Hydrodynamic Performance of the Large Cavitation Channel (LCC) (original) (raw)

High Reynolds number experimentation in the US Navy's William B Morgan Large Cavitation Channel

Measurement Science and Technology, 2005

The William B Morgan Large Cavitation Channel (LCC) is a large variable-pressure closed-loop water tunnel that has been operated by the US Navy in Memphis, TN, USA, since 1991. This facility is well designed for a wide variety of hydrodynamic and hydroacoustic tests. Its overall size and capabilities allow test-model Reynolds numbers to approach, or even achieve, those of full-scale air-or water-borne transportation systems. This paper describes the facility along with some novel implementations of measurement techniques that have been successfully utilized there. In addition, highlights are presented from past test programmes involving (i) cavitation, (ii) near-zero pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers, (iii) the near-wake flow characteristics of a two-dimensional hydrofoil and (iv) a full-scale research torpedo.

A Numerical Study of Cavitation Inception in Complex Flow Fields


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Prediction of Waterjet Cavitation: End of Year FY08


The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports (0704-0188),

Observations of Cavitating Flow

This paper will present a review of some of the recent advances in our understanding of the dynamics and acoustics of cavi-ca-cing Sows. Yv'e ~U L U S

Cavitation Damage Mechanisms: Review of Literature

Goveramat drewinget specifications, or other doat am Wed ar au porpee. other than in misction with a definItely related Gover.wntn Operation, the united States Government thareby Incurs no reopoainbMlIty ae am Oblttioa wha tsOPv and the fact that the goaumt AY hGave for.latd, lbrn shed, or In ag way uppled the said draings, specifications, or other data, Is not to be regarded by iuWpicaton or othezvise as in aIn manner lie-,* sing the bolder or any other person or corporation,. or conveing any rights or permission to nufacture, ue, or pell any patented Invention that eg In amy wag be related thereto. Mhes report has been revieed by the aformtion Offlce (o) and Is releasable to theational Technical nozomation Service (NZS). At Rmu, It will be available to the general pub.ic, including foreign nations. Ths technical report has been reviewed and is approved for publioation.

CAVITATION AND ITS EFFECT IN FLUIDS A Technical Seminar Report Sarthak Das Roll # ME201518114

The effect of physical wear and losses in the case of fluid domain has been an effective criterion to have analysis. Cavitation in a certain way causes the formation of voids and surface fatigue on the surface of metals that are either exposed as a passage or as a part of fabrication of external body of submarines, turbines, pumps, pipes, underwater missiles etc. in cavitation process there is formation and accumulation of bubbles around the walls of the parts and as these bubbles collapses it creates a high energy which creates high energy shock waves inside the liquids causing the erosion of material. In cases of fluidic means of transportation or passages the wear in materials in engineering context can cause high cost and difficult serviceability of the parts therefore it is very important to analyse and have a proper design of the dynamic parts to avoid this undesirable phenomenon. Generally, the major losses through cavitation only takes place when it is inertial, that is where continuous formation and collapse of bubbles takes place. However, this can even be controlled by considering the following steps such as  Reducing the temperature of fluid.