Perception of the Online Learning Process of Sebelas Maret University Students in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era (original) (raw)

Students Perceptions About Online Learning During the Covid 19 Padem at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Sam Ratulangi University

Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Educational Study

Through the process of sensing, organizing, and interpreting the learning process itself, the application of online learning creates perceptions in students in viewing, interpreting, interpreting, concluding, and reacting to the learning process and results received. Online learning creates these perceptions in students through the process of sensing, organizing, and interpreting the learning process itself. There are three components that contribute to one's perception. Among them are: Perceiver; the individual who delivers the perception. The thing or person that is the focus of attention; the person or thing that is the object of perception. The circumstance; the condition at which the perception is carried out. It is intended that the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Sam Ratulang University would be able to assist government initiatives for the Implementation of the SPADA Program and remain at home, study from home, and work from home programs via the use of onlin...

Student Perceptions of Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Jurnal As-Salam

Online learning has been chosen to be applied in all tertiary institutions in Indonesia; this also applies to IAIN Takengon. Student perception is one of the determinants of the success of the learning that is carried out. The purpose of writing this article is to find out how students' perceptions of online learning have been implemented and the factors that influence these perceptions. The research method used is an online survey using google form. The results showed that students' perceptions of online learning were not very good; this was caused by several factors, such as poor internet access, burdensome internet quota, difficulty communicating with lecturers, so students were not ready to use applications when online learning was carried out. There needs to be much improvement in the online learning system implemented; this indicates that universities are not ready to carry out online lectures.

Students’ Perception of Online Learning During Covid-19: An Evidence from University of Muhammadiyah Banda Aceh, Indonesia


The pandemic of Coronavirus has influenced all levels of education in the whole world. This impact forces the Ministry of Education to switch from traditional education to online education. As a result, educators must run this policy to teach the classroom and students must adapt to this situation. This research aimed to find out students’ perception of online learning during the Coronavirus pandemic. This research employed the qualitative design and used the survey method to distribute the questionnaires. The object of this research was twenty-seven students of the English Department, University of Muhammadiyah Aceh. The obtained data was analyzed through descriptive analysis to see how online class is perceived by students during the pandemic. The result of this research shows that the students share the positive perceptions toward online learning during the Coronavirus pandemic. The finding also displays the hesitation of students in deciding the problem faced in having the onlin...

Student‟s Perception of Online Learning in Pandemic


This study aimed to explore the perceptions of student's in an implementation of online learning in pandemic era. This new phenomenon where currently the educators and students are grappling with the idea, innovation, problem solving skills to implementation and adaptation. Especially, with the development of ICT and relative exposure of students to it, this study examines student's perception about online learning which help in a newer teaching and learning experiences on the campus. The Ministry of Education and Culture recommends learning from home using online learning. Primary Teacher Education Program Study in STKIP Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung (STKIP MBB) has been implemented online learning to use the LMS, social media, and some application to supported learning process. This was a descriptive strudy involved an analysis of survey of student regarding their perception on online learning. Technique the sample collection used simple random sampling on 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd years primary teacher education in STKIP MBB about 150 student's. The data were collected through questionnaires of the student's perception of online learning. The data analysis used descriptive analysis. The result of this study was student's perception of online learning to use varied media or application in the course has a somewhat good category (38,75%) for implementation and the student's suggestion to start What's App, Google Meet or Zoom Application.

Students’ Perception of Online Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study on the English Students of STKIP Pamane Talino

SOSHUM : Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora, 2020

The pandemic of COVID-19 has forced the Indonesian government through its Ministry of Education and Culture to implement policies moving conventional classroom to online classroom. The current study is a collective case study consisting of analysis of survey on students' perceptions of their online learning during the pandemic. Sixty-six students of English Language Education Study Program at Pamane Talino College of Education (STKIP Pamane Talino) were involved. Their perception s of their online classroom that were recorded through a survey. The recorded perceptions are in terms of students' participation, accessibility, material and assignment delivery, and the use of e-learning platforms. The results were then summarized into tables and narrative descriptions. The study identified three major obstacles in conducting online learning in English Language Education Study Program at STKIP Pamane Talino: the first is availability and sustainability of internet connection, the second is accessibility of the teaching media, and the last is the compatibility of tools to access the media. The result of the current study suggests that accessibility is still the major factor influencing the success of online learning. Online learning for English Language Education Study Program at STKIP Pamane Talino, and potentially Indonesia in general, requires some more friendly platforms so that students' participation can be increased. This is especially for students who reside in rural areas with limited internet connections and other support systems.

Higher Education Students’ Perception on Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic


Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak pada sistem pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia dimana dosen dan mahasiswa harus melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar secara online. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa di tingkat perguruan tinggi tentang pembelajaran online selama pandemi covid-19, faktor-faktor pendukung dan kendala selama pembelajaran online. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Total responden sebanyak 103 mahasiswa Stikes Banyuwangi yang mengikuti kelas Intensive English pada tahun akademik 2020/2021. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mahasiswa memiliki persepsi positif dan negatif terhadap pembelajaran online baik. Pembelajaran online menawarkan fleksibilitas tetapi juga menyuguhkan berbagai kendala seperti sinyal tidak stabil, mahasiswa kurang termotivasi, kesulitan untuk praktik percakapan seperti dalam konteks kehidupan nyata dengan full aksi dan ekspresi, dan biaya internet yang tinggi. Sebagian besar mahasiswa (91%) lebih memilih pembelajaran tatap muka di kelas daripada pembelajaran online. Kesimpulannya faktor-faktor penting dalam pembelajaran online antara lain ketersediaan perangkat pendukung, akses internet yang stabil, dan penerapan pembelajaran online harus mudah diakses, menarik, memotivasi dan mengkombinasikan beberapa media pembelajaran online untuk memberikan cara terbaik dalam menyampaikan dan menerima materi selama proses belajar mengajar.

Students' Perception and Preference for Online Learning in Sabah During Covid-19 Pandemic


The Covid-19 outbreak has significantly halted a variety of activities, including educational ones, across the world. This has resulted in a massive crisis reaction relocation of institutions with online learning acting as the educational platform. The introduction of online learning has resulted in certain drawbacks for educators and students. The quality of online learning is dependent on the amount of digital availability and efficacy. However, some students are still affected by inaccessibility and a lack of digital technology in their communities. In this study, we used an online survey of 270 students to explore students' perceptions and preferences for online learning in three public higher education institutions in Sabah. We also looked at the students' preferences for various components of online classrooms, which would be beneficial in developing an effective online learning environment. The results indicated that most of the respondents (77%) get their internet from mobile data packs. Additionally, the majority of the respondents preferred social media for class updates during online learning. We also found that the students preferred assessments such as assignments, quizzes, and tests at the end of every class which are necessary to achieve effective online learning. Therefore, the findings will assist academics in identifying strengths and places for development, as well as encouraging the faculty to think carefully about how to reorganise course learning objectives and teaching approaches to engage students and improve the learning process.

Students’ Perceptions on the Implementation of Online Learning in Pandemic Era

ELLITE: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching, 2021

The implementation of online learning in Indonesia today becomes an alternative to the conventional learning because of the pandemic situation. However, it triggers some problems during the learning process. The problems exist because of various aspects. One of them is the way how the teachers implement the learning process. This research is aimed to investigate how students perceive the online learning implementation in higher education based on four categories (Planning Promotion, Education, Support Training, and Encouragement). It is descriptive-survey research using a questionnaire as the instrument to collect the data. The result shows various perceptions of students. The average students perceive: 1) implementation of online learning is well planned, 2) the lecturers are competent enough in implementing the online learning, 3) they got sufficient support during the online learning, and 4) the online learning situation encourages them in the learning process. This research resu...

Distance Education Students’ Perception of Online Learning during Covid-19 Era: A Study of Selected Campuses and Learning Centres of Valley View University

University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal

The aim of this study is to determine distance education students’ perceptions of online learning during the COVID-19 era. The descriptive design was employed to examine students' views on online learning. The population of the study was 876 students from all the campuses and learning centres of Valley View University (VVU) across the country. The Yamane (1967) sample size calculation formula was used to sample the respondents. The questionnaire was the only data collection instrument used in this study. The researcher sent copies of the questionnaire to the participants via Google forms. The IBM- Statistical Product and Service Solutions (IBM-SPSS) was used for the analysis. The study found that the perceptions of the majority of the students toward online learning were negative. The results revealed that smartphones were ranked first with a value of (RII = 0.659) as the devices used by students during online learning classes. The findings indicated that students found it diffi...

Attitudes of Lecturers and Students of Sriwijaya University-Indonesia and Omdurman Islamic University- Sudan to On-Line Learning in the Pandemic Covid-19

International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2022

This study aims to determine the response of Sriwijaya University students and Omdurman Islamic University students to the online learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a descriptive research with survey method. The learnings carried out by lecturers and students during the Covid 19 Pandemic had previously attended training on the use of the application e-learning Sriwijaya University. This study aims to determine the response of Sriwijaya University students and Omdurman Islamic University students to the online learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a descriptive research with survey method. The learnings carried out by lecturers and students during the Covid 19 Pandemic had previously attended training on the use of the application e-learning Sriwijaya University. Learning is also carried out asynchronously and synchronously, with the application Zoom (97%), Whatsapp (64.3%), and Google meet (31%). The general assessment is that lecturers conduct assessments using an online exam system through E-learning (99.1%), by means of lecturers sending assignments to be done by students, or using Google Forms (34.4%), and e-mail (20.1 %). Assessment of students is carried out using an online exam system through E-learning (99.1%), students send assignments to be done by students, or use Google Forms (34.4%), and e-mail (20.1%). students, or using Google Forms (34.4%), and e-mail (20.1%). Criticisms and suggestions for online learning techniques, lecturers should be more active in making various interesting learning strategies, so as not to get bored. Use e-learning more actively to save quota. For the system should e-learning Sriwijaya University better. It turns out that some students want online learning to be maintained, even though the pandemic is over.