The Stateless Nation’s Elite: Artistic Collections of Polish Aristocracy, 1795–1918 (original) (raw)
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Oratory in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth correlated highly with social need, reflecting Old Polish customs and dovetailing with the democracy of nobles. 2 Rhetoric was an effective instrument of politics, so the nobles, as the only group who could participate in regional and general parliamentary assemblies, sejmiks and sejms, took care to learn and teach it well. 3 Public activity demanded dexterity in the art of argumentation and persuasion, which resulted in a profusion of political pamphlets and a growing prowess in parliamentary speechmaking, especially of the genus deliberativum variety. 4 At the same time, both printed and manuscript sources bear evidence that the beginning of the seventeenth century saw epideictic speech rise into prominence in family life as well. 5 The fact may have resulted from a shift in perceiving oratory not only as belonging to the public sphere but also 1 The present study is to a large extent based on the results of my research that have been presented in a monograph more than half a thousand pages long. Due to the lack of space, citation of source references is limited to a bare minimum. I encourage the reader to reach for my Polish-language publication: M. Ciszewska, Tuliusz domowy. Świeckie oratorstwo szlacheckie kręgu rodzinnego (XVII-XVIII wiek) (Warszawa, 2016). 2 On ancient and modern conceptions of the dependency of oratory forms and their development on the political regime in place, see
Nineteenth-century Bulgarian private collections
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