Strategi Peningkatan Pendapatan Usaha Roti Pada Industri Rumah Tangga Aisyah Bakery DI Kota Palu (original) (raw)
The purpose of this study was to determine the level of bread business income in the Aisyah Bakery home industry and how the right strategy to be applied in increasing bread business income in the Aisyah Bakery home industry in Palu City. This research was chosen deliberately (purposive). The number of respondents was 10 people consisting of 1 industry leader, 2 workers, 1 intermediary trader, 4 consumers, and 2 employees of Palu City Industry and Trade. The analysis used is income analysis and SWOT analysis. The income is Rp. 5.474.887. The total value obtained by the IFAS table is 3.24 with a strength score of 1.35 and a weakness score of 1.89, while the total value obtained by the EFAS table is 3.29 with an opportunity score of 2,33 and a threat score of 0,96. Based on the calculation of the rating value and internal factor weights of the strategy of increasing bread business income in the Aisyah Bakery home industry as the X axis is-0.54, while the external factors in the Aisyah Bakery home industry as the Y axis are 1.37. The right income increase strategy for the bread business in the Aisyah Bakery home industry is the WO strategy.