Loop space representation of quantum fermions and gravity (original) (raw)
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We study the quantum fermions+gravity system, that is, the gravitational counterpart of QED. We start from the standard Einstein-Weyl theory, reformulated in terms of Ashtekar variables; and we construct its non-perturbative quantum theory by extending the loop representation of general relativity.
Fermion coupling to loop quantum gravity: Canonical formulation
Physical Review D
In the model of fermion field coupled to loop quantum gravity, we consider the Gauss and the Hamiltonian constraints. According to the explicit solutions to the Gauss constraint, the fermion spins and the gravitational spin networks intertwine with each other so that the fermion spins contribute to the volume of the spin network vertices. For the Hamiltonian constraint, the regularization and quantization procedures are presented in detail. By introducing an adapted vertex Hilbert space to remove the regulator, we propose a diffeomorphism covariant graph-changing Hamiltonian constraint operator. This operator shows how fermions move in the loop quantum gravity spacetime and simultaneously influences the background quantum geometry.
Lessons from Toy-Models for the Dynamics of Loop Quantum Gravity
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2012
We review some approaches to the Hamiltonian dynamics of (loop) quantum gravity, the main issues being the regularization of the Hamiltonian and the continuum limit. First, Thiemann's definition of the quantum Hamiltonian is presented, and then more recent approaches. They are based on toy models which provide new insights into the difficulties and ambiguities faced in Thiemann's construction. The models we use are parametrized field theories, the topological BF model of which a special case is three-dimensional gravity which describes quantum flat space, and Regge lattice gravity.
Combinatorial Space from Loop Quantum Gravity
General Relativity and Gravitation - GEN RELATIV GRAVIT, 1998
The canonical quantization of diffeomorphism invariant theories of connections in terms of loop variables is revisited. Such theories include general relativity described in terms of Ashtekar-Barbero variables and extension to Yang-Mills fields (with or without fermions) coupled to gravity. It is argued that the operators induced by classical diffeomorphism invariant or covariant functions are respectively invariant or covariant under a suitable completion of the diffeomorphism group. The canonical quantization in terms of loop variables described here, yields a representation of the algebra of observables in a separable Hilbert space. Furthermore, the resulting quantum theory is equivalent to a model for diffeomorphism invariant gauge theories which replaces space with a manifestly combinatorial object.
Spacetime as a Feynman diagram: the connection formulation
Spin foam models are the path integral counterparts to loop quantized canonical theories. In the last few years several spin foam models of gravity have been proposed, most of which live on finite simplicial lattice spacetime. The lattice truncates the presumably infinite set of gravitational degrees of freedom down to a finite set. Models that can accomodate an infinite set of degrees of freedom and that are independent of any background simplicial structure, or indeed any a priori spacetime topology, can be obtained from the lattice models by summing them over all lattice spacetimes. Here we show that this sum can be realized as the sum over Feynman diagrams of a quantum 1 field theory living on a suitable group manifold, with each Feynman diagram defining a particular lattice spacetime. We give an explicit formula for the action of the field theory corresponding to any given spin foam model in a wide class which includes several gravity models. Such a field theory was recently found for a particular gravity model . Our work generalizes this result as well as Boulatov's and Ooguri's models of three and four dimensional topological field theories, and ultimately the old matrix models of two dimensional systems with dynamical topology. A first version of our result has appeared in a companion paper [2]: here we present a new and more detailed derivation based on the connection formulation of the spin foam models.
“Sum over surfaces” form of loop quantum gravity
We derive a spacetime formulation of quantum general relativity from (hamiltonian) loop quantum gravity. In particular, we study the quantum propagator that evolves the 3-geometry in proper time. We show that the perturbation expansion of this operator is finite and computable order by order. By giving a graphical representationà la Feynman of this expansion, we find that the theory can be expressed as a sum over topologically inequivalent (branched, colored) 2d surfaces in 4d. The contribution of one surface to the sum is given by the product of one factor per branching point of the surface. Therefore branching points play the role of elementary vertices of the theory. Their value is determined by the matrix elements of the hamiltonian constraint, which are known.
Spacetime as a Feynmann diagram: the connection formulation
Spin foam models are the path integral counterparts to loop quantized canonical theories. In the last few years several spin foam models of gravity have been proposed, most of which live on finite simplicial lattice spacetime. The lattice truncates the presumably infinite set of gravitational degrees of freedom down to a finite set. Models that can accomodate an infinite set of degrees of freedom and that are independent of any background simplicial structure, or indeed any a priori spacetime topology, can be obtained from the lattice models by summing them over all lattice spacetimes. Here we show that this sum can be realized as the sum over Feynmann diagrams of a quantum 1 field theory living on a suitable group manifold, with each Feynmann diagram defining a particular lattice spacetime. We give an explicit formula for the action of the field theory corresponding to any given spin foam model in a wide class which includes several gravity models. Such a field theory was recently ...
An Adynamical, Graphical Approach to Quantum Gravity and its Foundational Implications
We use graphical field gradients in an adynamical, background independent fashion to propose a new approach to quantum gravity and unification. Our proposed reconciliation of general relativity and quantum field theory is based on a modification of their graphical instantiations, i.e., Regge calculus and lattice gauge theory, respectively, which we assume are fundamental to their continuum counterparts. Accordingly, the fundamental structure is a graphical amalgam of space, time and sources (in parlance of quantum field theory) called a "spacetimesource element." These are fundamental elements of space, time, and sources, not source elements in space and time. The transition amplitude for a spacetimesource element is computed using a path integral with discrete graphical action. The action for a spacetimesource element is constructed from a difference matrix K and source vector J on the graph, as in lattice gauge theory. K is constructed from graphical field gradients so that it contains a non-trivial null space and J is then restricted to the row space of K, so that it is divergence-free and represents a conserved exchange of energy-momentum. This construct of K and J represents an adynamical global constraint between sources, the spacetime metric, and the energymomentum content of the element, rather than a dynamical law for time-evolved entities. In this view, one manifestation of quantum gravity becomes evident when, for example, a single spacetimesource element spans adjoining simplices of the Regge calculus graph. Thus energy conservation for the spacetimesource element includes contributions to the deficit angles between simplices. This idea is used to correct proper distance in the Einstein-deSitter cosmology model yielding a fit of the Union2 Compilation supernova data that matches ɅCDM without having to invoke accelerating expansion or dark energy. A similar modification to lattice gauge theory results in an adynamical account of quantum interference. , mcdevittt@etown.edu m t x c J J K J o
Revisiting canonical gravity with fermions
Fermions constitute an important component of matter and their quantization in presence of dynamical gravity is essential for any theory of quantum gravity. We revisit the classical formulation adapted for a background free quantization. The analysis is carried out with the Hilbert-Palatini form for gravity together with the Nieh-Yan topological term which keeps the nature of Barbero-Immirzi parameter independent of inclusion of arbitrary matter with arbitrary couplings. With dynamical gravity, a priori, there are two distinct notions of `parity' - orientation reversing diffeomorphisms and improper Lorentz rotations. The invariance properties of the action and the canonical framework are different with respect to these and gravitational origin of parity violation seems ambiguous.