Study of the Enhancement of Glutine-Free Bread with Cereal Germs (original) (raw)

Использование муки крупяных культур в производстве безглютенового хлеба


В статье приведены результаты исследований технологии безглютеновых хлебных изделий. Рассмотрены пути повышения пищевой ценности и улучшения органолептических показателей этих изделий. Поскольку гречневая и рисовая мука не содержат глютен, изучена возможность использования данных видов сырья в технологии безглютенового хлеба, что позволит расширить ассортимент диетических изделий для больных целиакией.

Development and Quality Characteristics of Cereals-Legumes Blended Muffins

Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences, 2017

Composite flours were formulated by the fortification of the wheat flour with the flours of maize, chickpea and soybean to prepare muffins. For this purpose, maize, chickpea and soybean were supplemented at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% levels with wheat flour, to formulate variant compositions. Afterwards, muffins were prepared from them and analyzed for crude protein, fiber, fat, ash, moisture and nitrogen free extract along with sensory attributes determination including crust color, volume, texture, aroma, taste, graininess, symmetry and evenness of bake so as to assess their acceptability by end-users. The crude protein, fiber, fat, ash, moisture and nitrogen free extract exhibiting significant behavior for assorted flour compositions. Selection of best composition comprised of 10% chickpea followed by 100% wheat, 10% corn, 20% chickpea and 10% soybean with no deleterious influence on quality and consumer acceptability. Due to their functional uses in cereal industry, this study will ...

The Technology of Bread with Health-Promoting Properties Based on the Use of a Complex Herbal Supplement

Vestnik Ûžno-Uralʹskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2016

The paper is focused on the expansion of specialized bakery products assortment. The technology of bread with health-promoting properties based on the application of a complex herbal supplement consisting of stevia derived products and fukoidan is proposed. In the course of numerous studies a wide range of a biological activity of these substances is determined. Stevia is a natural sweeting agent which is recommended for diabetic nutrition. Fukoidan is a sulphated heteropolysaccharide as a part of brown algae which ensures anti-tumor, immunotropic, antibacterial and antiviral effects. Besides, it has strong antioxidant and diabetic properties. The chemical composition of components in the complex herbal supplement is analyzed. The studies on the effect of components on the activity of yeast show that the samples obtained with the help of fukoidan and stevia derived products have an increased number of yeast cells. The increase in swelling and strengthening of flour's gluten is also observed. The maximum value of the gluten weight content when using stevia syrup with fukoidan comprises 35.9 %, which is bigger than the weight content of gluten in check samples by 2.2 %. The need for adjustment of properties of yeast dough in case of sugar elimination from the recipe is mentioned. The stevia solution is made from the stevioside powder (0.14 % from the flour mass). The stevia syrup (6.35 % from the flour mass) and fukoidan (0.2 % from the flour mass) are introduced in the unchanged state. Organoleptic and physical and chemical indicators of experimental bread samples with the herbal supplement and bread baked according to a traditional recipe are described.

Development of a Technology for Low in Gluten Chestnut Puree

New knowledge Journal of science, 2014

Nowadays the scientific research related to technologies for processing and implementation of chestnut products are aimed to establish the regimes of preliminary treatment of the nuts, such as devitalization, hydrotherapy, thermo-hydro therapy, refrigeration and freezing with the scope of long term storage of the raw material in disguise of peeled, unpeeled, cooled, chilled and etc. chestnut. Additionally added value products can be designed to designate some specific target group like consumers with food allergies, obese people as well as pupils’ nutrition

Relationship of the functional properties of dry wheat gluten with amino acid composition and its quality indicators

Proceedings of the Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, 2019

The aim of the work was to study the dependence of the functional properties of dry wheat gluten (DWG) on the quality indicators obtained after regeneration of its raw form, and amino acid composition. Given that the main direction of use of DWG is the production of flour and bread, the data on the relationship are necessary to predict and increase its use in the production of confectionery, sausage products and other food products. We used 19 samples of the DWG produced by «BM» (Kazakhstan), 3 samples obtained from strong, weak, and average wheat grain quality, and methods for determining the yield and compression deformation (elasticity), the hydration ability of the regenerated raw SPK, amino acid and fractional composition. It is established that the functional properties of the DWG can be predicted on the basis of hydration and compression deformation (elasticity). The DWG with the hydration of 190–200% had the highest foaming capacity, and the most fat emulsifying ability with...

Використання напівфабрикатів гарбуза для збагачення хліба пшеничного

Вісник Полтавської державної аграрної академії, 2018

Одним із пріоритетних завдань сучасного хлібопечення є випуск продукції, яка відрізняється покращеними споживними властивостями. Для виконання цього завдання необхідно максимально залучити в господарський обіг місцеві сировинні ресурси рослинного походження, розробити оптимальні способи їх переробки з метою отримання біологічно цінних напівфабрикатів, що стане поштовхом для виробництва функціональних продуктів харчування. Щоденне споживання хліба дає нам всі підстави вважати його продуктом харчування, що має першочергове значення, тому не випадково у статті була здійснена спроба доповнити рецептуру хліба пшеничного для надання йому істотно нових споживних властивостей, які відповідали б сучасним вимогам щодо харчування. Use of raw material which is a natural source of biologically active substances and adapted to the digestive ration of ordinary Ukrainians in order to enrich food products is an interesting problem to consider. It is possible to supplement the balance of vitally impo...