Use of WhatsApp Messenger among LIS students of University of Use of WhatsApp Messenger among LIS students of University of Karachi, Pakistan (original) (raw)

Use of WhatsApp Messenger among LIS students of University of Karachi, Pakistan


This study examined the use of WhatsApp Messenger among students. It studied the reasons and the time spend by students on using WhatsApp. The research further explores that what features of WhatsApp is frequently used by students and the challenges they are facing. The survey method is used and the questionnaire was distributed among 53 students of Library Information Science Department, University of Karachi. It is found that 51 students are users of WhatsApp and 03 are non-users. The results showed that students use WhatsApp consistently in their communication and very supportive in academics. Some of the issues occurs while using WhatsApp including network, privacy and unregulated messages.

Usage of Whatsapp among Postgraduate Students of Kulliyyah of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia

— With the advent of whatsapp, information has been spread worldwide easily. Higher learning institutions such as IIUM have been using whatsapp as a mean of communication between the students and their instructors. The use of whatsapp at IIUM has been inevitable. Despite the positive impact of whatsapp as social media to the users, it has also negative impacts on student learning such as: time consuming for student's study time, exacerbating student's grammar and spelling, distracting student's concentration during lecture etc. this study explored the impact of using of whatsapp among postgraduate students' learning at the Kulliyyah of Education (KOED), at International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Interview which consisted of fourteen (14) questions were employed with two informants. The study found that using whatsapp as learning tool is beneficial to both students and instructors though it was suggested that electronic etiquette should be applied when using whatsapp in learning.

The Impact of WhatsApp Usage on Academic Purposes among the Students of Higher Education Institutes of Sindh Province


PurposeThe aim of the study is to examine the use of WhatsApp for Academic performance and achievements among the students of higher education institutes (Private/Public) of Sindh province. This study used descriptive survey method to explore and describe the collected data. It utilized purposive sampling technique to gather data from this research’s respondents. The sample of the population for layering the usage of WhatsApp services and academic performance was of 175 students (respondents) that categorically were 94 students from Private Institutes and 81 students from Public Institutes.Thefindings of the study show that students of both types of Institutes are using WhatsApp application for many academic and social purposes. Academic’s purposeshow that students use WhatsApp for group discussion about class assignments, class work discussion, instructor announcements regarding the subject, examination preparation,and research publication groups. Students also use WhatsApp for sen...

Use of Social Networking Site WhatsApp among the user of State Library, Shimla: a Case Study

WhatsApp is one of the popular medium for sharing and connecting with the peoples. This study highlights the user perception towards use of WhatsApp in students learning. For this study 80 filled questionnaires has collected and analyzed. The paper highlights the use of WhatsApp in day today activities, what kinds of problems they face, and what kind activities they do in WhatsApp. How much time spent? The results of the study reveal that the majority respondents 35 male and female 24 use WhatsApp in daily basis out of 80. 90% of respondents think that WhatsApp is very much useful for finding and sharing of information related to the his/her subjects. Low internet speed is major issue for connecting WhatsApp with 44 (55%) of respondents. The study also indicate that majority of respondents do many activities on WhatsApp like for group discussion 67 (85%), 63(80%) Sharing resources, informing educational agenda 56 (71%) and sharing job vacancy 56 (71%)


The primary purpose of this study was to determine the status of Whatsapp applications usage by the information technology and computer science students at Yarmouk University in Jordan. A total of 180 University students participated in the study by completing the questionnaire designed by researcher which demonstrated adequate reliability and validity. Results indicated that 71% of the students used Whatsapp, while 29% of the students didn't used it, and results shows that 90 students used Whatsapp daily, while 38 students occasionally, beside that 84 students used it less than 2 hours a day, 28 used it from 2-4 hours a day, 16 students used it more than 4 hours a day. Also results shows that 51 students using Arabic language, while 35 students used English language and 42 students used chat language. In addition the results show that the most important advantage of Whatsapp use is exchange letters on special occasions with 94% of the respondents, the highest disadvantages of Whatsapp use is the exchange pornographic pictures and movies and cheating in exams with 75% of the respondents. Moreover the results show that 97% of the students send and received Entertainment information. The study ends by suggesting a number of practical and theoretical recommendations.

The Effect of Whatsapp Messenger Usage among Students in Mangalore University: A Case Study

The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of whatsapp messenger usage among students in Mangalore University. To achieve this, 200 questionnaires were distributed to students of various departments. Out of which, 188 filled questionnaires were received back. The survey method was employed. The findings of the study show that majority of users familiar with Whatsapp messenger and use Whatsapp for academic purposes on this basis, perception could be created between all the individuals irrespective of their age, academic background, sexual category, profession etc. If this may possibly be done, not only the higher education institution students but all the individuals could follow the advantage of using Whatsapp Messenger.

A Study on Use of WhatsApp Messenger among Students for their Academic Achievements: A Case Study

International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 2021

Today's world technology plays a crucial role and rapid development of internet help the growing of messages processing using digital devices. These movements leading us towards the connecting and maintaining the relationships. This paper aims to investigate WhatsApp usage among students. The theoretical framework for current study is the "Uses and Gratifications theory", is called "Needs and Gratifications Theory". The current study covers qualitative feature of the research. This segment pact with examination of the usage of WhatsApp in everyday survives for students. The detailed meetings of 8 energetic WhatsApp users, three boys and five girls of the university were directed. As the students are the male student their explanation is to some extent is same they revealed that, they use WhatsApp application for the calls purpose and for sending notes and online study purpose. They use Facebook messenger for the purpose of joining different sort of study circle pages and for informal purpose.

WhatsApp as an Educational Support Tool in a Saudi University

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications

WhatsApp is a widely used social media app, growing in popularity across the Middle East, and the most popular in Saudi Arabia. In this paper, we investigate the usage of WhatsApp as an educational support tool in a Saudi university. An online survey was constructed to ascertain how students and staff feel about and utilize WhatsApp as part of their daily studies. It also aimed to gather their thoughts on other platforms offered by the university such as Blackboard and email. The survey was tested and the results analyzed for frequency distributions, mean score, and standard deviation. Our results from nearly 200 student and staff members reveals that WhatsApp is heavily utilized for a variety of educational support tasks and greatly preferred over the other platforms. We propose that WhatsApp has good potential to support not only student coordination, information dissemination and simple enquiries but also to support formal teaching and out-of-class learning.

Use of WhatsApp as a Learning Tool in Today's Generation: A study of Undergraduate students

Gamji, M.B, & Jinaidu, H. S., 2019

This research is about the role of WhatsApp in enhancing students' academic performers with the aim of establishing the acceptability and usage of WhatsApp as an important tool of learning using 300 and 400 level students of mass communication, ABU Zaria as an area of study. Specifically, the study explores the level of their WhatsApp use, correlation between WhatsApp use and academic performance as well as knowing if they share material via the application. The researcher made use of Connectivism and Uses and gratification theories as a justification for the research work. To address the issue of the research, survey method was employed by administering 200 copies of questionnaire to the participants who were selected via simple random sampling technique. Findings from the research reveal that students of Mass communication undergraduates use WhatsApp on a medium level. It also shows that they utilize the application to share material among themselves and finally it reveals that there is correlation between academic performance and the use of WhatsApp. However, the correlation was neither positive nor negative. The researchers recommend that students should try as much as possible to utilize the application to assist their academic and not to be an agent of distraction.