The Prospects of Developing the Distance Employment Under the Conditions of Coronomics in Georgia (original) (raw)

Artistic Research Philosophy and Georgia

Pro Georgia

Artistic research studies the creative process that leads to an artwork. The aim of artistic research is to produce knowledge on the basis of research outcomes and thus to contribute to development of various disciplines of culture. The idea of artistic research is quite new and it is no surprise that the field is still unexplored in Georgia. Though, artistic research has its historical background in the academic field of the country. The authors of the present article were given a unique opportunity to actively participate in the formation of a new research form and to contribute to its development at the international level as their fundamental research “Development of Artistic Research Methodology on the Example of Exploration of the Piano of the 21st Century and its Future Perspectives” was supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia. Within the project, they carried out the first research in the field of Georgian academic music which was conceived as pur...

Weather, Climate and Their Change Regularities for the Conditions of Georgia


In the monograph "Weather, climate and their change regularities for the conditions of Georgia" the natural factors causing the formation and variability of weather, as well as one of the important problems of modernity, climate change and causing reasons are studied in the complex manner using modern technologies. The data of the ground based hydrometeorological network and satellite observations of the Earth Observation Mission are used. The impact of climate change on the number of sectors of the country's economy (construction industry, tourism, healthcare, education and others) has been evaluated. The monograph has both scientific and practical value. The monograph is intended for specialists working in this field and the wide society. It can be used as the supplementary handbook for students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of higher education institutions.

Optimal Economic Stimulus Policy in the Pandemic Situation


The risk factors named in the 2021 Draft Scenario for Amendments to the Budget Law of Georgia include: risk of pandemic exacerbation; a sharp decline in revenues of the tourism sector; despite the increase in trade turnover, the increase in supply costs, which is explained by the world's ongoing inflationary processes; increased global debt and changes in global consumer behavior are also mentioned. In a pandemic, it is especially difficult to stimulate the economy in low- and middle-income countries. The article discusses global issues and potential solutions. The economy must be recovered as quickly as possible. Government actions create an economic incentive to encourage the private sector. Economic stimulus is based on the analogy of biological stimulus and response processes. Keywords: Economic stimulus, recession, stimulus, investment, economic stimulus plans, Rickard equivalence.

ტელეიკონური გამოსახულება საბჭოთა საქართველოში

სამაგისტრო ნაშრომი, 2018

სამაგისტრო ნაშრომი წარმოადგენს ტელეიკონური გამოსახულების ექსპერიმენტულ კვლევას საქართველოს გვიანი საბჭოთა ეპოქის კონტექსტში. ნაშრომი ექსპერიმენტული მცდელობაც არის, რადგან თავისთავად კონცეპტი "ტელეიკონურობაც" ჯერ არ არის ბოლომდე გამოკვლეული. იგი მოითხოვს დღევანდელ თანამედროვეობის კონტექსტშიც გაანალიზებას, რაც მომდევნო ნაშრომის საგანი გახდება.

კრიზისული კომუნიკაცია და სოციალური მედიის გამოწვევები / Crisis communication and social media challenges

MOAMBE, 2023

The article discusses issues of crisis communication, a still developing direction among social sciences. Its thorough study began in the 80s of the 20th century and, therefore, it is accompanied by certain difficulties, including different opinions about the definition, the lack of empirical studies and the undefined possibilities of social media, because of which a crisis can be planned and instigated in the virtual space by a single social network user. It should be noted that crisis communication, as a discipline, is mostly based on the case study method, and the existing theories of crisis communication are being improved along with technological progress. Virtual space itself creates new crises and dictates new, unusual standards of crisis communications, with which there is virtually no precedent for dealing with. However, social media has a great opportunity to influence not only the course of crisis communication, but also the future perspective of companies and the formation of public opinion.