Purpose
An example of hydraulic design project for teaching purpose is presented. Students’ task is to develop a looped distribution network for water (i.e. to determinate node consumptions, disposal of pipes, and finally to calculate flow rates in the network’s pipes and their optimal diameters). This can be accomplished by using the original Hardy Cross method, the improved Hardy Cross method, the node-loop method, etc. For the improved Hardy Cross method and the node-loop method, use of matrix calculation is mandatory. Because the analysis of water distribution networks is an essential component of civil engineering water resources curricula, the adequate technique better than the hand-oriented one is desired in order to increase students’ understanding of this kind of engineering systems and of relevant design issues in more concise and effective way. The described use of spreadsheet solvers is more than suitable for the purpose, especially knowing that spreadsheet solvers are much more...
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Engineering and Protection of Environment, 2018
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Engineering Analysis of Water-Distribution Systems
Journal - American Water Works Association, 1977
In an attempt to bridge the gap between technological advancement and application, a nonmathematical explanation of modeling for analysis of water-distribution systems is given.
Speeding up the water distribution network design optimization using the ΔQ method
Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2015
To optimize the design of a water distribution network (WDN), a large number of possible solutions need to be examined; hence computation efficiency is an important issue. To accelerate the computation, one can use more powerful computers, parallel computing systems with adapted hydraulic solvers, hybrid algorithms, more efficient hydraulic methods or any combination of these techniques. This paper explores the possibility to speed up optimization using variations of the ΔQ method to solve the network hydraulics. First, the ΔQ method was used inside the evaluation function where each tested alternative was hydraulically solved and ranked. Then, the convergence criterion was relived in order to reduce the computation time. Although the accuracy of the obtained hydraulic results was reduced, these were feasible and interesting solutions. Another modification was tested, where the ΔQ method was used just once to solve the hydraulics of the initial network, and the unknown flow corrections were added to the list of other unknown variables subject to optimization. Two case networks were used for testing and were compared to the results obtained using EPANET2. The obtained results have shown that the use of the ΔQ method in hydraulic computations can significantly accelerate the optimization of WDN.