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From Physicality to Mathematicality, to Informaticality, to Ontology, and Consciousness
Extraordinary mathematicality of physics is also shown by dimensionlessness of Planck spacetime and mass. At the same time the Planck granularity of spacetime also shows that physics can be simulated by a binary computer. So physics is informational. But mathematics is not everything in physics, consciousness cannot be solely explained by mathematics, and free will also not. The author claims also that consciousness without free will does not exist. Quantum mechanics (QM) is not complete, because foundational principle is not yet known, because consciousness and Quantum gravity (QG) are not yet explained, and because agreement between measurement and calculation is not everything. QG as dimensionless theory is the foundation of QM and not oppositely. The free will and quantum randomness are similar unexplained phenomena. Even philosophy is important in physics, because what mathematics cannot describe in physics is ontology. And, intuition affects what is mainstream physics. Simplic...
Signs, singularities and significance: A physical model for semiotics
Semiotica, 1984
A great problem for the natural sciences is to account for the apparent intentionality of living systems without reaching outside the frame of the system itself to get the answer. No deus ex machina, no elan vital, no smart elements are welcome-yet, the scientist as observer-thinker finds that at a deep level his science always echoes its human origins. For example, he uses various models of the atom depending on his own intentions at the moment: hard billiard ball images will suffice for some purposes, but vibrating subassemblies are needed for others. There are many convenient fictions from which to choose in constructing a scientific explanation (Walter 1980). This situation is perhaps worsened by the recent tendency to imagine that the physical universe is 'anthropic', that is, scaled peculiarly in time and space to accommodate and emphasize man. In this paper we take the more traditional position of moderate (Bunge 1977) and epistemological (Ayala 1975) reductionism, which we expand roughly as follows: 1. There is a physical universe that includes man as a physical system, but which existed before man and is not dependent upon him. It is not in any special relation to man, nor is man to it. 2. Science is a community, not a solipsistic, human activity: It emphasizes repeatability, generalizability, clarity, verifiability (or falsifiability) and utility of models, The models are often, but not always, cast in symbolic logic (that is, in mathematical form). Models are explanation. 3. The success of a reductionistic program in science (e.g., quantum chemical account of the H 2 O molecule) does not imply the success of the constructionistic program (e.g., prediction of the properties of liquid water from quantum chemical accounts of hydrogen and oxygen molecular gases) (Anderson 1972). There are emergent properties. 4. Science is parsimonious in its explanations, which are to be stripped of all that is gratuitous or not essential. Nevertheless, a scientist usually has more than one model for the 'same' physical system, and he will
The Mathematical Basis of the Phenomenal World
Journal of Philosophical Investigations, 2024
In the Critique of Pure Reason Immanuel Kant said that cognition (objective perception) is acquired in the unity of sensibility (the receptivity of the mind to receive empirical representations of things, which yields intuitions) and the understanding (in which concepts – general representations of things – arise), and is mediated by the imagination. Here, it is shown that numbers, either pure or denominate, are cognized in the synthesis of intuition and mathematical concept, and that the phenomenal world of the cognizer is shaped accordingly. Any number can be related to any other number through a general mathematical formula conceived by the cognizer for the purpose. The judgment of the cognizer is manifest in the specifics of the mathematical relationship established between the two numbers in cognition. If the cognized number is the numerical value of a physical constant then in the (consistent) phenomenal world it will always have been of the value found in cognition, which explains why the universe seems to be fine-tuned for life. If the cognized number is the numerical value of a physical variable, then the number will be subject to change in accordance with physical laws. Symmetry is a recurrent feature of the phenomenology. A mathematical formula conceived by the cognizer may also relate, one to one, the numerical values of quantities in one set with the numerical values of quantities of different dimensionality in another set, which suggests that physical laws are human inventions and that causality is a pure concept of the understanding.
Endophysics, Time, Quantum and the Subjective - Proceedings of the ZiF Interdisciplinary Research Workshop, 2005
It can be proven that physical theory always contains some abstract mechanism whose function is equivalent to the unique role played by the human mind during the empirical manifestation of reality. The importance of this hypothesis, known as the Conservation of Now-ness, or CON hypothesis, is that it defines a formal relationship between the subjective phenomenon of conscious experience and physics, allowing us to reformulate the hard problem into a solvable form, and to develop an endophysics paradigm and program of research.
Pattee & Kull - A biosemiotic conversation: Between physics and semiotics
In this dialogue, we discuss the contrast between inexorable physical laws and the semiotic freedom of life. We agree that material and symbolic structures require complementary descriptions, as do the many hierarchical levels of their organizations. We try to clarify our concepts of laws, constraints, rules, symbols, memory, interpreters, and semiotic control. We briefly describe our different personal backgrounds that led us to a biosemiotic approach, and we speculate on the future directions of biosemiotics.
It will be shown in this article that an ontological approach for some problems related to the interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (QM) could emerge from a re-evaluation of the main paradox of early Greek thought: the paradox of Being and non-Being, and the solutions presented to it by Plato and Aristotle. More well known are the derivative paradoxes of Zeno: the paradox of motion and the paradox of the One and the Many. They stem from what was perceived by classical philosophy to be the fundamental enigma for thinking about the world: the seemingly contradictory results that followed from the co-incidence of being and non-being in the world of change and motion as we experience it, and the experience of absolute existence here and now. The most clear expression of both stances can be found, again following classical thought, in the thinking of Heraclitus of Ephesus and Parmenides of Elea. The problem put forward by these paradoxes reduces for both Plato and Aristotle to the possibility of the existence of stable objects as a necessary condition for knowledge. Hence the primarily ontological nature of the solutions they proposed: Plato's Theory of Forms and Aristotle's metaphysics and logic. Plato's and Aristotle's systems are argued here to do on the ontological level essentially the same: to introduce stability in the world by introducing the notion of a separable, stable object, for which a 'principle of contradiction' is valid: an object cannot be and not-be at the same place at the same time. So it becomes possible to forbid contradiction on an epistemological level, and thus to guarantee the certainty of knowledge that seemed to be threatened before. After leaving Aristotelian metaphysics, early modern science had to cope with these problems: it did so by introducing "space" as the seat of stability, and "time" as the theater of motion. But the ontological structure present in this solution remained the same. Therefore the fundamental notion 'separable system', related to the notions observation and measurement, themselves related to the modern concepts of space and time, appears to be intrinsically problematic, because it is inextricably connected to classical logic on the ontological level. We see therefore the problems dealt with by quantum logic not as merely formal, and the problem of 'non-locality' as related to it, indicating the need to re-think the notions system, entity, as well as the implications of the operation 'measurement', which is seen here as an application of classical logic (including its ontological consequences) on the material world. contradiction between the "worldviews" of Heraclitus of Ephesus and Parmenides of Elea, are in use up to the present, be it in slightly modified forms 2 . Our position will be that this classical contradiction has slipped through the ages unimpaired, but in different forms, such as to make it hardly recognisable in our present epistemological and ontological concepts, both in philosophy and in science. A revelation of this implicit presence by reconstructing the outlines of its historical pathway then becomes the necessary first step towards an approach for the tackling of problems it eventually causes in to-day's science. The argument will lead us to the conclusion that the paradoxes appearing in QM represent such a problem. A sketch of some possible strategies will complete this attempt at clarification. Methodologically therefore the arguments in this paper will be based both on scientific and philosophical grounds; even more, it can be considered our aim to show that, when it comes to a proper understanding of the significance and implications of basic "scientific" findings, both are inextricably intertwined, since science, seemingly so different, follows a path of deep conceptions laid down much earlier in the development of human consciousness. We are tempted to see the origins of the QM-paradoxes as consequences of the ontological "choices" of Plato and Aristotle. Their effort concerned the stabilisation of the world of constant change, thus saving the possibility of certain knowledge in order to escape the contradictions between stable and unstable, knowable and unknowable that appear on the level of what happens in reality, as expressed mainly by Heraclitus and Parmenides. This led to the conception of logic as a standardising rule for thinking and, much later, experiment as a standardising rule for experiencing ([34], IV: 99, p. 381). Both originated out of needs felt in the context of the macroworld, and reach now their limitations in the study of the microworld. At the moment when the interactions between things become as important as the things themselves, the separating intervention in reality, first conceptualised by Plato and Aristotle, seems to reveal itself as an illusion. For this reason in this paper no position will be taken in the debate between rationalists and empiricists. From our point of view these philosophical stances come down to the same on the level of the ontological question: all imply the metaphysical world-structure put forward by Plato and Aristotle as a solution for the ontological paradoxes raised by pre-Socratic thought.