Pelayanan Kesehatan dalam Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Sosial di Kecamatan Gandus Kota Palembang (original) (raw)

Descriptive Study of Public Service on Local Government (Case Study in West Java Indonesia

Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2016

The study is conducted to determine and to analyse the performance of public service in the town and district offices is in the Province of West Java. The object of this study is Heads of the town and district offices is in the Province of West Java. They are 130 people totally. The result of the research shows that the public services at the town and district offices in the Province of West Java are either at good category. The best dimensions in the public service are clarity and assurance, therefore the need for increased clarity and assurance in providing public services to the community so that the government's performance could be run effectively and optimally. Out of all dimensions, the dimension of clarity and assurance is the best one in constructing the role of public service.

Comparative Study of Public Services in Pangalengan and Coblong Districts

AURELIA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia

Public services are all activities in the framework of fulfilling basic needs in accordance with the basic rights of every citizen and resident over goods, services and or administrative services provided by service providers related to public interests. Communities as customers have needs and expectations for the performance of professional public service providers. The task of the Central Government and Regional Governments is to provide public services that are able to satisfy the public. The implementation of decentralization and regional autonomy policies in Indonesia has resulted in local governments having the responsibility and authority to determine minimum service standards. The fundamental problem in the process of public service in Indonesia is about ethics. There are no universal standards regarding norms or ethics as well as sanctions that specifically regulate violations committed by officials in public services.

Local Government Strategies in Improving the Quality of Public Services in Muara Ponaq Village Office, Siluq Ngurai District, Kutai Barat

Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

The main problem of this research is the strategy of the Local Government in Improving Public Services in Siluq Ngurai District, West Kutai Regency. The sub-problems are 1) the Local Government's Strategy for Improving the Quality of Public Services in Siluq Ngurai District, West Kutai Regency, and 2) the Supporting and Inhibiting Factors of the Local Government in Public Services in Siluq Ngurai District, West Kutai Regency. The research design is classified as a qualitative descriptive study with a management approach. The data sources used are primary and secondary. The data was collected by using observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, presentation, comparative analysis, and conclusion. The results showed that the local government's efforts in improving the quality of public services at the Muara Ponaq office, Siluq Ngurai District, West Kutai Regency, included adjusting to the Muara Ponaq village regulation...

Comparison of Pangkah Kulon Village, Gresik Regency with Intan Jaya Village, Kampar Regency in Public Service in 2017

Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2018

This study discusses the comparison of two village administrations in implementing public service, especially village level demography services. Service at village level is very urgent consider the village is a semi-autonomous government. The position of village government in the service of population administration based on the principle of assistance, is set forth in Law Number 24 Year 2013 regarding the amendment to Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning the administration of population in Article 7 Paragraph (1) Point f reads that the assignment to the village to organize some of the administrative affairs of population based on the principle of co-administration. Pangkah Kulon, a village located in Gresik Regency has the best service innovation to the local community, meanwhile the Village Intan Jaya, in Kampar regency, was far from service standards. Methods and research approaches were conducted using qualitative research method with a descriptive approach, data collection through observation method, in-depth interview, documentation and focus group discussion. Informant determination technique was done by criterion-based selection technique. The results of the research indicate that the service of Intan Jaya Village cannot be well organized which is seen from not fulfilling the standard of service, the service procedure which is difficult to be understood by the society, the recruitment of old system employees, the absence of service innovation, the absence of system in response to various complaints of society, service layout.

Comparative Study of Public Service Quality In Two Urban Villages in Sawahlunto City, West Sumatra

The purpose of this study was to describe the quality of public services in two urban villages in Sawahlunto City, West Sumatra Province. This research was conducted at the Office of the Head of the Air Dingin Head and the Durian II Urban Village Head Office. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The quality of public services is measured through; dimensions of physical evidence (tangible), reliability (reability), responsiveness (responsiveness), assurance (assurance) and empathy (empathy). The data collection method used observation, FGD (Focus Group Discussion), in-depth and structured interviews. The sampling technique used is snowballing sampling. The key informants in this research are; the village head, the secretary of the village head, the community as service users. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively by triangulation according to sources, through the stages of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that based on the dimensions of physical evidence (tangible) did not provide satisfactory results where the service facilities at the Air Dingin Urban Village Head Office and Durian II Urban Village Head Office were not adequate and did not provide satisfactory services to the community as users. This is because the waiting room facilities are not equipped with air conditioning. At the Durian II urban villages Office, there is no waiting room for the public to wait for the service schedule provided by the officers. In both kelurahan, there are no public toilets for public services. The toilet is in the room next to the staff room. Based on the dimension of reliability, officers have carried out the service process in a timely manner with clearly detailed costs. Based on responsiveness, the staff is quite responsive in service. Based on the dimensions of assurance, ease of service, security guarantees to the community have been carried out well. Based on the dimension of empathy (empathy), the attitudes and actions of officers are good, especially in responding to suggestions and criticisms.

Public Service Planning in the New Public Service Perspective (Study at the Nganjuk District Population and Civil Registration Office)


Service planning is needed as a guideline to achieve service goals. The contribution of bureaucrats in agencies and communities as service owners is needed in planning public services to find out public needs. The involvement of bureaucrats and citizens for the public interest is the principle of the New Public Service. However, this plan has been dominated by a top-down approach and inefficient implementation of public services. This research aims to analyze in the New Public Service perspective. This research method is descriptive qualitative research by describing service conditions, planning processes and analyzing the planning in the New Public Service perspective. The results of this study are that in the planning process, other bureaucrats in the agency were not involved, coordination and communication between employees was weak. Then the activities carried out in the implementation of the plan are socialization and shuttle service as an effort to provide equal service. Howev...

Public Service Model in Building Good Governance Culture of Local Government Integrated with New Public Service (NPS)

Public Policy and Administration Research, 2015

Public service in Indonesia is still has many complaints by people, the role of bureaucracy is required to change attitudes and behavior in order to serve community well, public service is a term used to mean service provided by government to its citizens, the New Public Services Approache in the Public Administration paradigm will inevitably have to be able to change the view of providing service to community.Public service does not only satisfy customers, but rather focus on building a relationship of trust and collaboration with citizens, this study had been conducted over two years in Malang, Batu, Malang and it is called as Malang area, which represented a wide range of people. The method used in this study was qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection techniques were done by interviews and documentation, and then the data were analyzed by Miles and Hubberman approach, with data reduction.Society as the licensing service users most directly feeling the impact would ...

Good Public Service Profile and Quality in the Samsat Office of Maluku Province


This research aims to analyze and describe the profile of good and quality public services at the Samsat of Maluku Province. The problems in this research are: (1) How is the profile of good public service at the Samsat of Maluku Province?. The respondents of this research were 59 people who were considered to have closeness and clear knowledge of the data and information needed at the research location. To collect the data needed in this research, a list of questions with a scale of 4 from Likers was used. The data collected from the field were processed and analyzed using non-parametric statistical techniques. The finding of this research shows that the Samsat of Maluku Province has practiced the good and quality public services. However, there are some notes that need to be considered in order to realize the maximum profile of good and quality public services.

Analysis of the Changing Village Status Becoming a Urban Village towards Public Services at Kampung Baruh Tabir Sub-District Merangin Regency


The changing of the village becoming an urban village is one of the long journeys of regional autonomy in Indonesia which has a tremendous impact on the local-level government units. This research tries to show again by analyzing the changing village status becoming an urban village from the aspect of administration government affairs in carrying out public services after the changing village becoming an urban village. The focus on analysis in terms of administrative services. The research method that will be used is qualitative research with descriptive type so that it can analyze how the form of administrative services carried out as a part of the implementation of public services to the society of Kampung Baruh urban village, Tabir Sub-District, Merangin Regency. The result of this research to find out that the implementation of government affairs through administrative service has not been maximally applied, this can be seen from the administrative services of mechanism that is not by standard operating procedures. This is not maximally of administrative services can be measured from the fundamental, the principles and standards of the process implementation public services as well as the duties and the function of the headman as an initiator at once driving the improvement of public services for the society. It is necessary to strengthen the bureaucratic reform at the urban village and leadership level so that it will encourage the presence of innovation in public services, especially administration as a form of government alignments in implementing quality services and to realize welfare and service convenience for the society.

Analysis of Village Head Performance in Public Services: A Case Study in Percut Village District Percut Sei Tuan


According to Law No. 25 of 2009 public service is an activity or series of activities in the framework of meeting service needs in accordance with statutory regulations for every citizen of the country and residents, for goods, services, and / or administrative services provided by public service providersurpose of this research is to find out that public services have been carried out in accordance with existing regulations and to find out what actions the village head has taken to produce excellent performance as the quality of public services of the chief in order to guarantee quality services, complete, easily affordable, and measurable. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research. The data is obtained using a qualitative historical approach and the research process is done naturally and naturally by forming a cycle and focuses the object under study based on field research and the farm of reference. The results of this study indicate that the performance of the ...