Catalogue of the New Corpus of Documents from the Ḥaram al-sharīf in Jerusalem (original) (raw)

This book was made possible with the help, support and advice of many colleagues. Chief among them are our Jerusalemite colleagues Bashir Barakat, Arafat Amro (Islamic Museum, Jerusalem) and Yusuf al-Uzbaki (al-Aqṣā Library). Christian Müller (Paris) helped by offering his intimate knowledge of the documents and Linda Northrup (Toronto) generously shared her knowledge of the documents' discovery in the 1970s. Mohammad Ghosheh (Jerusalem/Amman) has supported this project (and many other related ones) in numerous ways. Suzanne Ruggi converted our various English vernaculars into a more legible shape. Jost Gippert and his team on the European Research Council project The Development of Literacy in the Caucasian Territories project at CSMC (Universität Hamburg), and David Maisuradze (Tbilisi University) provided invaluable help in reading the Armenian and Georgian texts in the documents. Nimet İpek (Sabancı University) generously agreed to take on the documents in Ottoman Turkish. Ken'ichi Isogai (Kyoto University), Ryoko Watabe (Tokyo University) and Takao Ito (Kobe University), helped to improve considerably the readings of the Persian and Persianate documents, while the intervention of Yoichi Yojima (Nara Women's University) was crucial for deciphering their Mongolian and Turkic witness clauses.