Designing LMS and CMS for Critical Literacy Course (original) (raw)
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Developing a learning management system for critical literacy course: A need analysis
Bahasa dan Seni: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, dan Pengajarannya
In preparing the students to have the ability to interpret texts using critical lenses, to challenge the power relations within the messages and communicate actively in multimodal context, there is a need and urgency of the hybrid learning process to take place. As part of multi-years’ research and development which aims to develop digital module and learning management systems (LMS) for the students, this preliminary needs-based research focuses on the students’ and lecturers’ perceptions regarding the need for developing LMS in the Critical Literacy course in Bachelor of English Language Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. The research participants were thirty-two students, and a lecturer who responded to questionnaires, interviews to lecturer, and focus group discussions. The research data was the students’ needs based on Hutchinson and Water’s theory which could be divided into target needs (necessities, lacks and wants) and learning needs. The study was conducted with the q...
STAI Tuanku Tambusai Pasir Pangaraian is a high school for Islamic religious education, which in the Teaching and Learning Process (PBM) is currently trying to apply the concept of blended learning by using e-learning. The purpose of this research is to build a Learning Management System (LMS) that can assist lecturers and students in conducting PBM with the help of computer technology. This is felt to have become a necessity during the pandemic and industrial revolution 4.0, STAI should have an e-larning that is able to answer challenges. The online learning system service architecture (e-learning) can be used as an appropriate design in the development of learning methods where the level of flexibility, scalability and functionality can make PBM easier to do anywhere and anytime. The designed online learning system (e-learning) at STAI Tuanku Tambusai is used by two actors, namely students and lecturers.
Integrating English learning content enhance complexity and unconventional demands challenge lecturers in Higher Education. The study investigates and determines an English learning course design through Moodle, the most suitable approach that develops an online environment’s essential language learners’ accomplishment outcomes. The study was conducted with the qualitative approach with a case study research design. The thirty-eight lecturers generate as respondents from Higher Education in the Jakarta area. The result has found that Moodle could implement the demands-complexity of English language learning in the electronic ecosystem. The English course should have obtained attention or engagement with familiarize, encourage, fulfill, evaluate, and understand actual content material integrated Moodle feature. The Moodle-based designer must develop topological technologies to request the particular necessities of learners needs. Moodle is not fundamentally constructed as a mechanis...
To be relevant to the 21 st Century Learner’s needs, Taylor’s University (TU), a private university in Malaysia, revamped its curriculum to be learner-centred. The Malaysian Studies 3 (MS3) course aimed to be the exemplar module site for future module site development for learning at scale (L@S). The learners are undergraduate students, taking MS3 as an elective. In the two design experiments, the learner’s experience was examined using a focus group after undergoing a 14-weeks of L@S entirely online in Taylor’s Integrated Moodle eLearning System (TIMeS). This design-case seeks to investigate the learner’s experience of (1) usability and (2) learning. Two prototypes of MS3 were developed and tested. For the tryouts, Cohort 1 as pre-test and Cohort 2 as post-test after implementing the LDS framework model as a tool to guide learning design in the design refinement. In conclusion, the findings showed ‘teacher presence’, and ‘technical issues’ are the two major themes that influence le...
Building a Digital Learning Hub: Moodle-Based E-Learning for Sekolah Penggerak in Kolaka Utara
International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM)
Moodle serves as a valuable platform for creating online courses, training, and internet-based education while supporting essential e-Learning content distribution standards, specifically referring to SCORM. This research pursues three primary objectives: (1) the development of Moodle-based e-Learning in SMPN 4 Kolaka Utara, (2) the development of a MOODLE-based e-Learning content package adhering to the SCORM standard, and (3) the comprehensive evaluation of the Moodle-based e-Learning development process. Adopting the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) approach, the outcome of this research is the establishment of an innovative E-learning platform, named, accessible online via These courses meet the stringent SCORM standardization criteria, including Accessibility, Adaptability, Affordability, Durability, Interoperability, and Reusability. Formative evaluation results demonstrate a strong alignment with the c...
Comparison of Learning Management System Moodle, Edmodo and Jejak Bali
Proceedings of the International Conference on Progressive Education (ICOPE 2019), 2020
E-learning, some features can be used by students and teachers from making online competency tests, student activity, learning process graphs, or value recapitulation. In this study, analyzing the LMS in the comparison of Moodle, Edmodo, and Jejak Bali so that users can compare and distinguish LMS and their respective uses. The results of this study are to provide an understanding of the differences from LMS so that the use of LMS can be maximized. As a material for consideration of the application of electronic learning that is evenly distributed in every school in Indonesia. This type of LMS is widely used by users, especially among educators, knowing the function details are expected to provide convenience in the current learning system.
This research employs research and development model. The conducted development was the interactive online media based e-learning of English subject with the Moodle application in SMA N 13 Semarang. Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a course management system for online learning using PHP and MySQL. The learning instrument development design was carried out using the six steps of Borg and Gall model. They were need analysis, planning, developing preliminary Moodle-based interactive online media, preliminary field testing, Moodle-based interactive online media revision, and main field testing. The data collecting techniques used in this research were interview, questionnaire and documentation. The developing result of interactive online media Moodle-based to teach narrative reading could be accessed at http://
Britain International of Linguistics Arts and Education (BIoLAE) Journal, 2020
The aims of this study to find out the quality of E-learning based on learning media using Moodle LMS on text of observation. This type of research is development research in the field of education known as Research and Development (R&D). Development research (development research) is research that is used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of these products (Tegeh and I.M, 2013). The result of this study show that The quality of e-learning based learning media using LMS Moodle which was developed as a learning media on the observation report text material is stated to be a useful and effective contribution in improving the quality of learning outcomes of 10th grade TJA1 Vocational School Telkom Shandy Putra Medan. This is because there is a significant difference in the learning outcomes of the average value of students before using e-learning based learning media (pre-test) ie 57.0 or only about 52% are able to exceed KKM and after using e-based learning media ...
This research presents a heuristic evaluation of the usability of the LMS interface for use with student environmental management based at Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU). In addition, heuristic evaluation of the usability should be used to assess the problems with Moodle in the learning management systems. From the analysis, the majority of instructors stated that the system works properly and they do not face problems while working with it. Furthermore, they have understood that, it would be better to expand the system by uploading new material such as recovery option and hide/unhide material options.
Designing and Development of Learning Management System using MOODLE for B.Ed. Teacher Trainees
IJCRT, 2022
The Present study is related to the use of Information Technology in education with the incorporation of internet services for solving a number of problems of teaching and learning. As, in present scenario, students want to learn by their own pace and at their own place. They prefer to get formal Education, informally. To overcome the flaws of formal education system, technology has created a virtual ambience around the learner to enhance the knowledge and hence augment the learning outcomes. One of these virtual environments is using Learning Management Systems (LMS). The aim of this paper is to design and develop a Learning Management System on some selected topics of psychological perspectives of learning for B.Ed. Teachers Training by using hybridized model. Investigators had tried to develop LMS on some selected topics of Psychological perspectives of learning for B.Ed. Teacher Trainees. Investigator used four quadrants in LMS for developing course content. Researcher has used the MOODLE together with the Google doc, wiki, discussion forums, chats, for the teaching Learning theories to B.Ed. Teacher Trainees. The investigators' opinion is that these tools can increase the achievement and motivation of teacher trainees. In conclusion it can be said that LMS on psychological perspective of learning can be effective learning source for the B.Ed. trainees.