Career Advancement and Participatory Decision Making of Teachers: Predictor on Job Satisfaction in Public Primary Schools in Nandi County, Kenya (original) (raw)

The Relationship between Career Advancement and Job Satisfaction among Teachers in Selected Public Secondary Schools in Igembe North, Kenya

Human Resource and Leadership Journal

Purpose: Job satisfaction is viewed as a catalyst of improving performance and commitment in a workplace. The rationale of the study was to establish the relationship between career advancement and job satisfaction relating to secondary school teachers confined in Igembe North sub-county. The independent variable career advancement was used in coming up with the specific objective of the study as well as formulating hypothesis. The relationship of this predictor variable with the dependent variable job satisfaction among teachers was statistically established. The study would be useful to the following interested parties; TSC, BOM and heads of public secondary schools and to scholars. Methodology: The three theories which were relevant to the study were analysed to determine their relevance, strengths and weaknesses. They included equity, dual factor and hierarchy of needs theories of motivation. A descriptive survey design was applied as it was appropriate in obtaining quantitative...

Teachers' Job Satisfaction: A Study of Private Schools in Kanakai Municipality

Kanakai Journal

The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the determinants that affect private schoolteachers' job satisfaction. This study was conducted at three private schools of Surunga in Kanakai Municipality. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire and unstructured interviews of private schools' teachers. The findings of the study revealed that some participant teachers in Surunga perceived teaching as their ideal profession but most of them were engaged in the teaching profession because of the prevalence of private schools in their neighborhoods and lack of employment alternatives. Also, teachers report dissatisfaction about delays in salary payment and most of the teachers are also dissatisfied with available job benefits and security in their chosen profession. The findings suggest that school administrators need to address these important issues, especially regarding equitable payment, on-time salary payment, improved workplace conditions, job s...

Job satisfaction of deputy head teachers in private secondary schools in Nairobi province


Job satisfaction of deputy head teachers in private secondary school is an area in which not much attention has been given yet it is from this position that the tedious statistics of day to day running of the school lie. This office bridges the gap between staff, students and the chief administrator's office yet it has often lurked in the shadows of the head teacher. Despite the notion that teachers in private secondary schools are well remunerated, there has been high turn over rates especially in the managerial positions of head teachers and their deputies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of job satisfaction among deputy head teachers in private secondary schools in Nairobi. The study was guided by motivation theories, which formed the theoretical framework of the study. The study utilized a descriptive survey research design and employed a job-satisfaction questionnaire for data collection. The sample comprised of fifty deputy head teachers. The data fr...

Levels of Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Public Secondary Schools in Siaya, Kisumu and Kajiado Counties, Kenya

Teachers’ job satisfaction is one of the fundamental factors that determine the success of any school. A satisfied teacher would most likely put in more effort towards the success of a school while a dissatisfied teacher would lazy around and students would not reap the full benefits of education. This study examined the levels of teachers’ job satisfaction in public secondary schools in Siaya, Kisumu and Kjiado counties, Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey paradigm. The study was guided by the Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory. The target population comprised of 379 deputy principals, 1010 heads of departments, and 2208 teachers in public secondary schools in Siaya, Kisumu and Kajiado counties, Kenya who had served for more than two years in the same school. Stratified and simple random sampling was used to sample 38 deputy principals, 101 heads of departments and 221 teachers giving a total of 360 respondents. The data for this study was collected using Teacher Job Satisfacti...

Individual and institutional factors influencing teachers' job satisfaction in public primary school in Meru Central District, Kenya


The study investigated institutional and individual factors influencing teachers’ job satisfaction in Meru Central District, Kenya. It sought to establish the relationship between institutional factors such as working conditions and workload as well as individual factors like leadership aspect, strategies used, recognition, promotion, interpersonal relations as well as a challenges faced and the teachers’ job satisfaction levels. These are found to impact directly on the performance of the whole school system. Meru Central District continued poor performance prompted such investigations. The study used a descriptive survey research design. The study sampled a total of 19 public primary schools out of 93. This translated to 167 teachers out of a population of 838. 18 out of 19 headteachers were also interviewed.4 Simple random sampling technique was used. A pilot study was contacted in three primary schools to determine the validity while reliability was ascertained through test-rete...

Teachers' job satisfaction

The purpose of this study was to ascertain the extent of job satisfaction of teachers in private and public basic schools in the Ketu South District. The study was guided by four research questions all of which sought to find out teachers’ level of job satisfaction and issues related to their job satisfaction. The literature reviewed acknowledged job satisfaction as one part of the motivational process. While motivation is primarily concerned with goal-directed behaviour, job satisfaction refers to the fulfilment acquired by experiencing various job activities and rewards. Descriptive survey design was the design employed for the study. There was a total population of 98 schools and 2180 teachers, out of which 150 teachers from 10 schools were used as the sample for the study. A questionnaire was used to gather information from respondents. The gathered data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) computer software and organized in frequency distribution tables according to the demands of the research questions. The study showed that most teachers were dissatisfied and would not encourage pupils to become teachers in future. This is due to the fact that they believe that there is no prestige in the job and the teaching profession is not lucrative. There was no vast difference between the level of job satisfaction in the private schools and in the public schools. The study therefore recommends that there should be enhanced salaries to help boost the morale of the teachers.

Factors Influencing Teachers' Job Satisfaction in Public Secondary Schools in Mubi North Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria

This paper investigated factors influencing teachers' job satisfaction in public secondary schools in Mubi North Local Government and the role of school managers in ensuring teachers' job satisfaction. The study adopted the survey method to collect data from teachers. The population of the study comprised of government secondary school teachers in Mubi North Local Government. By using stratified sampling technique, 200 secondary school teachers were selected. A questionnaire titled 'Teachers' Job Satisfaction Questionnaire " (TJSQ) adapted from Nganzi (2014); Qaisrani, Mughal, & Solangi (2015) was used to collect data. The reliability coefficient of was 0.85was found using test retest reliability method. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics such as simple percentage and t-tests analysis. The findings of the study suggested that: teachers were satisfied with their monthly salary, fringe benefits and administrative support provided to them. The findings of the study also revealed that the roles of school managers in ensuring teachers' job satisfaction were flexible curriculum, interpersonal and intrapersonal relations at school, involvement of teachers in decision making in schools, flexible school timetable, fringe benefits, autonomy to perform own duties with no interference.. The findings of hypothesis one revealed that there was a significant difference between policy and professional development of teachers. The results of the second hypothesis revealed that there was no significant difference between female and male teachers in their perception of salary as a factor affecting job satisfaction. In conclusion, factors influencing teachers' job satisfaction were promotion, salary, fringe benefits and motivation. If these factors are made available to teachers, there shall be effective job performance. However, if all these factors are not made available, the teachers shall develop negative attitude to work and as such can lead to poor academic performance of students in examinations. In order to boost the level of motivation and satisfaction of teachers the study recommended that there should be regularity in the promotion of teachers and such promotion should be based on merit to encourage hard work and promotion should be promptly effected and arrears paid in block or in reasonable installments to make teachers happy and instill in them more enthusiasm to perform their duties.

Factors Leading to Job Satisfaction of Public Secondary School Teachers in Nairobi County; Kenya

Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 2015

Globally, the job satisfaction of public school teachers has been a major problem. This has led to poor performance in public schools. With education being the key to the development of any country, it is in the interest of the stakeholders of education to establish the causes of dissatisfaction and thereby come up with measures towards improving it. The Kenyan government spends substantial funds in the training and placement of teachers, only to have a large percentage of the teachers leave the profession prematurely. This research was carried out in Kenya, particularly Nairobi County. The choice of Nairobi County was informed by the fact that after a review of literature a large proportion of teachers in this County were found to be dissatisfied with their jobs. The study focused on the factors leading to job satisfaction of public secondary school teachers. The specific objective of the study was to determine the factors that influence of job satisfaction of public secondary scho...

Influence of Principals’ Involvement of Teachers in Decision Making on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Public Secondary Schools in Kakamega County, Kenya

Journal of Education and Practice , 2023

Involvement of teachers in decision making is key in the determination of the school success since teachers feel part and parcel of running the school motivating them to provide quality services to their students. This study investigated influence of principals' involving teachers' in decision making on teachers' job satisfaction in public secondary schools in Kakamega County, Kenya. The objective was: To determine the influence of principals' involving teachers in decision making on teachers' job satisfaction. The study was based on the Path Goal theory. The study targeted 324 public secondary schools which comprised of 324 principals and 1500 teachers and 12 TSC officials across 12 sub-counties in Kakamega County. Purposive sampling to select five sub counties that included Lurambi, Ikolomani, Shinyalu, Navakholo and Malava. A sample of 64 schools were selected using stratified sampling, purposive sampling for 64 principals and 5 TSC officials while Proportional simple random sampling was done to select 300 teachers. Questionnaires and interview guides were used to collect data. The Pearson Chi-square test (X 2 =79.826, p=0.005) was highly significant showing that principals' involved teachers in decision making that led to teachers' job satisfaction. This showed that there was significant relationship between principals' involvement of teachers in decision making and teachers' job satisfaction. It was then concluded that principals involving teachers in decision making influenced teacher job satisfaction. It was evident from the results that school administration involved the staff in decision making, team work was encouraged, teacher contribution was taken seriously and teacher taking instructions discussed seriously. It is then recommended that principals should divide and delegate tasks to teachers, train and involve them in all areas of decisions that affect them. To carry out these tasks effectively and efficiently, there is need to equip school principals with the appropriate knowledge, skills and attitude.

A Study of Factors Influencing Public Sector Secondary School Teachers’ Job Satisfaction

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

This paper attempted to analyze government secondary school teachers' level of job satisfaction and to identify factors that lead towards dissatisfaction among teachers. The study was descriptive in nature. Survey method was used to collect data from teachers. The population of the study comprised of government secondary school teachers. By using convenient sampling technique, 343 secondary school teachers were selected keeping in view male, female, rural urban locations of schools. 'Teachers Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS)' was used to collect data.The reliability of JSS of the total scale was found 0.87 on Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient. Data were analysed in SPSS version 16. The findings of the study suggested that: teachers were satisfied with their monthly salary, fringe benefits and administrative support provided to them. Regarding school policy, the overall mean score suggested that teachers were moderately satisfied with school policies and goals. The data further revealed that teachers were not satisfied with opportunities for promotion and professional development. In order to boost the level of motivation and satisfaction of teachers the study has made several recommendations for teachers and other stakeholders.