Web Based Taxi Management System Using Rfid (original) (raw)
RFID Based Bus Tracking System
The innovation in technology today has made our lifestyle much easier and fun. This research work proposes and implements a solution for enhancing public transportation management services based on RFID and GSM. The system consists of three modules: Bus Module, Super station Module and Bus-Stop Module. The microcontroller based Bus Module consisting mainly of a GSM modem and RFID Readers on the entry and exit gates. When driver press the INIT button, Bus module sends the bus number and license plate number to Super station and starts transmitting its location to Super station Module about a particular bus location out of Bus-Stops. Super station Module equipped with a microcontroller unit and GSM modems interfaced to PCs is designed to keep track record of every bus, processes user request from Android mobile application about a particular bus location out of Bus-Stops and updates buses location on Bus-Stop’s LCD display. Bus-Stop Module is installed at every Bus-Stop and consists o...
Prototype Design System for Mobile Web Using Radio Frequency Identification at Parking Building
Journal of Computer Science, 2013
Several factors cause people forget things. They are retrieval failure, interference failure to store and motivated forgetting. So, it is considered to have tools in order to prevent those. This happens almost everywhere, including when the drivers forgot where their car has been parked. Furthermore, the increase of parking fee is also considerable. The purpose of this research is to design a prototype system for mobile web as one of the helpful tools for car parking location reminder using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology that implemented at the parking building. The research is conducted by direct observation of the current system, do a comparison of similar applications, design the architecture of the system, make the programs, create a mock-up and mobile web as a prototype. The result of this research is a prototype of parking location reminder using RFID-based on mobile web. The mobile web displays information menu such as the location and the parking information. Based on the research, it is concluded that the mobile web can be used as one of solutions for parking location reminder and allows users to view information such as the parking duration and the parking fee estimation.
Public utility buses are the most commonly used vehicle in a long distance journey passing through provincial and national roads. Problems in bus transactions are being encountered. Usually, the passengers do not have exact amount in paying bus fares and the conductors " method of collection is time-consuming. This project study focuses on the use of available technologies, such as RFID and Android. These are the tools used by the proponents to develop an improved system of bus fare transactions. This system includes an electronic card, which will be used by the passenger to pay for their fares, an RFID reader will also be used to accumulate and to store the information from the card, and an Android operated device, which will process each transaction. This system will be connected via Bluetooth. The software is linked to the hardware as well. The proponents conducted series of tests and concluded that the proposed system is much faster than the existing methods. It is verified as well that it is more capable of performing necessary actions in accumulating bus fares.
Design and Implementation of Low Cost Automatic Toll Collection System using RFID
Manual toll systems in India are found everywhere at present. This paper focuses on an Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) system using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. The main goal is to accomplish the contact less toll payment. In this thesis we will discuss RFID based Smart Toll Collection System as a solution to solve the traffic problems and also to maintain transparency of the toll collection system. The aim of the project is to design a system, which automatically identifies an approaching vehicle with the help of the RFID tag. A vehicle will hold an RFID tag with a unique identification number which is placed on the windshield of the vehicle. This number will be assigned by RTO or traffic governing authority. In accordance with this number we will store, all basic information as well as the amount he has paid in advance for the TOLL collection. Thus the reader reads the information in the tag and the transaction takes place through a centralized data base and the aftermath details of the transaction is intimated to the user’s mobile through GSM technology.
Intelligent Transportation System Using RFID assisted Vehicle Positioning System
The Project aims at developing a systematic approach to deploy Radio Frequency identification system (RFID) for Vehicle Positioning in Public transportation system. One of the best ways to encourage people to use the public transit is to make it more attractive by improving the services offered. There are many methods available to make public transit service more attractive, one of which is to provide bus arrival time information at the bus stops through user request. The use of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for better operations and management of traffic is a promising management solution. The process of applying ITS technologies in the Indian transport conditions is in a beginning stage. There are many ITS applications that will be useful in the Indian scenario and one of the important applications among them will be Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS). A reliable bus service network will attract more people to use the same, thereby reducing congestion on road.
Mobile Enabled Bus Tracking and Ticketing System
Public transportation in many countries is being used as a means of transport for travelling and accordingly people would prefer these public transportation to be scheduled properly, on time and the frequency be increased for commuters to make good use of it. It has been found that quite an amount of research work has been carried out, in this sector, by way of using RFID technology in the public transportation systems towards the tracking of passengers when they board and exit buses. In addition research has also been carried out in using GPS towards the tracking of buses along with RFID technology at traffic lights, bus stops, intersections etc and displaying expected arrival times on LCD screen at bus stops along with their current positions. Taking these aspects into consideration, an intelligent mobile bus tracking system for the Jamaican Urban Transport Corporation as case study has been proposed which enables commuters towards tracking the bus of their choice and also knowing their expected arrival times. In addition to tracking, the proposed system also notifies the passengers on their mobile towards topping up of credit in their RFID enabled smart tickets for traveling, well ahead in time. The above System proposed has been validated using Android in this research which allows commuters towards tracking of buses and knowing the expected arrival time. In addition commuter been reminded on their Android mobile handset towards topping their credit on their ticket towards travelling. The above two solutions would alleviate the challenges faced by commuters in respect of referring to the static bus timetable or looking into LCD display screen which would inform the expected arrival time of the next bus. The implementation of the system has been carried out using Android emulator.
GuideME: An Effective RFID-based Traffic Monitoring System
Modelling, Identification and Control / 770: Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, 2012
Traffic jam is a serious problem that has been around for a very long time. In Project GuideME, we propose a system that monitors the highways and calculates the average speed of the passing cars before storing the data in a database. The user can then access real-time updates with exact numerical values of the highways' average speed via a web portal or SMS. Therefore, users can plan the fastest routes for their trips, and reduce congestion by distributing traffic better over the highways. The solution uses two Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) readers on each monitored highway, and installs passive RFID tags on the passing cars. The two RFID readers are integrated with a General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) device that sends data to a web server. The server runs a calculating algorithm and a database to store the data. A prototype was built and tested. It operated as intended, was relatively cheap to implement and delivered accurate results. With the promising preliminary results, we believe that GuideME would function very well in a reallife and large-scale implementation, and can benefit a large number of people.
RFID based automated low cost data acquisition system for public transport
In public transport system, particularly in bus collecting ticket is really a problematic issue. Transport Company has to employ one or two personnel for this purpose. They have to knock everybody for this purpose. It is very common practice for few people to travel without ticket or do not give proper fare. Sometimes there is a rough argument during the journey regarding fare. Also bus personnel have to monitor whether a person has purchased ticket or not. Again having no government authority to take control or keep an eye over the whole scenario, the private sectors are creating a monopoly, taking control over the public transport and autocratic raise in bus fare. To overcome this problem, RFID technology can be used. RFID technology has long been recognized as an efficient method for identifying a single entity. RFID technology also provides for greater security in the system. The ticketing systems using RFID can be merged to solve the above mentioned problems. This paper actually suggests a much more public friendly, automated system of ticketing with the use of RFID based tickets. This system is suitable for megacities like Kolkata where a large no of customers avail public transport system daily.
Implementation of the REST API Model using QR Codes on Mobile Devices to Order Parking Tickets
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 2023
Many parking lots are still operate manually, and delays are commonly caused during the parking process when unforeseen events occur, such as when the parking ticket paper runs out or the ticket machines jam. New services are added to the parking system online with the aim of decreasing the amount of time that people spend waiting in line to park. This is done by conducting a parking booking system to obtain a parking ticket in the form of a QR Code as well as parking information, payment transactions, and other things that interfere with the parking process. In this study, the Forward Chaining Algorithm will be combined with the survey research method as the research methodology. The Rapid Application Development model is used for analysis and design (RAD). Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface (REST API) is one of the solutions offered to overcome this problem. With the advent of online parking services, it is envisioned that customers who intend to park their vehicles in public spaces will be able to reserve a parking space in advance, greatly simplifying the process and eliminating the problem of the drawn out queue process.