Inhibitor Factors of Exclusive Breastfeeding among Mothers (original) (raw)

Mother's Motivation as a Factor Related to Exclusive Breastfeeding


The Exposure to The Promotion of Dairy Substitute for Breast Milk and Maternal Motivation As a Factor for Exclusive Breastfeeding. The importance of exclusive breastfeeding has promulgated in health programs, laws, and regulations by Indonesia's Government. However, the rate of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia is still low, especially in DKI Jakarta. This research conducted to determine the correlation between maternal motivation to breastfeed exclusively in DKI Jakarta. This type of research is quantitative with a cross-sectional approach. Retrieval data performed on 100 mothers who have babies aged between 7 to 24 months in DKI Jakarta using the consecutive sampling method by filling out an online questionnaire. From this research, it obtained that there was there is a significant correlation between maternal motivation with exclusive breastfeeding (p0,000>α0,005) with OR=6,7667 (95%CI:2,702-16,947) where the high motivation in giving breast milk 6.77 times more potenti...

Identification of Factors that Influence Exclusive Breastfeeding during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Jurnal Kebidanan Midwiferia

The Covid-19 pandemic has a major impact on exclusive breastfeeding. The aims of the study was to identify factors that influence exclusive breastfeeding during the Covid-19 pandemic based on empirical studies of the last 2 years. The research design uses a literature review. The data source uses Elsevier, BMC, and Scholar databases with topics published in Indonesian and English for 2 years (2020–2021). The review method uses journal searches according to the PICOS framework with keywords that match the writing. Journals are selected by journal selection and abstracts with inclusion and exclusion criteria so that journals are found that can be reviewed. The results of the study stated that the role of breastfeeding counselors, knowledge, psychology, family support, lockdown, and rooming in, family resilience, breastfeeding experience, maternal health status, and promotion of formula milk influenced exclusive breastfeeding. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the fa...

Exclusive Breastfeeding Determinants of Non-working Mothers

Lontar : Journal of Community Health

The nutritional status in the first 1000 days of life is very important. WHO and UNICEF recommend that newborn babies should only be breastfed for at least six months, so that babies can grow and develop optimally. The recommendation has been applied, but the failure of exclusive breastfeeding still occurs. This study aimed to analyze the determinants of exclusive breastfeeding of not working mothers in the work area of Oesapa Public Health Center, Kelapa Lima subdistrict in 2019. This is a quantitative study with cross-sectional study design. This research was conducted in the work area of Oesapa Public Health Center with a sample of 61 babies. Data analysis used the Chi-Square test and multiple logistic regression tests. The results showed that the variables of mother’s knowledge (ρ= 0,001), mother’s trust (ρ= 0,024), family’s support (ρ= 0,000), and health care provider’s support (ρ= 0,028) are related to exclusive breastfeeding, but mothers’ age (ρ= 0.257) and information exposu...

Factors Correlate with Exclusive Breastfeeding by Mother at Ponkesdes Pilang Kabupaten Sidoarjo


Introduction Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeed the baby without other liquids or solids given, except vitamins, minerals, and medication in the form of ORS, drops, and syrup. The scope of exclusive breastfeeding was fluctuating in 2011-2013, it was decreasing in 2011-2012 and increasing in 2012-2013 but not as much as the amount of exclusive breastfeeding in 2011. It can be influenced by various factors. Factors affecting exclusive breastfeeding can not be explained clearly. Meanwhile, Green predicts about health behavior in exclusive breastfeeding. The objective of this study was to analyze factors which correlated with exclusive breastfeeding by mother based on Green’s theory. Method This was cross sectional study. Population were lactating mothers of infants aged 7-12 months. There were 46 persons fit perfectly with inclusion criteria which selected by random sampling. The independent variables were value, parity, and job; while the dependent variable was 6 months of exclusiv...

The Description of Exclusive Breastfeeding as Lactation Amenorrhea Method Contraception)

Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 2021

namun hanya 20% yang berhasil menstruasi lebih dari 6 bulan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pemberian ASI Eksklusif sebagai MAL di RSUD Dr Soetomo Surabaya. Metode : Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif pendekatan mix method dengan metode analitik survei. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan 16 orang dengan teknik simple random sampling. Hasil : PPDS yang mendapatkan keberhasilan MAL selama pemberian ASI Eksklusif , dengan cara pemberian on demand dan frekuensi lebih dari 8 kali hanya 37,5%, sedangkan sisanya sebanyak 62,5% PPDS gagal mencapai MAL. Faktor penghambatnya yaitu tidak dapat memberikan langsung, waktu untuk pumping, dan istirahat yang tidak cukup. Dukungan yang diterima oleh PPDS yaitu toleransi untuk pumping, tekad tinggi ASI Eksklusif, dan dukungan keluarga. Cara memberikan ASI adalah dengan menyusui langsung dan dengan botol. Alasan penggunaan botol yaitu bekerja. Jumlah PPDS dengan durasi amenorrhea 1-3 bulan sebanyak 7 orang, dan hanya 1 PPDS yang mengalami amenorrhea selama 12 bulan. Kesimpulan : Hampir setengah PPDS yang berhasil menggunakan MAL sebagai alat kontrasepsi.

/"' Determining Factors of Non Exclusive Breast Feeding

The Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) showed that the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding among infants age under 4 month was 53.7 percent in I991 and 47.3 percent in 1994. In the Outer Jawa Bali region 56.2 percent infants and in Jawa Bali region 41.4 percent infant were not exclusively breastfed (OR =1.81 CI 1.35-2.44). In the rural areas 54.2 percent infants and in urban area 48.2 percent infants were not exclusively breastfed (OR = I. 27 CI 0.96-1.69). The other potential factors: mother's education and occupation, social activities, infant care and exposure to mass media especially printed media-showed non sign~ficant influence on mothers' practice for exclusive breasfeeding. Non exclusive breastfeeding was most prevalent among mothers not exposed to electronic media (radio or (57.9 percent) than mothers exposed to electronic media (50.8 percent) (OR =l. 32 CI I. 00-1.78). Air susu ibu (ASI) memegang peranan penting dalam menjaga kesehatan dan mempertahan...

Effects of Family Support and Maternal Psychological on Exclusive Breastfeeding

Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 2021

Background: Breastmilk is the best food that a mother can give to her baby from birth until the first 6 months of life to support growth and development during the first 1000 days of life. The success of exclusive breastfeeding is influenced by several factors. The purpose of this study is to analyze the support of family and mother to support exclusive breastfeeding. Method: This research method is cross sectional with a retrospective study design. The number of samples was 48. The independent variables were family and psychological assistance from the mother. The successful variable is exclusive breastfeeding. The research instrument used was a questionnaire. Data analysis using Fisher Exact statistical tests. Results: The results showed that there is no influence between family support and psychological of mother on the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Fisher Exact trial results related to family support for exclusive breastfeeding showed p = 0.339 (p> 0.05), psychological...

ANALISIS FAKTOR TINGKAT KEBERHASILAN PEMBERIAN ASI EKSKLUSIF PADA IBU MENYUSUI (Factor Analysis about Exclusive Breastfeeding Achievement Level among Mothers who Provide Breastmilk to their Children

Introduction: The number of mother who breastfeed their babies exclusively in Indonesia is low. It caused by many factors such as high intensity of formula milk advertisement, lack of awareness about the importance of breastfeeding, working mother, social culture, family support and the role of health care provider. The purpose of this research was to analyze factors related with successfulness level of exclusive breastfeeding. Method: Design used in this research was analytic retrospective. The population were all mothers at Pacarkeling Public Health Center area. Sample obtained through purposive sampling. Total sample was 61 respondents. Independent variables were knowledge, information and promotion, family support, social cultural, role of health provider, work/occupation, education and breast physiology anatomy. The dependent variable was exclusive breastfeeding. Result: The result indicated that exclusive breastfeeding achievement level was related with information and promotion (r = 0.271), family support (r = 373), health care provider role (r = 231), mother occupation (r = 251), anatomy and physiology of breast (r = 293), while the knowledge (r = 108), social cultural (r = 180) and education (r = 093) not signifi cantly related. Discussion: In conclusion, there was a positive correlation between information and promotion, family support, health care provider role, mother's occupation, anatomy and physiology of breast with successfulness level of exclusive breastfeeding. While the knowledge, social cultural and education did not indicate signifi cant result. Therefore it is suggested to increase the quantity and quality of information and promotion about exclusive breastfeeding to the society, health care provider and pregnant and breastfeeding mother.

Exclusive Breastfeeding to Infant Nutritional Status

Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 2021

Infancy starts from 0-12 months and is characterized by rapid growth and physical changes as well as changes in nutritional requirements. There is still a lack of breast milk as the baby's first meal. In fact, the reduction of child nutrition can lead to child malnutrition and underdevelopment (stunted growth). The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and infant nutritional status. The study used a cross-sectional design analysis and investigation method to study the success of breastfeeding on nutritional status. The object of the study is 7-12 months old babies, a total of 113 people. There is an association between exclusive breastfeeding and nutritional status, with a P value of 0.000 and an OR value of 5.938, which means that infants who are not exclusively breastfed have a 5938 times higher risk of being in a low nutritional status. Puskesmas should play an important role in supporting exclusive breastfeeding by actively providing counseling involving pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, husbands and families about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding so that breastfeeding mothers can give exclusive breastfeeding to their children. The midwives are expected to play an active role in acting as breast milk counselors so that exclusive breast milk can be carried out