Determinants of online consumer behaviour towards e-tailing in India (original) (raw)


Internet and broadband penetration has diminished the national boundaries and have made the world as a huge market for the marketers. India is a developing nation with strong economical growth and the companies view it as potential destination for good business. In the era of globalization, e-tailing is beneficial approach to tap the global markets. The Indian companies face competition from not only the local markets but also strong global competitors who are utilizing the technology to capture the customers worldwide. The only solution to be successful is by embracing e-tailing. This paper is an analysis of secondary data to uncover the hidden prospects for the e-tailing market in India. The findings may be utilized by marketers to plan the future strategies keeping in mind the common myths and realities associated with the e-tailing market in India. The paper also proposes a conceptual model for the success of e-tailing websites.

Factors Affecting e-Tailing Website Effectiveness: An Indian Perspective

Second International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW'07), 2007

The Indian Retail Market is witnessing a revolution. The growth of internet has enabled the new retail format of the virtual retailer to emerge and forced the existing retailers to consider e-tailing model of retailing as well. A large number of consumers frequently use the Internet for shopping purposes but its' not clear what drives them to shop online. This study captures the important factors affecting the success and effectiveness of e-tailing sites to propose a unifying framework that could eventually guide research in this area and prove beneficial for e-tailers and e-marketers as well.

Buying Behavior Towards E-Tailing In Rural Areas Of Kanyakumari District

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computing, Communication and Control System, I3CAC 2021, 7-8 June 2021, Bharath University, Chennai, India, 2021

In the contemporary world, E-Shopping has become one of the most popular arrangements among compulsive shoppers. E-Shopping gives access to any user to purchase any sort of products or avail any kind of services which are listed online, within their comfort zone. It does not even compromise on the convenience of the customers, because anyone who purchases a product or service from the internet have the provision to get it delivered at their doorstep. Online vendors have been acquiring more volume of customers through creative and crafty marketing and hassle-free shopping experience with maximum satisfaction. Online vendors stay on top of the game by fulfilling their clients' requirements seamlessly. A detailed assessment of this buying pattern reveals that users shop online with the principle moto to save their time. Some of the crucial issue with an online purchase was identified as EMI issues and the modest nature of items. Although there are many issues occurred during e-commerce, but the well-layered administration of the online vendors has managed to rule out all the grievances to a considerable extend. This has motivated many users to depend on online vendors and thus Consumer buying behavior has significant involvement in online shopping.

Challenges and Opportunities of E-Tailing in Emerging Economies

Advances in e-business research series, 2016

The increase in penetration of internet and information and communication technology (ICT) along with change in consumer lifestyle and growing population of internet savvy consumers presents an encouraging platform for e-retailers in emerging markets. Education, technology and growing demand from middle class consumers are further driving the growth vehicle of e-tailing in these nations. There is adequate literature available for electronic business in the context of developed nations but applying that knowledge without any consideration of the unique business environment prevalent in emerging markets may spell danger for online traders. Therefore, the proposed chapter focuses on the growth of e-tailing in emerging economies. It talks about the driving forces for success of e-tailing in various developing economies. The opportunities, challenges and unique issues associated with e-tailing in emerging markets are also discussed. The chapter ends with a discussion on the future of e-tailing in emerging nations.

Investigating Online Purchase Intension Antecedents: A Study of e-tailing experiences

Parikalpana: KIIT Journal of Management, 2021

In today’s era the internet and smartphone has changed the way of communication and doing the business. The rapid growth of online shopping facilitates new opportunities to do business. To grab the opportunities and develop strategies to deal with the possible challenges in the Indian e–commerce market, the e-tailers should have the understanding about the e– commerce market and the factors affecting the online shopping behaviour of consumers. In this context, this study aims at investigating the attributes affecting the online shopping behaviour in the state of Odisha. It also examines the perception towards the various online shopping attributes like website attributes and customer attributes. This study is based on empirical survey, with the help of structured questionnaire through both online and offline modes. Data analysis has been done using SPSS software. The findings of this study suggests “website attributes” (comprising interactivity/ connectivity, privacy and safety, website atmospherics, trust, website usability, order fulfilment and customer support) and “customer attributes” (including telepresence, perceived risks, online shopping attitude, website reputation, perceived control, perceived skills, perceived self-efficacy and ease of use) have a significant relationship with customer experience. Demographic variables like income, age and gender were found to have a significant impact on the medium of online shopping used.

THE FUTURE OF ONLINE SHOPPING IN INDIA. A Study of Punjab and Haryana States of India

Today, the market place is flooded with several e-commerce options for shoppers to choose from. A variety of innovative products and services are being offered spoiling customers for choice. Online shopping is no more a privilege enjoyed by your friends and family living in the US or UK. Today, it is a reality in India. In the last couple of years, the growth of e-commerce industry in India has been phenomenal as more shoppers have started discovering the benefits of using this platform. There is enough scope for online businesses in the future if they understand the Indian shopper’s psyche and cater to their needs. Internet is changing the way consumers shop and buys goods and services, and has rapidly evolved into a global phenomenon. Many companies have started using the Internet with the aim of cutting marketing costs, thereby reducing the price of their products and services in order to stay ahead in highly competitive markets. Companies also use the Internet to convey, communicate and disseminate information, to sell the product, to take feedback and also to conduct satisfaction surveys with customers. Customers use the Internet not only to buy the product online, but also to compare prices, product features and after sale service facilities they will receive if they purchase the product from a particular store. Many experts are optimistic about the prospect of online business. In addition to the tremendous potential of the E-commerce market, the Internet provides a unique opportunity for companies to more efficiently reach existing and potential customers. Although most of the revenue of online transactions comes from business-to-business commerce, the practitioners of business-to-consumer commerce should not lose confidence. It has been more than a decade since business-to-consumer E-commerce first evolved. Scholars and practitioners of electronic commerce constantly strive to gain an improved insight into consumer behaviour in cyberspace. Along with the development of E-retailing, researchers continue to explain E-consumers’ behaviour from different perspectives. Many of their studies have posited new emergent factors or assumptions that are based on the traditional models of consumer behaviour, and then examine their validity in the Internet context.

Exploring the factors Influencing Online Shopping Convenience in the Indian E-Tailing Sector


Purpose: This research has the aim of analyzing the factors which are influencing Online convenience. Here we mainly look into convenience as a key aspect of the research. Five dimensions of online shopping convenience: framework developed by (Jiang, 2013) is used to examine the convenience of online shopping. Design/methodology/approach: The quantitative method consisting of a multivariate Likert-scale questionnaire was adopted. A sample comprising of 163 respondents was used for data collection by the convenience sampling process. SPSS was used to perform the data Study, KMO, and Bartlett's Examination, Confirmation, and Normality, Study hypotheses were evaluated using factor analysis. Findings: The findings show that Access, transaction, and Possession/post-purchase. are the dimensions that have more impact on the usability of online shopping. This study's results expand beyond work on online convenience and help understand what factors drive online convenience for satisfaction. Practical implications: Online websites or brands can understand these factors and related to Online shopping convenience of consumer behavior and managers can focus more on the delivery of the products as we can see the highly affected factor. This will increase loyalty in the customer base.

Determinants of Consumer Attitude towards E-Tailing in Indian Retail Sector: A Study on Factors of Technological Acceptance Model (TAM)

Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 2016

This research papers studies and investigate the determinants of consumers attitude affecting the E-purchase in retail sector. This current study developed the theoretical model based on Technological acceptance model (TAM) by incorporating the variables such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, compatibility, privacy, security, capability (Self-efficacy) and trust. The study collected the data from a sample of 374 users of E-tailing. The data collection tool was a structured questionnaire. The reliability of the tool was confirmed by Cronbach’s α coefficient which was above the threshold (0.7) for all variables. The data were analyzed by correlation and regression to determine the relationship between dependent variables and independent variables. The results revealed that Perceived Usefulness, Ability to use (Self Efficacy), Relationship building and Trust have a positive effect on use of internet for E-purchase (E-tailing) whereas privacy and security have negative rel...

A Conceptual Model to Measure the Impact of Consumer Behaviour on E- Retailing in India

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2019

21 st century is the era of information technology. Be it social networking, banking, ticket booking or e-retailing, the presence of information technology is ubiquitous in our day-today affairs. IT has transcended the physical distance between the service providers and the service receivers. It has also provided the consumers the much needed convenience and offered them competitive price for various products and services. In this context, e-retailing has become a major shopping medium for customers specially the younger generations. The tech savvy young generation has taken to e-retailing like a fish takes to water. Even the older generations are becoming comfortable with the use of information technology for shopping purpose. India despite being a late starter, has become a major force in e-retailing and managed to achieve the tag of the fastest growing market in this category within a very short period. Apart from the home grown Flipkart, Snapdeal, Paytm, Shopclues, the largest e-tailer in the world Amazon has also made it into the country. Top retailers like Walmart and Alibaba have picked up major stakes in various e-tailers. The competition has become intense with large discounts and large assortment of products the order of the day. In this context, it has become essential for e-tailers to gauge the consumer behaviour to effectively target them. The present study is an effort to find out the various essential factors impacting e-retail purchase in India and develop a conceptual model for the same.

E-Tailing: An Analysis of Web Impacts On The Retail Market

Journal of Business Strategies

The Web has been changing the retail market in many ways. Following a newmarket framework, this paper analyzes the unique characteristics of the Web forretail applications, examines its market effects, and presents two perspectivesfor business response strategies. The Web can either be used as a marketing tool,which is integrated into traditional business strategies, or can be viewed as anew marketplace, which demands new business design. Differences betweenthese two views will have strategic and implementation implications for bothtraditional and startup retailers as they adapt to Web marketing. Finally, wepropose some research issues and challenges that should be addressed to betterour understanding and promote the success of this new marketplace.