Y. Panidis 2019. A Bibliography of the History of "Children" and "Women" in the Ancient Greek and Roman World: 1900-2019 (1st ed., 4120 entries on Embryology, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Sexuality, Feminity, Marriage, Childbirth, Motherhood, Nursing, Infancy, Childhood, Infanticide)
University of Crete, 1st edition, February 2019
Elena Gudova, Asya Karaseva, Magdalena Kozhevnikova, Victor Krutkin, Aleksandra Kurlenkova, Anna Malyar, Dmitriy Mikhel, Igor Morozov, Michel Rivkin-Fish, Irina Sirotkina, Elena Sokolova, Liliia Zemnukhova. Forum 38: Body and Technology // Forum for Anthropology and Culture. 2019. No. 15. P. 13-82.