Influence of teachers’ communication strategies on students’ discipline in public secondary schools in Mukurwe-ini district, Kenya (original) (raw)

Effectiveness of communication on students discipline in secondary schools in Kenya

Educational Research and Reviews, 2009

The influence of communication on student discipline in secondary schools is an issue of continued debate in Kenya. This study was necessitated by the growing concern by education stakeholders in Kenya over the rising reports of student indiscipline in secondary schools. The study utilized qualitative approach with questionnaires, interviews and documentation as instruments of collecting data. Purposive sampling was used to identify Naivasha district as the location of the study. Stratified and simple random sampling was used to identify 8 secondary schools and 200 respondents from these schools. 20 students and 4 teachers in each sampled school were given the self administered questionnaires while all the 8 head teachers were interviewed. The data collected was analyzed descriptively. The findings of this study shows that the level of discipline in secondary schools in Kenya is very low, schools administration rarely discussed implementation of rules and regulations to students hence there are poor channels of communication. Ineffective communication results in conflict, chaos, misunderstanding and lack of confidence in school administration. Factors such as individual communication skills promoted effective communication whereas barriers to interpersonal communication hindered effective communication. This study recommends that the school administration should initiate dialogue when dealing with students to discuss discipline matters, rules and regulations. Regular meetings and morning assemblies should be used as main channels of communication. Schools should avoid ineffective channels of communication which result in conflict, chaos, misunderstanding and lack of confidence in school administration. Guidance and counselling were seen to be effective ways of communication to overcome barriers of communication.

Effectiveness of communication on students discipline in secondary schools


The influence of communication on student discipline in secondary schools is an issue of continued debate in Kenya. This study was necessitated by the growing concern by education stakeholders in Kenya over the rising reports of student indiscipline in secondary schools. The study utilized qualitative approach with questionnaires, interviews and documentation as instruments of collecting data. Purposive sampling was used to identify Naivasha district as the location of the study. Stratified and simple random sampling was used to identify 8 secondary schools and 200 respondents from these schools. 20 students and 4 teachers in each sampled school were given the self administered questionnaires while all the 8 head teachers were interviewed. The data collected was analyzed descriptively. The findings of this study shows that the level of discipline in secondary schools in Kenya is very low, schools administration rarely discussed implementation of rules and regulations to students hen...

Influence of Teachers' Attitudes towards Students' Discipline in Secondary Schools in Murang'aEast Sub-County, Murang'a County, Kenya


Discipline is a rudimental ingredient that plays a crucial role in a school system, which insists on upholding the moral values of students. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of teachers’ attitudes towards student’s discipline in secondary schools in Murang’a East Sub-County. The specific objectives of the study were: to establish the determinants of students’ indiscipline in secondary schools, determine whether teachers' attitudes towards students’ gender affects discipline, analyse whether the type of school influences the teachers' attitude towards students' discipline and to establish the relationship between teachers’ attitudes and students’ discipline in secondary schools in Murang’a East Sub-County. The study employed the use of descriptive survey research design which is suitable for the study of behaviours and attitudes. A sample of 126 respondents was selected that included 54 teachers and 72 students representing a total population of appro...

Influence of the Principal's Communication Skills on Students' Discipline in Public Day Secondary Schools in West Pokot Sub County, Kenya

Global Journal of Human Social Science, 2021

Ethical instructional leadership demonstrates that the success of any teaching and learning process and the level of students' discipline is dependent on effective communication skills. Learning and the success of student discipline are among the most primary goals of a principal's instructional leadership. This study therefore, investigated the influence of the principal's communication skills on student discipline in secondary schools in West Pokot Sub County in Kenya. The study was anchored on deontological ethical and teleological ethical theories which typically judge rightness or wrongness of an individual's actions in his or her line of duty and if the actions are fair to the followers. The target population of the study was 3450 respondents. This comprised of 497 teachers and 2953 students from the public day secondary schools in the study area. Simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used to arrive at a sample of 593 respondents. Questionnaires, interview and document analysis were used as the primary tools of data collection. The study used a descriptive survey research design in data analysis using SPSS version 26 to obtain mean values and standard deviation.

Students' Discipline in Selected Secondary Schools in Mwingi -West Constituency, Kitui County-Kenya

International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 2022

The study was about student's discipline and social outcomes in selected secondary schools in Mwingi-west constituency-kitui county. The study was guided by the following objective; to establish the level of students' discipline. Using the eight selected schools out of fifteen schools in mwingi-west constituency, the respondents were basically 231 teachers from the selected schools from the constituency. The study employed descriptive correlation design. The findings of the study were: The level of the students' discipline in the few selected schools in the constituency was satisfactory. The study recommended that parents and teachers should endeavor to improve on the discipline level of their children since it is one of the factors that influences social outcomes among students. The study further recommended that more sanguine disciplinary measures should be adopted in societies so as to mitigate the rebellious effect of corporal punishments among the juveniles.


for their insightful, firm and strict but friendly guidance and assistance. It is through their effort and tolerance that I was able to accomplish this work. My appreciation also goes to Mr Caleb M. Osiemo for his effort in offering assistance and encouragement to me during my entire period of the project. I acknowledge all principals, teacher-counsellors and students in all public secondary schools in Kabondo Division, Rachuonyo District, for their cooperation when I visited them. Special mention is of Mr Dickson Samba, the head teacher of Nyangina Primary School in Nyamusi Division and his staff for their valuable time to attend to me and offering help whenever I was in need. Also I earnestly recognise and appreciate the material and moral support I received from my Nephews Jason Nyakundi, Isaiah Ondieki and my in-laws, Mr Daniel Oganda and Wilson Oganda while in Nairobi. My close friend Mr Fred Nyasimi real deserves many thanks for his good editing skills for my work. My cousin, Mrs Joyce Obiero was of great help and took her time to ensure I was through with my research work in good time. Others deserving my sincere appreciation for their good and required support are: Peter Otiso, John M. Mogondo and Chryspin Onkoba. I cannot forget the help of my niece Nitah Onsongo for typing the project in many sleepless nights.

Students’ perceptions of the effectiveness of the methods used to enhance discipline in public secondary schools in Nyahururu division, Laikipia west district, Kenya

African Research Review, 2010

Many methods are used to enhance discipline in secondary schools. Among them are corporal punishment, guidance and counselling, psychological punishment and suspension from school. The use of corporal punishment was banned by the government and teachers were expected to use alternative methods. The opinion of the students on this matter was not sought. The main purpose of this study was to investigate students' perception of the effectiveness of the methods used to enhance discipline in public schools in Nyahururu division of Laikipia West District. The descriptive survey method was used. From a population of 2497 students, a sample of 333 was selected using the proportionate, stratified and simple random sampling methods. Data was collected using a self-administered student questionnaire developed by the researchers. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. The results showed that students perceived guidance and counselling as more effective in enhancing discipline than other methods. The study also revealed that factors such as age, grade and type of school affected students' perception of the effectiveness of the various methods. From the study it was


Indiscipline in secondary schools has been a national issue in Kenya. The head teachers have been blamed for incompetence disregarding other factors. The paper addresses the role of class teachers as one of the stakeholders that could help. The objectives; determine how participatory role of class teachers in school administration enhances discipline,establishesclassesteachers' use of curriculum implementation processes promotes discipline and assess how class teachers' involvement in guidance and counseling enhances student discipline. Purposive sampling and stratified random sampling was used to obtain 81 teachers and 10 head teachers. The interview guide and a questionnaire were instruments used to collect data. The findings showed that class teachers assist in maintaining students' discipline in secondary schools through participating in administrative tasks, curriculum implementation, and guidance and counseling. Recommendations: Ministry of Education to enhance policy on participatory leadership and encourage empowerment programs for head teachers and class teachers for maintaining discipline. Kenya Education Management Institute to design training programs for class teachers to make them effective at social and counselling skills to enhance discipline among students.

Extent to Which Principal ’ s Communication Influence Students ’ Discipline in Secondary Schools in Nandi County


The purpose of the study was to determine the extent to which principals’ forms of communication influence students’ discipline in secondary schools in Nandi County, Kenya. The study used systems theory. Descriptive survey design was adopted. The study sample consisted of 118 public and private schools’ principals, 108 teacher and 1534 student leaders. Each school provided 13 student leaders. Questionnaires for principals, interview guide for teachers and student leaders were used as instruments of data collection. Data was analysed using SPSS. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse data then, tabulate and present data. The results generated were reported in tables. The study establishes that communication clarity is a key component to adherence of instructions given. The information has highest clarity when given in student baraza. The principal is able to explain himself to the satisfaction of the students and issues raised are promptly answered. The students are able seek cla...

The Role of Teacher-Student Interpersonal Relationship in Determining Students' Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in Machakos County


Students' discipline is an important factor in the attainment of progressive outcomes in institutions of learning. Learning institutions have adversely been affected by cases of student’s indiscipline. Management of students’ discipline through creating a healthy teacher student inter relationship remains a significant panacea to this worrying trend which forms the focus of this study. This study sought to investigate the role of teacherstudent interpersonal relationships in students' discipline in Machakos County, Kenya. The study used descriptive survey design. The sample size was 100 principals, 350 teachers and 380 students. The sample size was obtained by stratified sampling and simple random sampling procedures. The study used questionnaires and interview guide as the research instruments. Pilot study was done on the research instruments. Test-retest technique of reliability was used to test the reliability of the instruments. Data was analyzed using descriptive and in...