Ta'lim Al-Ashwat Ála Dhaui Al-Ta'lim Al-Taáwuni ( Dirasah Al-Tajribiyah Fi Ma'had AlImarah Bandung)

al-Ittijah : Jurnal Keilmuan dan Kependidikan Bahasa Arab, 2018

Cooperative learning is one of the learning models used by teachers in teaching and learning process, and it has many types when it is implemented in the classroom. In reality ashwat (Arabic phonology study) is one of the boring subjects considered by students in Ma'had Al-Imarot Bandung. The lecturer only instructs the students to pronounce the Arabic hijaiyyah letters and distinguish the letters adjacent to the makhraj (points of articulation of letters) and its nature. In the learning process, a lecturer uses only lecture method, who gives the examples of correct pronunciation then the students repeat those pronunciations after the lecturer. As a consequence, a lecturer should be able to update the learning process by using an interesting learning model by implementing cooperative learning for instance. The aims of this research is to know the reality of learning ashwat as Arabic pronunciation at Ma'had Al-Imarot Bandung, to know the ability of students to mastery of Arab...

Al Lughah Al 'Aeabiyyah Fi Indonesia Min Al Nash'At Min Al Muassasat


Considering those wide international networks, SunanKalijagaState Islamic University opens its opportunity to contribute to the global world. Those opportunities were supported by numbers of potentialities owned by the University. To mention some, the University has professional human resources. Many of its lecturers are professors anddoctors who earned their degree from prestigious universities abroad as well as from home countries. Furthermore, the University conducted an agreement with international universities for lecturer exchange programs. Many lecturers were invited by universities abroad to teach Islamic studies there. Correspondingly, lecturers from overseas universities were invited to teach or give lecture at the University. Besides its lecturers' role in the academic field in international level,SunanKalijaga State Islamic University also has internationally recognized practitioners, researchers, and even bureaucrat,for example, those who serve as an ambassador, a commissioner of Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and researchers in international institutions. In addition, the University owned an internationally recognized academic journal, al-Jami'ah,which is indexed by Scopus.This becomes the media to spread out academic thoughts and contribution of the University to the international world.

Pengaruh permodalan, kualitas pembiayaan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi terhadap likuiditas pada PT Bank BNI Syariah periode 2013-2017


INDONESIA : Salah satu pengukuran likuiditas adalah dengan melihat tingkat FDR. Likuiditas menjadi poin penting dalam kegiatan operasional perbankan juga dalam ketahanan serta keberlangsungan suatu bank. FDR di Bank BNI Syariah cenderung menurun selama periode 2013-2017. Selain itu, terdapat fenomena gap antara perkembangan CAR, NPF, dan GGDP terhadap FDR di PT Bank BNI Syariah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh Permodalan, Kualitas Pembiayaan dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi terhadap Likuiditas secara parsial. Selain itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh simultan Permodalan, Kualitas Pembiayaan dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi terhadap Likuiditas. Dalam beberapa pendapat dan hasil penelitian yang temukan oleh peneliti lain bahwa Permodalan (XI), Kualitas Pembiayaan (X2) dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi (X3) akan berpengaruh terhadap Likuiditas (Y). Ketika XI dan X3 mengalami kenaikan maka Y juga akan mengalami kenaikan, begitu pula seb...

Thariqah at Tathbiqiy LI Tarjamah Kutub Al Turats Fi Muassasah Dirasah Al Quran Wa Kitab Al Turats Surabaya


Arabic language has some effects for governing Islamic knowledge, furthermore the first source Islamic knowledge is al-Qur’an and al-Hadits that used arabic language. If we want to govern it, we must know arabic language. Usually turast book was studied in Islamic boarding school for understanding some religion knowledges from al-qur’an and al-hadits. For understanding turast book we have to pass transliteration process. It will be find the conclution from the Islamic knowledge. One of way to ease the student for transliting arabic books is tatbiqi methode. It’s combine arabic gramatical, learning vocabularies, and transliting process. The student not only learn the arabic gramatical, but also practice to translate arabic texts according to the principle was learned .

1 - Konsep Fana dalam Warisan Sufi Indonesia

The Sufi experience of 'passing away' (fana) is the most critical and serious theory tabled by the Sufis their introductions and innovations in this stages of path. In this regard, adheres of pantheism, infusion and union with god, thereby, laced their doctrine and creed. They used the definitions of collection (el-jam'), prevention (el-man'), differentiation (el-farq) and intoxication (el-sukr), etc. It, also, attracted the attention of the Sufi Sunnis and they previewed, considered and analyzed it. Many Sufis namely Hamzah Fansuri, Nafis al-Banjari wrote books in Arabic or in Indonesian on passing away (extinction or fana), which is closely related to the doctrine of union with god (itihad), infusion (hulul) and pantheism (wihdat 'l-wujud). Some Islamic scholars (Ulemas) regard them as infringements of Islam, accusing believes of such teaching of being profane, pagan and atheistic. Moreover, this fore-mentioned doctrine resembles, as far, similar theories in Hinduism which the Indonesians embraced before the advent of Islam to these lands. According to al-Fansuri and al-Banjari's perception that Sharia tenets and obligations could be discarded by the person who reaches a certain degree of knowledge (ma'rifa) and 'passing away' (fana) becomes liberated from the Sharia tenets and obligations such as 'zakat', or 'shalat' or 'pilgrimage', etc., which are imposed in Moslems and to which they abide. All Sufis such as Abi Sahl el-Tustary, Aby Yazid, el-Junaid, and el-Ghazali denied this theory of 'passing away' (fana) and considered it as a misleading and corrupting heresy. They advised every person taking to the path of Sufis to abide to Sharia tenets and impositions avoiding religious taboos and inhibitions. They should embrace the belief that they will not have an access to the end of the Path as long as they do not comply closely with Sharia. Konsep Fana dalam Warisan Sufi Indonesia Abstrak: Pengalaman Fana dianggap sebagai konsep yang mengkhawatirkan ketika dijadikan sebagai salah satu anak tangga perjalanan spritual sufi. Dari sini terdapat kaitan yang erat antara konsep fana sufi dengan pantheisme, dan teori titisan Tuhan. Untuk itu, beberapa istilah seperti koleksi (el-jam'), prevensi (el-man'), diferensasi (el-farq) dan intoksikasi (el-sukr) cukup dikenal di kalangan mereka. Ini pula sebabnya, kenapa dapat menarik perhatian sejumlah Sufi Suni, bahkan menganalisa dan mengkritisinya.

Bahts Naqd 'An al-Jumlah 'Ind al-Nuhat wa Atsaruh Fi al-Ta'lim

Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab, 2020

This study aims to critic the concepts of classical and modern Arabic linguists about sentences which they term differently including: number, kalam, tarkib (sentence, phrase). Their differences are inseparable from polemics, especially in providing boundaries and terms used, both in the classical and modern eras. For example the polemic on the use of terminology and the number and meaning of both, whether synonymous or not, which then affects the elements that build it. This study uses a literature study (library research) with content analysis and hermeneutic approaches. This research found that basically the differences in Arabic experts both in the classical and modern eras were not substantive, but rather as editorial debates, technical terminology, and partial.The old grammarian tended to be complicated in providing a definition of sentence compared to contemporary Islamic scholar, it was easier to explain about this sentence.