Analisis Strategi Penghimpunan dan Penyaluran Dana untuk Meningkatkan Jumlah Nasabah di BMT Latansa Gontor Ponorogo (original) (raw)

Strategi Pemasaran BMT Al Makmur dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Nasabah Fundig dimasa Pandemi Covid-19

El-Kahfi | Journal of Islamic Economics

Pokok permasalahan penelitian ini adalah Strategi Pemasaran yang diggunakan oleh BMT Al Makmur dalam meningkatkan jumlah nasabah Funding dimasa Pandemi Covid-19.Tujuan pembahasan ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis Strategi Pemasaran yang diggunakan oleh BMT Al Makmur dalam meningkatkan jumlah nasabah Funding dimasa Pandemi Covid-19. Jenis penelitian yang penulis gunakan adalah penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif.Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan ditemukan bahwa Strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan BMT Al Makmur untuk meningkatkan jumlah nasabah dimasa Pandemi Covid -19 adalah Pertama Mengoptimalkan peran dan fungsi tenaga marketing, Kedua Mengoptimalkan Strategi Pemasaran Personal Selling (Penjualan Pribadi), Ketiga Memberikan Service Exellence kepada nasabah, Keempat Membangun dan menjalin Sinergisitas aktif dengan pemerintah dan lembaga yang ada di wilayah kerja.

Strategi fundraising dana zakat (studi kasus LAZNAS Baitul Maal Hidayatullah Gerai Ponorogo Tahun 2020)

Journal of Islamic Economics and Philanthropy, 2021

One of the basic functions of zakat is from the economic function, namely that zakat can change mustahik (zakat recipients) into muzaki (paying zakat). The commandment of zakat is always juxtaposed with the obligation to pray. Seeing the importance of zakat, there must be good management in it. LAZNAS Baitul Maal Hidayatullah Gerai Ponorogo, which is a National Amil Zakat Institution that won the best fundraising award by IFI and also received the best distribution award by BAZNAS. The purpose of this study is to determine the strategy of collecting zakat funds at BMH Gerai Ponorogo and to determine the results of the fundraising strategy that has been implemented by BMH Gerai Ponorogo. This type of research is qualitative research using a case study approach. Sources of data in this study are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews, observation, and documentation. After the necessary data has been collected, the authors analyzed the data using SWOT analysis techniques. The results of this research show that BMH Gerai Ponorogo in a fundraising strategy in terms of strengths in terms of marketing with the use of technology and information with a social media approach, good management between the center and the BMH branches that are able to realize the BMH program well, implement daily debriefing before carrying out assignments and evaluation after each completion of their duties. Weakness (weakness) of the fundraising strategy of BMH HR because some employees do not continue their work there for various other reasons, another weakness is that during the corona pandemic muzaki BMH has decreased in recent months due to Indonesia's lockdown making muzaki unable to go anywhere. Opportunities from BMH fundraising, namely Ponorogo people have a high social spirit, many institutions are monitored so that it becomes an opportunity for BMH itself, in paying zakat muzaki can pay anywhere in BMH even though not in the city itself. Threat (threat) fundraising from government policies in changes to zakat laws and regulations that make BMH readjust to laws and regulations. The results that have been done by BMH Ponorogo are using the strategy of touching the hearts of donors through door to door, collecting funds, promoting morals in socializing, utilizing electronic media, newspapers, holding events such as tahfidz competitions, utilizing social media such as IG, FB WA, and also applying brochure entrusted to several food stalls and hotels. From this strategy, it is evident that the zakat funds collected by BMH Ponorogo are increasing every year

Strategi Meningkatkan Funding Dimasa Pandemi Pada Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Sumberrejo Bojonegoro

Al Iqtishod: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Ekonomi Islam, 2022

Saat pandemi hampir semua sektor perkenomian terkena dampak dan banyak mengalami penurunan, salah satunya adalah bank .syariah. Sebagai lembaga penghimpun dana, ketika perekonomian mengalami penurunan maka funding mereka pun juga akan mengalami penurunan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dii bank syariah Indonesia kcp sumberrejo bojonegoro. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi meningkatkan funding yang dilakukan bank syariah Indonesia selama masa pandemi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatifidengan metode pengumpulan data berupa wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bank syariah Indonesia kcp sumberrejo bojonegoro menggunakan strategi produk, promosi, iklan, peminimalisiran pencairan dana dan kunjungan untuk meningkatkan funding di masa pandemi, dan kendala yang di alami adalah banyaknya nasabah yang melakukan pencairan dana dan persaingan antar lembaga keuangan syariah.

Sosialisasi Pemasaran Dan Komunikasi Terhadap Minat Nasabah Untuk Menabung DI BMT

Jurnal Abdimas Mandiri

Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) / Koperasi Keuangan Jasa Syariah sebagai lembaga keuangan mikro berbasis syariah muncul dan mencoba menawarkan solusi bagi masyarakat kelas bawah. Oleh karna itu adanya beberapa aspek penting yang harus dilihat dalam keberhasilan BMT yaitu konsep pemberdayaan yang dilakukan BMT sehingga dapat terlihat unggul terutama bagi mahasiswa dan mahasiswi STEBIS IGM dan karakteristik nasabah yang secara otomatis dapat diposisikan sebagai objek pemberdayaan. Pada STEBIS IGM Palembang. Kegiatan ini dimulai dengan pengenalan tentang seputaran jasa BMT (Baitul Maal wat Tamwil) terutama mensosialisasikan bagaimana pemasaran dan kounikasi terhadap nasabah untuk bergabung di BMT. Proses kegiatan dilaksanakan dalam waktu 3 minggu dalam satu bulan mulai dari proses persiapan hingga pembuatan laporan kegiatan. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah sehingga para mahasiswa/i STEBIS IGM Palembang dapat mengenal produk atau jasa BMT yang dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam menggunakan p...

Analisis Strategi Penghimpunan Dana Zakat, Infak, dan Sedekah (Studi kasus di LAZ Ummat Sejahtera Ponorogo)

Islamic Economics Journal

One of the Zakat Institution in Ponorogo is LAZ Ummat Sejahtera Ponorogo, which has a muzakki 1.500 people in Ramadan, but except that month, it has 350-400 people of muzakki. The Aim of this research is to identify the preferences and factors influencing the Muslims of Ponorogo in paying Zakat infaq,shodaqoh and to identify the strategy of accumulating zakat infak shodaqoh at LAZ Ummat Sejahtera Ponorogo. The method that used in this research is mixed method or trianggulation method. Also Quantitative research methods used to determine the preferences and factors that influence the interest of Muslims Ponorogo in paying ZIS. While the qualitative method used to analyze the strategy that has been done by LAZ Ummat Sejahtera in order to collect ZIS funds. Data collection in quantitative research through the spreading of questionnaires to 250 Moslem Ponorogo using non probability sampling method with purposive sampling technique. After that, the data were analyzed by factor analysis method. While collecting qualitative research data obtained through interviews with

Analisis Alokasi Dana Hibah DI Propinsi Banten

Jurnal Administrasi Publik, 2014

Finance is important object in government. Finance managing is foundation to manage a country. Finance allocation must describe citizens need ,government need in public service and equity. Finance allocation can't describe political interesting of the man who row the power. Grant fund is one item in budgeting. The Allocation of grant fund in Banten provience in 2013 is Rp. 415.451.525.000,00. It is 20,1 % from total budget in Banten provience. The proportion of Indirect funding is 39%, and 107 % of direct funding. This policy describe that funding for community development and infra strcture is less than grant fund. Fact, many organization which receiving grant fund is not accountabel and fictive, so if the alocation of grant fund too big its cause dis-oriented and manipulating in public budgeting.

Implementasi Pembiayaan Mudharabah dan Murabahah di BMT NU Ngasem Bojonegoro

El-Qist : Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB)

BMT NU Ngasem Bojonegoro has several financing products including mudaraba, musharaka and murabahah. In this study, what is interesting for the writer to study is mudaraba financing and murabahah financing. This is because mudharabah and murabahah contracts are contracts that are easy to apply in channeling funds. BMT is quite selective in analyzing financing before BMT realizes financing, to minimize losses caused by bad loans due to lack of financing realialization standards. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, and uses primary and secondary data sources. This data collection method uses interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction analysis techniques, data presentation and verification or conclusion drawing. To check the validity of the findings the author uses triangulation techniques. The results showed that the implementation of mudharabah financing in BMT NU Ngasem Bojonegoro the procedure was not in accordance wi...

Strategi Pemasaran Produk Simpanan Dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Nasabah Pada BMT Mitra Muamalat Kudus

IQTISHADIA Jurnal Ekonomi & Perbankan Syariah

This study was carried out with the aim of describing and analyzing the marketing strategy of savings products at the Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT) financial institution Mitra Muamalat, Kudus City. The research method used is a type of qualitative research with data collection techniques through direct observation and interviews with several informants, namely managers, branch coordinators, account officers, and customers at BMT Mitra Muamalat Kudus. The results of this study indicate that each marketing strategy has its own advantages depending on the intended target market. The marketing strategy at BMT Mitra Muamalat Kudus which is considered effective in increasing the number of customers is "getok tular" or better known as word of mouth marketing activities. The recommendation from this study for the development of further research is that researchers can explore data sources in several BMTs to then be analyzed and compared with one another in order to get more concrete results regarding effective marketing strategies to increase the number of deposit customers at Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT).

Analisis Strategi Pengawasan Penggunaan Pembiayaan Modal Kerja Akad Mudlarabah Pada Nasabah BMT Bina Ummat Sejahtera Cabang Babat Lamongan

JES (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah)

The outlay of financial capital is one kind of financial budgetings used to support the investment and development of business. It also can be used by entrepreneurs to expand their enterprises and even those who intend to start running their business. In BMT Bina Ummat Sejahtera (BUS) branch of Babat Lamongan, the outlay of job financial capital applies the contract of mudlarabah. The process of applying the contract of mudarabah, however, appears certain risk and side effect toward the members of BMT BUS branch of Babat Lamongan when the outlay is given. So, BMT BUS branch of Babat Lamongan is doing supervision and control during the process. This research aims at revealing the strategies used to supervise the application process of the outlay of job financial capital using contract mudlarabah for members of BMT BUS branch of Babat Lamongan and how the strategies of analysis control applied to analyse the application process of the outlay of job financial capital using contract mu...