Ecological investigations in the Barents Sea, August 1985. Report from Pro Mare-cruise no. 5 (original) (raw)

length, weight, maturity stage, stomach filling degree and age of capelin. Some capelin were also preserved by freezing for later identification of stomach content in relation to food resources. RESULTS Only a part of the data collected during the cruise are worked up until now. In this report, the horizontal and vertical distribution of temperature and salinity are briefly described together with the distribution of chlorophyll ~ and nutrients. In addition, some selected stations (which were common for most of the participating scientists) are described in more detail. The zooplankton results are concentrated to the description of its vertical distribution and species composition. Horizontal distribution of hydrography and chlorophyll a The horizontal distribution of temperature and salinity at 50 m are shown in Fig. 2. This depth is below the pycnocline, and the water masses are therefore not influenced either by melt water .or by temperature heating from the atmosphere. Consequently, Fig. 2 indicates the areas which were occupied by Arctic and Atlantic water masses, and also shows the position of the qceanic Polar front. Water with temperature below o 0 c and with salinity from 34.4 to. 34.6°/oo is usually characterized as Arctic water (LOENG 1985), while water of.-At'la'ntic orig_ i.n. iri ,thi-s. . ar.e.a ,.ha•s "s _ alini ty , a-b:ove 0 .-.. '. .. .. 0 ". . • 34.9 /oo. . Water with sa~inity between 34-;6 and 34.9 • /oo is a mixture between these two main water masses. The position of the soutbqoing BeaI: Island Current is easily seen between the tw~• sh~~P fro~ts in the temperature distribution along the eastern slope of the Svalbard Bank, from Hopen 0 south to Bear Island. the core had a temperature below-1 C. The western front was against a •penna-nent_ ~.ddy above the most shallow part of the bank area, whi'le • the .• eastern front was against the Atlantic water which is flowing northwar4s. 40 1. 0 0. 1 x Eco l ogical inve s ti gations in t he Barent s Sea , Augus t 1985. Report f r om PRO MARE-cru ise no 5. Ecologic al investigations in the Ba r ents Sea, August 1985.