Bimbingan Pribadi Berdasarkan Profil Optimisme Peserta Didik (original) (raw)
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Bimbingan Pribadi-Sosial Berbasi Zoom Meeting Untuk Konsep Diri Positif Peserta Didik SMP Kelas IX
FOKUS (Kajian Bimbingan & Konseling dalam Pendidikan)
This research is motivated by the existence of a negative self-concept in class IX students. This is indicated by the behavior that is not in accordance with the behavior of students at school. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with the aim of describing the implementation of pribadi-social guidance. The results of the research obtained in the implementation of pribadi-social guidance using a zoom meeting, namely planning first then carrying out services through several stages such as problems, diagnosis, prognosis, therapy and evaluation and follow-up. This can be seen from inappropriate behaviors such as not liking criticism, withdrawing from friends and not understanding himself, his family, and the people around him. Social interaction is also hampered and makes it difficult for these students to develop their potentialKeywords: Pribadi-Social Guidance, Self-Concept, Zoom Meeti...
Pemberian Layanan Bimbingan Pribadi Sosial Untuk Meningkatkan Self Esteem Siswa
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling, 2018
Self esteem can occur in adolescence, one of which is at school age. School age is the transition period of individuals from childhood to adulthood, so that many problems are faced, both with oneself and with the surrounding environment. This study aims to determine the increase in student self esteem by providing personal social guidance services. This study used guidance and counseling action research (PTBK). The population is determined as the research respondents. The data collection methods used in this study were questionnaire method, and observation. Based on the results of the study; the first cycle at the first meeting, the respondents still showed low self esteem, which showed only 50%. While in cycle 2, researchers emphasized more on providing reinforcement to respondents so that the self esteem can increase to 70%. This can be seen from the column showing that self esteem has increased to 70%.
Bimbingan Pribadi-Sosial Untuk Siswa Yang Memiliki Tingkat Kedisiplinan Rendah
FOKUS (Kajian Bimbingan & Konseling dalam Pendidikan)
The purpose of this study is to analyze problems in student discipline through Personal and Social Guidance Services that focus on student interaction in socializing at school in order to improve student discipline. The research method used is qualitative research that is literature study (library research). Based on the results of literature study, it is found that personal social guidance services can improve student discipline. Personal social guidance services can solve personal and social problems canalso help students in (a) change towards growth, (b) understand themselves fully and fully, (c) learn to communicate healthier, (d)practice new, healthier behaviors, (e) learning to express themselves fully and intact, (f) how individuals (students) can survive, and (g) relieving dysfunctional symptoms.Keywords: social personal guidance, discipline
Layanan Bimbingan Dan Konseling Pribadi Sosial Dalam Menumbuhkan Sikap Positif Siswa
There are still many students who violate the rules at school making them hampered to achieve success. Not only that, if this is left unchecked, it will make the character of students not good. The purpose of writing this journal is to fnd out the right way so that each student can obey the discipline at school. Where if this can be done surely the system and purpose of an institution will be easily achieved. Personal social guidance and counseling services are an alternative as an effort to make students obey the rules. Counseling services emphasize change in addressing discipline. By changing negative attitudes such as breaking the rules into a positive attitude that is obeying the order. Learners’ positive attitudes toward discipline can be used as an alternative to changing the rules of curbing and burdensome dicipline into something very useful. And can make students carry out their responsibilities from their heart and willingness not because of coercion or fear of blasphemy, ...
Profil optimisme mahasiswa program studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling, 2019
This study aims to reveal the optimism scale of 2017 Guidance and Counseling Study Program students at the University of Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta. This research is a quantitative research with descriptive method. The instrument that uses to get the data is student optimism scale form. The research subjects were 156 students of Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta Guidance and Counseling Study Program. This study used descriptive statistics with percentage techniques for the data analysis. The results showed that 11.54% of students had optimism in the high category, 88.46% of students in the medium category, and 0% of students in the low category. The research results are used by lecturers and university counselors to design programs in order to facilitate students to develop optimism.
Efektivitas Program Bimbingan Pribadi Untuk Peningkatan Kemandirian Peserta Didik
Penelitian dilaksanakan berdasarkan pada studi pendahuluan di SMAN 12 Tangerang yang menunjukkan cukup tingginya tuntutan sekolah yang mencakup (1) tuntutan materi akademis sekolah berupa materi umum dan kewirausahaan; (2) tuntutan adaptasi dari peserta didik terhadap lingkungan sekolah; (3) munculnya kekhawatiran atas tingginya harapan orang tua setelah lulus SMA; dan belum adanya program khusus berupa program bimbingan pribadi untuk peningkatan kemandirian peserta didik. Tujuan penelitian adalah menghasilkan program bimbingan pribadi yang efektif untuk peningkatan kemandirian peserta didik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen kuasi dengan desain non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Teknik pengambilan sampel mengacu pada sampling purposive atau subyek bertujuan. Partisipan adalah peserta didik kelas XI Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014 sebanyak 60 peserta didik yang terdiri dari kelompok kelas eksperimen berjumlah 30 peserta didik (8 laki-laki dan 22 wanita)...
Bimbingan Penyesuaian Diri Berbasis Cerita Malangan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2020
The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of malanganbased story adjustment guidance in the Junior High School. The implementation of this malangan story-based self-adjustment guidance consists of: a) Phase I, namely the preimplementation of the BK Teacher preparing the group guidance RPL, b) Phase II of the process of carrying out the adjustment guidance activity includes (1) Initial stage, statement of purpose, group formation, consolidation, (2) Phase transition, experimentation, identification, analysis and termination, and (3) Phase III, reflection and follow-up. Thus, the researcher concludes that the implementation of the poor story-based self-adjustment guidance has been carried out properly in accordance with the steps of the self-adjustment guidance. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan bimbingan penyesuaian diri berbasis cerita malangan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Pelaksanaan bimbingan penyesuaian diri berbasis cerita malangan ini terdiri dari (a) Tahap I yaitu pra pelaksanaan Guru BK menyusun RPL bimbingan kelompok, (b) Tahap II proses pelaksanaan kegiatan bimbingan penyesuaian diri, meliputi (1) Tahap awal, pernyataan tujuan, pembentukan kelompok, konsolidasi dan (2) Tahap transisi, eksperientasi, identifikasi, analisis dan terminasi dan (c) Tahap III, refleksi dan tindak lanjut. Dengan demikian, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan bimbingan penyesuaian diri berbasis cerita malangan telah terlaksana dengan baik sesuai dengan langkah-langkah bimbingan penyesuaian diri.
Profil Kepercayaan Diri Siswa Dan Implikasinya Bagi Program Bimbingan Pribadi Sosial
Penelitian dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya permasalahan kurangnya kepercayaan diri yang terjadi pada siswa kelas VIII. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran mengenai kepercayaan diri siswa kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 4 Kota Serang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampel jenuh atau total sampling dengan cara mengambil seluruh anggota populasi sebagai responden atau sampel dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 210 siswa. Penelitian mengenai kurangnya kepercayaan diri dilakukan dengan melihat empat indikator yaitu: 1) Percaya akan kemampuan sendiri, 2) Bertindak mandiri dalam mengambil keputusan, 3) Memiliki rasa positif terhadap diri, dan 4) Berani mengungkapkan pendapat. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu dengan menyebar instrument penelitian berupa angket, observasi dan wawancara dengan siswa. Sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat keperc...
Layanan Bimbingan Pribadi-Sosial Untuk Siswa Yang Memiliki Konsep Diri Negatif DI SMK Negeri 7 Garut
FOKUS (Kajian Bimbingan & Konseling dalam Pendidikan)
The concept of one's self includes knowledge, judgment, and expectations about one's physical, psychic, and social self. The concept of self can shape the cognitive structure of students to do things, either doing positive actions or doing negative actions. This research was conducted using qualitative approach with a case study method. The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of social personal guidance services for students who have negative self-concepts in SMK N 7 Garut. The data collected in this study are data obtained by interviewing, observation and documentation studies. The results showed that students who have negative self-concept who follow social personal guidance services at SMK N 7 Garut including AF and AR students still need guidance services in terms of knowledge and assessment, while from the aspect of expectations AF and AR students already have a positive self-concept. It is necessary the sustainability of social personal guidance ...
Profil Keperibadian Mahasiswa Bimbingan Dan Konseling Menuju Profesi Masa Depan
Perspektif Ilmu Pendidikan
This research aims to map the students’ personality profile in the guidance and Counseling Department, School of Education, State University of Jakarta. The research, conducted as from July through September 2008, belongs to descriptive research with quantitative approach. The total population covered 107 regular students registered at the Department in 2008. The samples were appointed by using proporsional random sampling technique. The data were collected applying Mini Markers anquete and anylized statistically. The results indicate, based on Big Five Personality theory the prominant personality character is agreeableness and the lowest is carefulness.