Genotypic properties of collection plague microbes strains from the natural plague foci of Kazakhstan (original) (raw)
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Multilevel System of Studying Plague Microbe Strains Proprties in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Problems of Particularly Dangerous Infections
The study of freshly isolated cultures is necessary to form an objective idea of the properties of plague microbe natural populations. The analysis of the levels of investigating the properties of strains has been carried out and the characteristics of Yersinia pestis in Kazakhstan are presented. The results of studying the phenotypic and genetic properties of plague microbe natural strains are provided. Following the epizootiological survey of natural plague foci, the museums of live cultures at plague control stations annually receive strains of plague pathogen, which are transferred to the National Collection of Microorganisms of the National Scientific Center of Particularly Dangerous Infections (NSCPDI). One of the main points of Y. pestis strains analysis is the determination of their typicality/atypicality. The study of strains begins at the moment of their isolation by anti-epidemic units. The primary identification of strains is carried out in laboratories of anti-epidemic ...
Acta Biomedica Scientifica, 2015
In the Republic of Kazakhstan, there a re the natural plague foci. For the analysis, the passport data of plague epizooty activity in the PreAral-Qaraqym plague focus of Qyzylorda Province were collected. The data were received in the spring and summer seasons of2013. For the research of plague epizooty, the places ofstucfy were determined. The selection of places was based on the parameters as a presence of settlements, annual data of plague epizooty activity in the focus. Then the places were studied by serological and bacteriological methods; and the plague epizooty was found in some of them. During spring and summer seasons the plague strains were isolatedfrom the plague hostRhombomys opimus and plague vectors X. skrjabini, H. asiaticum, N. laeviceps, Cit. tesguorum, E. oshanini. For spatial and temporal analysis, the received positive data were processed by ArcGIS 10 program. The tasks of the analysis were definition of the plague epizooty center for plague risk zoning of the a...
Russian Journal of Infection and Immunity, 2020
Y. pestis MLVA typing is used both to seek for similarities and differences between individual isolates upon conducting epidemiological investigations as well as for clonal clustering of intraspecies phylogenetic groups while analyzing microevolution and taxonomy issues. It cannot be ruled out that the most variable loci may be indicators allowing to approximate the unique strain-related properties circulating in certain natural plague foci. The Central Caucasian Highland Natural Plague Focus distinguished by heterogeneity of the circulating strains therein, including proline pro- and auxo-trophy, may represent a convenient model for testing this hypothesis. The purpose of our work was to assess the frequencies of the VNTR alleles associated with proline dependence among the Y. pestis strain VNTR loci, determined during previous MLVA-25 typing in the Central Caucasian Highland Natural Plague Focus. The main task was to identify the most informative sets of VNTR loci suitable for pre...
The origin of plague. Future perspectives of ecological and molecular-genetic synthesis
Вестник Российской академии наук, 2019
Plague, infamous due to three devastating pandemics, remains one of the most dangerous human diseases. Its causative agent, the microbe Yersinia pestis, is a priority in the arsenal of possible biological weapons, which requires increased attention to the development of a system of biological (bacteriological) security. A deep knowledge of the natural processes that facilitate the development of the causative agent of plague may be useful for this. There are currently two alternative approaches to determining the origin of Y. pestis – molecular genetics (MG) and ecological. MG-data has led to the innovative idea of the saltation conversion of the psichrophilic saprozoonotic microbe Yersinia pseudotuberculosis O:1b into a population of the pathogenic plague microbe Y. pestis, by horizontal transfer of two specific plasmids pFra and pPst from the external environment, or from other bacteria and inactivated/deletions of genes that have lost their functions in a new habitat, probably in...
Medical news of the North Caucasus, 2018
Российский научно-исследовательский противочумный институт «Микроб», Саратов 2 центр гигиены и эпидемиологии в Саратовской области, Саратов, Россия epidemic actiVitY of modern anthropourgic plague foci and factors determining this actiVitY (BY the eXample of Vietnam) sludsky a. a. 1 , Kuznetsov a. a. 1 , matrosov a. n. 1 , Boiko a. V. 1 , Kouklev e. V. 1 , tarasov m. a. 2 1 russian research anti-plague institute «microbe», saratov 2 center of hygiene and epidemiology in the saratov region, saratov, russia
Problems of Particularly Dangerous Infections, 2021
The aim of the study was to clarify the boundaries of the Central Asian natural plague focus of Kazakhstan and the modern boundaries of the areal of the great gerbil (Rhombomys opimus) in order to improve epizootiological monitoring and increase the effectiveness of preventive (anti-epidemic) measures.Materials and methods. Data from the epizootiological monitoring of the great gerbil populations in 14 autonomous foci of the Central Asian desert natural plague focus in the Republic of Kazakhstan between 2010 and 2020 were used for the analysis. An epizootiologic survey of an area of 875350 km2 was carried out. When processing the data, epidemiological, epizootiological, statistical research methods, as well as GIS technologies were used.Results and discussion. An increase in the total area of the Central Asian desert natural plague focus of the Republic of Kazakhstan by 79710 km2 (9.98 %) has been established for the period of 1990–2020. It is noted that the change in the area of pl...
Acta biomedica scientifica, 2017
Данная работа посвящена оценке степени уязвимости на территории Сары-Джазского трансграничного природного мезоочага чумы с помощью ГИС-технологий. Данный очаг чумы охватывает большую площадь высокогорных ущелий, сыртов, и мониторинг всей территории очага предполагает большие затраты финансов и труда. Определение районов, которые являются наиболее важными для мониторинга, позволило бы снизить данные затраты. Районы, наиболее важные для ведения постоянного мониторинга, можно определить с помощью оценки уязвимости населения на территории очага. В настоящее время в мировой литературе появляется много работ по оценке уязвимости от тех или иных угроз, но нет определения индексов опасности, риска и уязвимости для очагов чумы. В статье представлены результаты определения этих показателей и вычисляются показатели для каждого сектора природного очага чумы. В результате работы была получена окончательная карта Индекса эпидемиологической уязвимости Сары-Джазского автономного очага чумы. Подробно представлены результаты оценки и окончательная карта для исследуемой области. Авторы надеются, что расчёты и результаты, полученные в ходе этой работы, найдут своё применение как для теоретических оценок уязвимости различных территорий от чумы, так и для практических действий по снижению уязвимости.
Acta Biomedica Scientifica, 2019
Revealed by morphological characters, physiological status, and genetic diversity of populations of the main plague host Rhombomys opimus Licht., 1823 in Central Asia desert natural focus is described.Differences in the skull parameters of R. opimus from different populations were revealed. It’s shown that gerbils from Moyunkum are separate autonomous populations group. Samples from Moyunkum and Mangyshlak differed from other samples. In Balkhash-Alakol depression found two regional complexes: Pre-Balkhash and Dzungarian.Study results of free amino acids level in R. opimus blood serum obtained by gas-liquid chromatography of blood sera from animals captured in different zones of Central Asian focus gave statistically significant differences. To determine genetic variability in ecological and geographical isolation of R. opimus populations the DNA was genotyped.DNA samples analysis combined the studied gerbil from the desert focus into four clusters with eighteen haplotypes. R. opimu...
Problems of Particularly Dangerous Infections
The aim of the study was to improve epizootiological monitoring and increase the effectiveness of preventive (anti-epidemic) measures for camel plague control in Kazakhstan.Materials and methods. We used the data on epizootiological and epidemiological monitoring in natural plague foci of Kazakhstan, long-term measurements and indicators for the period of 2000–2020 of the anti-plague and veterinary services of the Republic for the analysis. To process the evidence, epidemiological, epizootiological, microbiological, and statistical research methods, as well as GIS technology were applied.Results and discussion. The number of camels has increased by 2.2 times in Kazakhstan over the past 20 years. Where there were 98.2 thousand heads in 2000, it amounted to 216.4 thousand heads in 2020. Over the past 10 years, 152 camels died of unknown causes in the focal area of the country, but laboratory tests for plague turned out negative. According to the hazard criteria, the territory of the ...