Seasonality of biological and physical systems as indicators of climatic variation and change (original) (raw)

Community-level phenological response to climate change

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013

Climate change may disrupt interspecies phenological synchrony, with adverse consequences to ecosystem functioning. We present here a 40-y-long time series on 10,425 dates that were systematically collected in a single Russian locality for 97 plant, 78 bird, 10 herptile, 19 insect, and 9 fungal phenological events, as well as for 77 climatic events related to temperature, precipitation, snow, ice, and frost. We show that species are shifting their phenologies at dissimilar rates, partly because they respond to different climatic factors, which in turn are shifting at dissimilar rates. Plants have advanced their spring phenology even faster than average temperature has increased, whereas migratory birds have shown more divergent responses and shifted, on average, less than plants. Phenological events of birds and insects were mainly triggered by climate cues (variation in temperature and snow and ice cover) occurring over the course of short periods, whereas many plants, herptiles, a...

Altered geographic and temporal variability in phenology in response to climate change

Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2006

Aim In response to recent climate warming, numerous studies have reported an earlier onset of spring and, to a lesser degree, a later onset of autumn, both determined from phenological observations. Here, we examine whether these reported changes have affected the synchronization of events on a regional level by examining temporal and spatial variability in phenology. In particular, we study whether years with earlier springs are associated with an altered spatial variability in phenology.

Species-specific phenological responses to winter temperature and precipitation in a water-limited ecosystem

Ecosphere, 2015

Phenology is the study of seasonal biological events such as flowering, leaf-out, insect emergence, and animal migration. Long-term observational studies at numerous temperate zone sites have found that the timing of phenological events responds to temporal variation in climate. To assess the phenological effects of climatic variation on California's flora, The California Phenology Project (CPP) was established in 2010 to develop and to test monitoring protocols and to create tools to support long-term phenological monitoring and education in several California national parks. The CPP uses standardized protocols developed in collaboration with the USA National Phenology Network (USA-NPN) to track the phenological status of 30 plant species across key environmental gradients (e.g., latitude, elevation, and precipitation). To date, over 860K phenological records collected by trained citizen scientists, natural resource managers, and park interns participating in the CPP have been contributed to the National Phenology Database. Observations recorded up to twice per week during the first 40 months of monitoring by the CPP were of sufficiently high resolution to detect associations between local climatic conditions and the onset of targeted phenophases. Here, we present analyses of four of the most intensively-monitored species: Baccharis pilularis (Asteraceae), Quercus lobata (Fagaceae), Sambucus nigra (Caprifoliaceae), and Eriogonum fasciculatum (Polygonaceae). We examined the effects of monthly climate parameters during a four month window (December to March), including mean minimum temperatures (Tmin), total monthly precipitation, and their interactions, on the onset dates of four phenophases per species. Stepwise regressions explained a high proportion (30-99%) of the variation in the onset date of each phenophase. Species and phenophases differed, however, with respect to the strength and the direction of the relationship between each month's conditions (Tmin and/or precipitation) and the timing of vegetative and reproductive phenophases. Given the high climatic variation represented among the monitored sites and among years (2011-2013), it was possible to detect significant associations between local, recent winter conditions and the onset dates of subsequent phenophases, although interactions between monthly conditions were also common. These patterns permit preliminary predictions regarding how these species will respond to future winter warming and intensifying drought.

Cold truths: how winter drives responses of terrestrial organisms to climate change

Biological Reviews, 2014

Winter is a key driver of individual performance, community composition, and ecological interactions in terrestrial habitats. Although climate change research tends to focus on performance in the growing season, climate change is also modifying winter conditions rapidly. Changes to winter temperatures, the variability of winter conditions, and winter snow cover can interact to induce cold injury, alter energy and water balance, advance or retard phenology, and modify community interactions. Species vary in their susceptibility to these winter drivers, hampering efforts to predict biological responses to climate change. Existing frameworks for predicting the impacts of climate change do not incorporate the complexity of organismal responses to winter. Here, we synthesise organismal responses to winter climate change, and use this synthesis to build a framework to predict exposure and sensitivity to negative impacts. This framework can be used to estimate the vulnerability of species to winter climate change. We describe the importance of relationships between winter conditions and performance during the growing season in determining fitness, and demonstrate how summer and winter processes are linked. Incorporating winter into current models will require concerted effort from theoreticians and empiricists, and the expansion of current growing-season studies to incorporate winter.

Markers for Global Climate Change and Its Impact on Social, Biological and Ecological Systems: A Review

American Journal of Climate Change, 2020

Present article sketches out major climate induced changes in marine, aquatic and terrestrial life. Few important biomarkers such as ecological, meteorological, socioeconomic, thermal, biophysical and biological, behavioral markers of climate change and global environmental stress have been highlighted to predict the future challenges and finding appropriate solutions. Though, so many climate change induced effects are visible but few unpredictable effects may be seen in future. Therefore, all such effects have been acknowledged, and tried to find appropriate solutions. Most visible effect is collection of high amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which is responsible for green house effect and causing natural calamities round the globe. It is not only jeopardized the survival of terrestrial, fresh water animals mainly planktons, bottom dwellers; coral reefs, algae, fish fauna in marine environment belong to different taxon but also responsible for disruption of ocean's food web due to non-assimilation of extra carbon dioxide by the ocean water. There is a sharp decline in fresh water and sea shore micro-flora and micro-fauna. Other major visible effects are loss of biodiversity, depletion of forests, land degradation, severe floods and draughts. On other hand sudden changes in weather conditions causing irreparable devastations due to hurricanes and typhoons, storms, lightening, earthquakes and tsunamis are normally on rise. Both economic and ecological breakdowns are occurring more frequently which are more impactful and persistent. Climate change is major human health stressor; it is making fragmentation of socio-cultural bonds and reducing fertility of soil finally crop production. Climate change is imposing nonadaptive forced human migration, territorial conflicts, decreasing ecosystem productivity, disease out breaks, and impelling unequal resource utilization.

Responses of spring phenology to climate change

New Phytologist, 2004

Climate change effects on seasonal activity in terrestrial ecosystems are significant and well documented, especially in the middle and higher latitudes. Temperature is a main driver of many plant developmental processes, and in many cases higher temperatures have been shown to speed up plant development and lead to earlier switching to the next ontogenetic stage. Qualitatively consistent advancement of vegetation activity in spring has been documented using three independent methods, based on ground observations, remote sensing, and analysis of the atmospheric CO 2 signal. However, estimates of the trends for advancement obtained using the same method differ substantially. We propose that a high fraction of this uncertainty is related to the time frame analysed and changes in trends at decadal time scales. Furthermore, the correlation between estimates of the initiation of spring activity derived from ground observations and remote sensing at interannual time scales is often weak. We propose that this is caused by qualitative differences in the traits observed using the two methods, as well as the mixture of different ecosystems and species within the satellite scenes. © New Phytologist (2004) 162 : 295 -309 Review 296 Research review © New Phytologist (2004) 162: 295 -309 Review 308

A globally coherent fingerprint of climate change impacts across natural systems

Nature, 2003

Causal attribution of recent biological trends to climate change is complicated because non-climatic influences dominate local, short-term biological changes. Any underlying signal from climate change is likely to be revealed by analyses that seek systematic trends across diverse species and geographic regions; however, debates within the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reveal several definitions of a 'systematic trend'. Here, we explore these differences, apply diverse analyses to more than 1,700 species, and show that recent biological trends match climate change predictions. Global meta-analyses documented significant range shifts averaging 6.1 km per decade towards the poles (or metres per decade upward), and significant mean advancement of spring events by 2.3 days per decade. We define a diagnostic fingerprint of temporal and spatial 'sign-switching' responses uniquely predicted by twentieth century climate trends. Among appropriate long-term/large-scale/multi-species data sets, this diagnostic fingerprint was found for 279 species. This suite of analyses generates 'very high confidence' (as laid down by the IPCC) that climate change is already affecting living systems.