Multiparticle production in reggeon field theory (original) (raw)


Multimeson production in pp interactions comprises important background for η, ω and η ′ mesons production experiments and for the studies of their decays planned with WASA detector at COSY. The available information about the reactions is summarized and the need for efforts to describe the processes is stressed.

Pomeron-Odderon interactions in a Reggeon field theory

Physical Review D, 2017

In this paper we extend our recent non perturbative functional renormalization group analysis of Reggeon Field Theory to the interactions of Pomeron and Odderon fields. We establish the existence of a fixed point and its universal properties, which exhibits a novel symmetry structure in the space of Odderon-Pomeron interactions. As in our previous analysis, this part of our program aims at the investigation of the IR limit of reggeon field theory (the limit of high energies and large transverse distances). It should be seen in the broader context of trying to connect the nonperturbative infrared region (large transverse distances) with the UV region of small transverse distances where the high energy limit of perturbative QCD applies. We briefly discuss the implications of our findings for the existence of an Odderon in high energy scattering.

Double Regge analysis and the extended Dolen-Horn-Schmid duality applied to the processes pp --> Delta++ pi-p and pp --> ppomega

Nuclear Physics B, 1969

A simplified double Regge model analysis is applied down to threshold to the processes pp --> Δ++π-p and pp --> pωp in order to test the extension of Dolen-Horn-Schmid duality proposed by Chew and Pignotti. This gives rather good agreement with experiment, and further leads to quantitative conclusions concerning relative couplings of different reggeons, and concerning the vertex functions. The meson-exchange coupling is found to be stronger than the Pomeron exchange in multi-Regge diagrams even at the highest accelerator energies available at present.

Double Regge analysis and the extended Dolen-Horn-Schmid duality applied to the processes pp → Δ++ π−p and pp → ppω

Nuclear Physics B, 1969

A simplified double Regge model analysis is applied down to threshold to the processes pp → Δ++π−p and pp → pωp in order to test the extension of Dolen-Horn-Schmid duality proposed by Chew and Pignotti. This gives rather good agreement with experiment, and further leads to quantitative conclusions concerning relative couplings of different reggeons, and concerning the vertex functions. The meson-exchange coupling is found to be stronger than the Pomeron exchange in multi-Regge diagrams even at the highest accelerator energies available at present.

Inclusive cross sections and angular distributions in Reggeon field theory

Physical Review D, 1975

We use the Reggeon field-theory rules for inculsive reactions to study those processes in the triple-Regge region. We first show that at asymptotic energies the dominant Reggeon graphs have a single Pomeron connected to external fast particles. We construct the sum of these dominant graphs by obtaining the infrared forms of the Pomeron propagator and triple-Pomeron vertex. This is done by an expanded set of renormalization-group equations which allow one to determine the separate dependencies on all momenta and energies. As a by-product we obtain the momentum-transfer dependence of d o / d t in 2-2 processes. The inclusive cross section is discussed in detail as to its dependence on momentum transfer and missing mass, and we verify that there is no violation of s-channel unitarity when Pomerons interact among themselves. We also estimate the energy at which our asymptotic forms start to become valid.

On the 'toy model" in the Reggeon field theory


The Reggeon field theory with zero transverse dimensions is studied in the Hamiltonian formulation for both sub-and supercritical pomeron. Mathematical aspects of the model, in particular the scalar products in the space of quantum states, are discussed. Relation to reaction-diffusion processes is derived in absence of pomeron merging. Numerical calculations for different parameters of the models, α(0) − 1 = µ and the triple pomeron coupling constant λ, show that the triple pomeron interaction always makes amplitudes fall with rapidity irrespective of the value of the intercept. The smaller the values of the ratio λ/µ the higher are rapidities y at which this fall starts, so that at small values of λ it begins at asymptotically high rapidities (for λ/µ < 1/4 the fall is noticeable only at µy > 100). No visible singularity is seen for the critical pomeron. A perturbative treatment is proposed which may be useful for more realistic models.

Reggeon field theory for large Pomeron loops

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014

We analyze the range of applicability of the high energy Reggeon Field Theory H RFT derived in . We show that this theory is valid as long as at any intermediate value of rapidity η throughout the evolution at least one of the colliding objects is dilute. Importantly, at some values of η the dilute object could be the projectile, while at others it could be the target, so that H RFT does not reduce to either H JIM W LK or H KLW M IJ . When both objects are dense, corrections to the evolution not accounted for in [1] become important. The same limitation applies to other approaches to high energy evolution available today, such as for example and . We also show that, in its regime of applicability H RFT can be simplified. We derive the simpler version of H RFT and in the large N c limit rewrite it in terms of the Reggeon creation and annihilation operators. The resulting H RFT is explicitly self dual and provides the generalization of the Pomeron calculus developed in [4-6] by including higher Reggeons in the evolution. It is applicable for description of 'large' Pomeron loops, namely Reggeon graphs where all the splittings occur close in rapidity to one dilute object (projectile), while all the merging close to the other one (target). Additionally we derive, in the same regime expressions for single and double inclusive gluon production (where the gluons are not separated by a large rapidity interval) in terms of the Reggeon degrees of freedom.

The two-component non-perturbative pomeron and the G-Universality

Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2001

In this communication we present a generalization of the Donnachie-Landshoff model inspired by the recent discovery of a 2-component Pomeron in LLA-QCD by Bartels, Lipatov and Vacca. In particular, we explore a new property, not present in the usual Regge theory -the G-Universality -which signifies the independence of one of the Pomeron components on the nature of the initial and final hadrons. The best description of the pp, pp, r*p, K&p, yy and yp forward data is obtained when G-universality is imposed. Moreover, the en's behaviour of the hadron amplitude, first established by Heisenberg, is clearly favoured by the data.

Recent Developments in one and two Pion Production in Elementary Reactions and Few-Body Systems

Few-Body Systems, 1995

In this talk we c o v er several issues concerning pion production. The rst one is the pp pp 0 reaction where an alternative explanation based on the o shell extrapolation of the N amplitude is oered. A recent model for the N N reaction is presented and a new kind of exchange current is constructed from it which allows one to address problems like double photoproduction from the deuteron. Finally the (;) reaction in nuclei is studied and shown to be highly sensitive to the renormalization of the pions in nuclei.

Transport approach to multiparticle production: Collective phenomena and renormalization

Physical Review D, 1976

We solve AQ theory excited by a c-number source in the random-phase approximation as aprototypic model for investigating the relativistic transport approach to multiparticle production. We find that the pion field excited by the source exhibits collective behavior, with the collective mode first affecting the inclusive single-particle distribution at order g in EdN/d p where g is the coupling to the source. We give the renormalization prescription for the transport theory and derive the renormalized self-consistency equation for the theory with arbitrary source.